Food shortages are here and getting worse.

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ICE AGE FARMER on Telegram

“Tyson confirms bird flu “detected” within one of their 250,000 bird flocks. Other countries start banning imports from US, the #2 exporter. Big shakeup of world protein supply!

USDA is also already culling birds from people’s BACK YARD flocks! It is “too dangerous” to raise your own animals…this trend will continue as FOOD is their ultimate leverage point for control.

Infections in the chickens being raised for meat triggered more restrictions on U.S. exports, with China blocking poultry products from Kentucky. Last week, buyers like China and Korea limited poultry purchases from Indiana due to an outbreak at a commercial turkey farm there.[”


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#BirdFlu #WarOnMeat

I will buy more ammo
A commercial they were showing on fox news last night , showed some guy eating a plate of grasshopper and claiming they were delicious . Eating bugs instead of beef was the point of the commercial and claimed that if people would stop eating beef it would help save the planet . Eating insects is an offshoot agenda from the Democrats fantasy claim of Global Warming .
Here it is similar, if you eat meat you will be insulted by vegans and vegetarians. When you drive to work you have to expect that students sit on the highway and block the traffic, if you want to get them off the road you will be obstructed by the police. Also new fashion here, at night you go cars slash the tires, and no one does anything about it.
Young people tell you that you are to blame because of the environmental destruction, but every 7 year old has an I-Phone in his pocket and of course he needs a new one every 2 years and the electricity from the socket is yes eco.....

To hell with it all, it's not about Corona anymore, the next level is certificate and freedom if you renounce everything, those who don't want that will be excluded and branded.
To hell with it all, it's not about Corona anymore,
Slow down a bit Ban1985...there are still too many good people in this beautiful world!! Just because there are bad people with money, bad people with money and bad people wanting to rule the is still a beautiful place to live. Do not let the negative in the world destroy your good heart. We all have freedom in our hearts and a free will to do as we wish. Even with lockdowns, masks and bologna from the few politicians...Millions of people are NOW FINALLY waking up to the crap from soros/gates/bezos/zuckerberg/schwab.
They will never rule the world. Others have tried and died. Others will try after them also.
You must remain positive or you are already a victim of their hate politics trying to get us all against each other and start to HATE also instead of LOVE....
Even if I see Russia invading the Ukraine tomorrow...I will still plant my garden and cut the roses back. This world will survive anything the idiots throw at us. We are all going to die sometime, do not forget to live first. Too many are so afraid of dying, that they forget to live and love....My only wish is for my children to be safe as long as possible and to be able to die in the arms of my wife....LIVE TRULY FREE, Gary

I guess the question is, how much will the lack of Fertilizer and Herbicide to large farmers affect what is available to feed the population of the world?
My wife and our neighbor were talking to a bee keeper a couple of days ago. He usually has about 20,000. They all died. His friend, who keeps around the same, said all of his died too, and they went to the guy they usually buy from, who has over 100,000 bees, and ALL of his are dead too. This is all in WA. Anyone else know anything?

Could they be any more blatant? “vat-grown tuna” doesn’t even sound appetizing!

“Lower your expectations. Get used to empty shelves.”

“Put aside your reservations and eat our UPcycled trash.”

This isn’t marketing. It’s straight up mockery. It’s incitement. Just like freezing people’s bank accounts.”

ICE AGE FARMER on Telegram
View attachment 15097

Could they be any more blatant? “vat-grown tuna” doesn’t even sound appetizing!

“Lower your expectations. Get used to empty shelves.”

“Put aside your reservations and eat our UPcycled trash.”

This isn’t marketing. It’s straight up mockery. It’s incitement. Just like freezing people’s bank accounts.”

ICE AGE FARMER on Telegram
Maybe this stuff should be issued to the welfare takers in lieu of food stamps. I think most would soon get a job and start buying their own food.
The purpose of welfare is to corrupt society and bankrupt the state.
Not to mention it has done a good job doing it, then it becomes a generational way of life.
most people that are on welfare and food stamps drive very nice cars and live in nicer houses than some of us do.
total governmental scam of the taxpayers money.
My chicken feed....Dunmore Pellets 50# bag has gone from $13.46 - $18.99 in about 6 weeks.
When I was checking out I mentioned it to the clerk and she said it was going to get worse. Wet cat food too.
We have been paying $19.99 for the same feed for three months. Everything is going up in price and less availability.
We have been paying $19.99 for the same feed for three months. Everything is going up in price and less availability.
Looks like we gonna have to revive some of these old mills sitting around in woods now, it several down this way powered by snort engines!!! PLANT the CORN FIELDS,
PS: MIGHT find a few stills in them woods too!!!!
Looks like we gonna have to revive some of these old mills sitting around in woods now, it several down this way powered by snort engines!!! PLANT the CORN FIELDS,
PS: MIGHT find a few stills in them woods too!!!!
If a few people lived close enough together it would pay to pool their resources and buy a small feed mill and make their own feed. Premier 1 has a small mill available at a reasonable cost. We looked in to buying one but we don't know anyone around here who'd be interested in going in on a mill with us. We have the land and equipment to grow all the grain we'd need.
Looks like we gonna have to revive some of these old mills sitting around in woods now, it several down this way powered by snort engines!!! PLANT the CORN FIELDS,
PS: MIGHT find a few stills in them woods too!!!!
. Gps coordinates need for proof when you find them stills, if gas prices keep going up we may need to make our own. Lol 😂
We have been paying $19.99 for the same feed for three months. Everything is going up in price and less availability.
It has taken us long, but here we are.

I buy mine at TSC and I watched how the raised the price on ivermectin when it was a hot commodity and they did disappoint me but, hey they are in business to make money.
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Could they be any more blatant? “vat-grown tuna” doesn’t even sound appetizing!

“Lower your expectations. Get used to empty shelves.”

“Put aside your reservations and eat our UPcycled trash.”

This isn’t marketing. It’s straight up mockery. It’s incitement. Just like freezing people’s bank accounts.”

ICE AGE FARMER on Telegram
Soon it will be Soylent Green

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