Feminine product uses and disposal while on the Trail

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This is a subject that I know nothing about. Not sure that I want to either.
I do Know that it is Not a Good Idea to keep, the Womenfolk in their Monthly Cycle, going on a Hike out in the Middle of Mother Nature...!!!
Not a nice topic for anyone, but definitely something for everyone to at least consider.
When great grandpa had his prostrate problems old cloth diapers were used instead of the disposable incontinence products available today. No problem. Old folks, babies, no difference. Carry a plastic bag when out and about, then add to the diaper pail at home.
Not a nice topic for anyone, but definitely something for everyone to at least consider.
When great grandpa had his prostrate problems old cloth diapers were used instead of the disposable incontinence products available today. No problem. Old folks, babies, no difference. Carry a plastic bag when out and about, then add to the diaper pail at home.
Did he go on many Hikes with prostrate problems...?!?
He was an old farmer who still checked out the barn and went all over the farm, one being 300 acres. He traveled and kept up visiting friends. Limitations are what you make them.
He was a gentleman too, who didn’t let everyone know all his personal issues.
I hope you can experience life as well as he did going on 90.
I miss those old guys. My dad lived to be 93. He never once complained about anything, and never once mentioned his time in the service. He made his life as good as he could. Mom lasted a year after he died.
I do Know that it is Not a Good Idea to keep, the Womenfolk in their Monthly Cycle, going on a Hike out in the Middle of Mother Nature...!!!
not exactly true..my work crew in woods was mostly women...had very few issues...they knew if something out of ordinary happened or needed doing i had their back as a boss...drove one home once to save any embarrassment getting out of truck and anyone seeing problem going on at that point in time and to make it easier on her and not walk home.

later on i was woken up as she had troubles and was scared and out of products and was experiencing a super heavy flow and causing some panic. i drove and got more products and help settle her down and stayed up so i could hear her from her room if she needed help or needed to go seek medical help. she was fine in a few hours as it slowed.

as a work crew we lived in same big house.

crappy is man wont help and/or try understand to do all he can.
It's amazing how many men (?) think women can't or shouldn't be strong!
I realize that I've never lived in high population areas before, but I've never met a man yet that didn't want a strong woman. Strong and feminine. My wife is my partner. She knows her physical limitations, and that's what I'm here for.
It's amazing how many men (?) think women can't or shouldn't be strong!
I have worked in some pretty rough conditions over the years. The number one work partner i ever had bar none was a woman...period. She was not the strongest..but strength muscle wise is only a small part of the term 'strong' because we ALL have our lifting limits...strength comes from inside the brain,heart and deep desire...Liz was there day in and day out no matter what period.

for the record working daily in 200 inches of rain will cull folks very fast...they just think they like being in the woods.
because i believe women health issues..especially long term items they might want to have is a pretty serious thing and not a joking matter.
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Listen up man...not a sad sack...this is a subject matter thats very sensitive to some women and thereby trying to be joking about it and making light of it we may make some women read a post and before reading through it all click off thread and not try and read or see a product that might be of help.

think of others is all.....enough said.....my 2 cents
We used to just burn them in the fire at night. If any guys on our crew got grossed out by that we would warn them to vacate the fire for a few.
On one of the crews I worked on it was a fairly even split between male n female members..and on that crew we were together for a year and if we were on a work project away from our homebase..we were living together somewhere on a trail usually in the middle of nowhere. So, after awhile..everyone just deals with stuff. And all us gals tended to cycle around the same time..so like one guy said.at least we get that over with mostly at the same time.

On a lighter note...
If anyone wants to read a funny book...
How to $hit in the woods.. is pretty funny..
We used to just burn them in the fire at night. If any guys on our crew got grossed out by that we would warn them to vacate the fire for a few.
On one of the crews I worked on it was a fairly even split between male n female members..and on that crew we were together for a year and if we were on a work project away from our homebase..we were living together somewhere on a trail usually in the middle of nowhere. So, after awhile..everyone just deals with stuff. And all us gals tended to cycle around the same time..so like one guy said.at least we get that over with mostly at the same time.
My last duty stations female bunkhouse said same thing...they had cycle at same time and they even noted as they added a new female into the mix it would cause them to cycle again...often after it being only two weeks...they said.. "we will be glad when bunkhouse is full to get us all synchronized".