Food shortages are here and getting worse.

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Not entirely. Urea only supplies nitrogen…not a bit of phosphorus or potassium. Different plants need varying amounts of all 3. It’s good for greening of lawns. As far as I know, urea is also made in some of the same plants that have been shut down.

Now homesteaders and gardeners can and do use rabbit, chicken, and cow droppings…all in varying degrees and times. I did read somewhere that some American medium size farmers are securing cow manure and chicken poo in bulk to use this spring.
I grew up in an area that had some large chicken farms. The chicken farms sent out spreader trucks to spread manure out on pastures for whoever wanted it. Dairy farms do the same. Even municipal sewer plants spread human waste on crops in some areas.
Even if all the chicken and cow manure produced in this country was used on crops, it wouldn't come close to replacing the commercialy manufactured fertilizer.
We might just have to temporarily quit trying to feed the world and focus on our own country until this crisis is over.
Would you mind sharing what mixture % you use for certain plants? Like potatoes? Or green beans? Did not realize I could use the non aged chicken poop for corn. That’s great to know!
Whenever we clean out the chicken coop we put it directly on the garden and around the fruit trees. We never let it age. During the winter we put it in a big pile until spring when can spread it.
Whenever we clean out the chicken coop we put it directly on the garden and around the fruit trees. We never let it age. During the winter we put it in a big pile until spring when can spread it.

We do practically the same. I let the chicken house build up some inches, then in early winter I spread it all across the garden…pine shavings or straw too. For the other times when I clean out the chicken house I put it all in the compost pile. Even though I don’t free range my hens, I do let them into the compost pile once in awhile to have fun! :D

Have never tried it around my fruit trees. Will try that!

We shovel their run out every 3 months, spread it around on our property (been trying to prepare all the soil I can for future planting if needed). Then we fill the run back up with sand. Because we have so much clay here, I see putting this sand with chicken droppings around our property as a real win!
My neighbor throws all his pigsty straw away in the roadside near his house. Is it too strong to fertilise with? I can walk only a hundred meters and pick up a ton or so anytime...Gary

You sure can Gary! First you need to make sure it sits for around 6 weeks or so under a tarp. Keep it damp, but not wet. Then turn it once a week with a shovel or pitchfork. It needs to stay “hot” (hence the cover) to kill off any bacteria. Then you will have some really good fertilizer!

EDITED: I would be sure to mix in some old leaves, grass clippings and even daily scraps to keep it composting well.
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I haven't set them up yet because of the weather. Another month will probably be a good time. They are in cages in a room in our old milkhouse. My nephew in Oklahoma had brought 5 related ones, and I gave 2 of them to our neighbor, I kept a male and 2 females. Then neighbor gave me an unrelated male a few months ago. So just need one more female and nephew from Oklahoma will be coming to visit next week, and has one. Our son in Albuquerque does breed a few pairs for meat. We were at our local fowl auction yesterday (there's always rabbits, too) and they had a number of good looking rabbits, but it was pretty cold out so we didn't stay long enough to bid them. I really need to brush up on rabbit breeds. I have no idea what I'm looking at. But the four I have so far are friendly, look healthy, and easy to manage. I have baby chicks hatching in a few more days and eight goslings coming in mid next month. Time to set up some brooders
Rabbit poop is straight up on anything. Chicken poop I use is aged, or not aged necessarily for corn. Our cow poop hill is already aged. My cousin uses rabbit poop on her flowers. But making a "tea" out of any of that is good. Haven't used pig poop, but have used sheep poop from a farmer down the road.
I have read that pig poop is high in nutrients, and a great fertilizer after it "cools". Have any of you used pig poop as fertilizer, and if so, for what?

Years ago when working my parent’s and grandparent’s farms we used it. It is the best fertilizer as far as I know. You do have to compost it to remove any and all bacteria. It was used on the vegetable gardens, herb garden and field crops of corn.

Oh, and the large orchard too.
In my ponies winter pasture, I run a rock rake over it to move the poop. Then pile it. I have it when I need it.
My wife claims is too “hot” fresh.
Without her knowledge, i tilled in 2 manure bins into a bed. It formerly had roses and the new bed was succulents and rock garden. Those succulents took off like crazy in some formerly poor soil.
I let the neighbor leave his two pigs in a small block of my yard till we got his pigpen built, about 4 months. The two pigs dug out roots and grass about 12 inches deep, peed and pooed non-stop also. After they were moved, we started digging out some earth for the terrace, also about 12 inches deep. We threw the dirt into the hole made by the pigs and planted some grass on it. Where the pigs pooed the most, nothing came up, it just burned brown. The other half was pretty good. NOW, 10 months later...the poopoo area has better grass and thicker also than the other took almost a year for the "hot" poo to help the grass. I'll get some of the older stuff around the block from the neighbors old pile and spread it out in the garden. I am planning to run the rototiller thru the garden the middle or end of March. Maybe it will rain a bit and cool the pigpoo down for the garden this year before I till it in.
Soylent Green?


