Food shortages are here and getting worse.

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I don't know how successfuly California will be in securing animal waste fertilizer since they seem to not want cows in their state. It takes a ton of fertilizer for crops. I bought a 50 lb bag of fruit fertilizer, that'll last me 3 years with what we currently have, and have a ton of animal fertilizer, but I'm not growing huge food crops, just big gardens.

The articles I’ve read about farmers here securing animal waste were not farmers from California. Who knows if they are even permitted to do that in Cali? Thanks for the reminder on securing some additional fruit fertilizer!! I don’t have enough for more than this year...and like many here, don’t trust it to be available at some point.
Aged cow poo at our place, a huge hill of it. Also chicken, turkey, and rabbit poop. But the farmers with hundreds of acres here are going to have a hard go of it unless they're farming organically, and there are a number of those.

Praying for our farmers. Their efforts keeps so many millions from dying of starvation. 🙏
The articles I’ve read about farmers here securing animal waste were not farmers from California. Who knows if they are even permitted to do that in Cali? Thanks for the reminder on securing some additional fruit fertilizer!! I don’t have enough for more than this year...and like many here, don’t trust it to be available at some point.
Large operations like feed lots and dairy farms are over regulated in California. Beef is mainly free range and on public lands around me to keep the underbrush down for fire.
I lived in a horse property neighborhood in LA and the city had a recycling program. Brown containers were for pony poop.
I know an old rancher that lives in my current neighborhood tried telling a newbie liberal that her horses were putting out toxic waste and he was going to call on it.
But that was to get even for her calling the Sherrif for some target practice. We all have 20+ acre lots and are used to shooting. Liberals will believe anything.
Sometimes the poop is worth more money than the milk
NOW, if we could just get someone to make hamburger from the organic poop and ship it to the blue states.........just as a "test run" know, something to get them ready to start eating bugs and other good things that the elite want us to get ready for in the future??????
I don't use hamburger helper but got this off a social media friend. . . Apparently this is where inflation is taking us. Sad when Hamburger Helper substitutes 5 hotdogs for a lb of hamburger.
I don't use hamburger helper but got this off a social media friend. . . Apparently this is where inflation is taking us. Sad when Hamburger Helper substitutes 5 hotdogs for a lb of hamburger.
View attachment 14975
Some of those HH replacement recipes are are better. Less salt. I always like the flavor just not the salt.
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“Russia stops the export of ammonium nitrate

Today, deliveries of ammonium nitrate abroad from Russia are stopped: the government has imposed a two-month ban on them.

“From February 2, a two-month ban on the export of ammonium nitrate comes into force. The corresponding government decree has been signed,” its statement told.

This decision was made to provide domestic farmers with mineral fertilizers for spring field work. An additional need for them arose in a number of regions of the country, in particular, in the North Caucasian and Southern federal districts.

“This is a temporary measure, the remaining volume can be exported from April 2, when Russian enterprises will receive ammonium nitrate in the required volume, and the demand for it in the domestic market will peak,” said First Deputy Prime Minister Andrey Belousov.”

At least it says it is temporary. Not sure how that is going to affect the farmers that count on ammonium nitrate from Russia?
“Largest UK Supermarket Warns "Worst Has Yet To Come" Amid Food Inflation Crisis

View attachment 15018

Food inflation comes as households experience one of the most significant jumps in annual energy costs in years.

"It troubles us, and I'm sure troubles many people, that people may have to struggle to choose between heating their homes and feeding their families," he said. "And that's clearly not a situation that any of us should tolerate."”
The fertilizer situation alone will have ripple effects throughout the food chain in ways you may not even realize. For example, we already know that coffee growers in Central America can't afford fertilizer this year which will impact their coffee production. Shortages of Central American coffee will impact the coffee market world wide, with skyrocketing prices and shortages.

Corn growers are switching to soybeans this year because soybeans require less fertilizer than corn. Corn based ethanol is used in gasoline and at least half the processed foods in the supermarkets. Corn is also used for animal feed. This will affect food production for years to come.
ICE AGE FARMER on Telegram

“Tyson confirms bird flu “detected” within one of their 250,000 bird flocks. Other countries start banning imports from US, the #2 exporter. Big shakeup of world protein supply!

USDA is also already culling birds from people’s BACK YARD flocks! It is “too dangerous” to raise your own animals…this trend will continue as FOOD is their ultimate leverage point for control.

Infections in the chickens being raised for meat triggered more restrictions on U.S. exports, with China blocking poultry products from Kentucky. Last week, buyers like China and Korea limited poultry purchases from Indiana due to an outbreak at a commercial turkey farm there.[”



#BirdFlu #WarOnMeat