Ebola confirmed in Dallas Texas

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this part of the report has me

n Texas, health officials have reached out to about 80 people who may have had direct contact with the man who brought Ebola into the U.S. or someone close to him, a public-health spokeswoman said Thursday.

now i ask..how many of them has come into direct contact with othersfrom start to finesh of the flight.?as well as the man in the hospital..
this part of the report has me

n Texas, health officials have reached out to about 80 people who may have had direct contact with the man who brought Ebola into the U.S. or someone close to him, a public-health spokeswoman said Thursday.

now i ask..how many of them has come into direct contact with othersfrom start to finesh of the flight.?as well as the man in the hospital..

It's at a 100 now in Dallas though I think most is indirect contact never the less, it doesn't ease concerns
exactly..it's all to easy for it to get as bad as it is in africa..plus,im sure some got off the plane(s) between there and here.so that means it can be jsut as easly be in other countrys now as well
Okay, the Texas patient is actually a citizen of Liberia. He helped his landlord there to move his daughter who died of Ebola the day after she was moved. He lied about being in contact with Ebola patients prior to his flight and Liberia is going to prosecute him for that - if he lives. He was asymptomatic at the time of his flight. He flew from Liberia to Brussels to Dulles then to Dallas. Four days later, he started showing symptoms. He went to the ER and he told them he'd come from Africa but they gave him antibiotics and sent him home anyway. IF it is true that patients are only contagious when they are displaying symptoms, he had 2 days to infect who knows how many people. He was exposed to 5 children who are family members and who attend 3 different schools. The immediate family members are under house quarantine now. If they leave the house, they will be placed in government quarantine.
here's something i got in a email

The first case of Ebola has been confirmed in the United States and you can feel the panic level slowly starting to rise. This is not a time for panic, it's time to prepare.. When you have a plan and all of the supplies you need, there's no reason to panic. A strong plan allows you to avoid the grocery store or other places that could be overrun by those who did not think ahead.

I urge to you to review your preparedness plan today and make sure you have the essentials, food and a way to get clean water.Let's be the people who are well-prepared, so we never need to panic.
Ok, a new twist to the Dallas Ebola situation

Dallas Man Tells of U.S. Ebola Patient's Decline

"He listened as Mr. Duncan described how dire things had become in Liberia, and how rigorous the health screenings were during his trip to the U.S."

'I said, 'Did you go to the hospital? He said, 'Yes, but they did nothing for me,'" Mr. Jallah recalled. "I said, 'You should eat so you can gain strength.' Mr. Jallah left to go to work, but returned the next day"

"He is also struggling to understand how Mr. Duncan was able to arrive in the U.S. despite being sick."

One thing worries me. The 4 people quarrantined in Dallas still have the soiled sheets and things on the bed. The cdc basically locked them up with infectious waste and told them they can't leave. I'd say that pretty much plays out to a guaranteed infection. Between this and the fact that the earlier hospital trip that sent the guy home, our govt is not capable of handling this disease. That's two real screw ups on the first case, just think when we start getting lots of them. One more thing bothers me. Dr. Sneiderman has been over there preaching so much about not worring, as it's not easily spread, but just started a 21 day quarantine. I really don't think they have as much knowledge as they are saying about this thing. Jim posted earlier in this thread about it not being time to panic, but is time to prepare. I don't think I ever heard anything wiser.
hey hoo hey hoo..to our preps we goo...this goes worse and worse with every news cast
In 2010, Obama administration scrapped CDC quarantine regulations (um, why?)

"four years ago, the administration of President Barack Obama moved with virtually no fanfare to abandon a comprehensive set of regulations which the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) had called essential to preventing international travelers from spreading deadly diseases inside the United States"

Patient With Ebola-Like Symptoms Being Tested at D.C.'s Howard University Hospital


With the recent report out of Hawaii that turned out to be a 'falls alarm report' still haven't heard from Utah regarding it's patient and now D.C. so, is it now every time someone walks into the emergency room with a cold thus the hospital is going to hold a press conference and announce a patient is being treated with ebola like symptoms? This does no service but spread fears! why can't they just wait for the test results instead of prematurely releasing information just so they can say, hey, our system is working. This whole crap is doing nothing but breeding anxiety amongst the populist! Lets talk psychosomatic shall we, Good Grief.
They gotta make folks start to worry and panic some how

Mission Accomplished.

Why the hell aren't we testing folks flying in from these places? ALL of them!!!
Fast track the 15 min tests already. This waiting 4 days crap for a test is ridiculous when we have the tech already (just not the permission to use it).
The hell with Obama. These folks should have been tested BEFORE getting on the plane leaving such nations. In my opinion.
i just thought a lil bit ago..everyone with a cough.might want to take cough drops with ya.and keep one in your mouth at all times...this way no one will point a finger at ya and say ebola..
Been doing some research on masks. Seems to me the only to avoid the aerosols is by using a sealed oxygen mask with tank. The reason I say that is Ebola is .08 microns and lowest rating I have found for the P100 masks is .3 microns. .08 seems smaller than .3. Maybe I misread something? Anyone having more of this please correct me if I'm wrong.
We The People need to tell the PTB that they are full of @#$% and just admit that this thing is airborne.

When it leaves Texas is when I will start my bug in. These idiots at the helm are going to sink us all.
It's been confirmed. Them saying it was a breech of protocol somewhere, is pretty much saying they don't know how she got it.

It very will could be a breach though not with the Nurse!, when ever anyone gets in and out of these suits there should be an extra pair of eyes (safety check officer) the breech is the protocol itself, it is flawed and they know it, the CDC nor the hospital is being honest!
We The People need to tell the PTB that they are full of @#$% and just admit that this thing is airborne.

If so, would be pretty unprecedented in nature. As Maverick said, I believe it isn't really a breach of protocol, but a problem with the protocols themselves, which is why so many health care workers are contracting it too.

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