“Wheat prices soar to highest since 2008 on potential Russia supply hit


The price of wheat on Tuesday climbed to its highest levels in more than a decade, with traders concerned about global supply disruption as Russia’s invasion of Ukraine advanced.

Wheat futures rose closed up 5.35% at 984 cents per bushel, at the highs of Tuesday’s session. That marks the highest price since April 4, 2008, when wheat traded as high as 985.5 cents per bushel.

💥💥The grain traded “limit up” during the day, meaning to the highest amount the price of a commodity is allowed to increase in a single day.💥💥

Russia is the largest exporter of wheat and Ukraine is among the four biggest exporters of the commodity, according to JPMorgan.”

GOT WHEAT?? Make sure you have enough!

"Brace for Rationing" - Food Crisis Escalates - EU farmers furious

The food crisis is escalating: more countries are halting exports, but even as the EU converges a food crisis meeting, they refuse to relax restrictions on farmers. Similarly, the US is not waiving biofuel mandates even as grain prices explode. Christian explains that this crisis is needed to advance the agenda, and reiterates the priorities for your victory garden to insulate your family and community from this worldwide food crisis. Start growing today.


Bitchute: "Brace for Rationing" - Food Crisis Escalates - EU farmers furious

#iafvideo #ukraine #russia #wheat #eu #usa
The tyrants who are "elected" as "leaders" of Western countries learned from the Covid scam that they can brainwash and/or intimidate people to do what they (the tyrants) want.
The brainwashed almost everyone to be afraid of a disease which had a very, very low mortality rate. They justified violence against the people of almost every country in the world. They destroyed businesses, lives, economies. We always thought of places like Canada, Australia and New Zealand as benign countries with sane governments. Boy, did we learn otherwise.
These "leaders" have concluded they can now brainwash people to do anything. Most people consider governments their saviours, rather than the perpetrators of the "problems" the governments pretend to solve.
Engineering a food crisis is not unexpected.
When are people going to start learning?
(I better not answer that question too bluntly.)
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Just planted carrots, peppers, tomatos, corn, porree, salads, potatos and beans...get moving people. Bought heirloom seeds for the next few years too.
Checked the well, it is still good and giving water after being closed all winter. The greenhouse is half full and we will strew spare seeds around the lake nearby to be able to harvest wild grown things too that we did not have enough room for in the garden.
You are really doing well Gary! Peppers are on my list to plant today, along with some other things. What is poree? Never heard of it. Really smart thinking to distribute food seeds around the lake! Most people could trample it and not even know it is edible!! Kinda sad isn’t it? It does make you realize though how “out of touch and unskilled” the majority of humans are at this point in history.

Saw where Hungary is keeping their wheat crops. WISE! You have a much better than normal government there.
What is poree? Never heard of it. Really smart thinking to distribute food seeds around the lake!
Sorry lady, been in Europe toooo long now. I should have said the english word for poree: LEEKS.
Yeah, if we go for a walk and see some cleared ground near the canal, creek or lake, we drop different seeds to let them grow wild. You never know if you bug out for a few days, what is out there to eat or at least make a soup or tea from.
We have a wild garlic, ramsoms or buckrams in english, nettles, willow trees, wild pears, peaches, walnuts, acorns, cattails, dandelions, samphire and wild corn around here. Always adding to the collection, next is carrots, squash, pumpkins and beans.
Just go for a walk and drop some seeds near a big tree or a non-forgettable place and check it once in a while. GP
Saw where Hungary is keeping their wheat crops. WISE! You have a much better than normal government there.
At least the presi stops and thinks about more than where his next ice cream is gonna come from. We see everything in the stores, but many companies are realising that too much comes from outside the country and are having shortages already.
We heard of "maybe 3-4 hundred thousand" refugees coming from the Ukraine...but now it is OVER TWO MILLION!! They are being fed, clothed and moved around Hungary, Poland, Moldavia and Rumania. Many do not speak hungarian, so others are helping them fill out paperwork and get a place to stay. We are going to the mayor today to inform him we have space for a single mom and up to 3 children here and they can speak any language since Helena and I have 4 good and another 3 so-so.
We have also seen the Hungarian Forint fall from getting 360 for one euro to over 400 forint in only one week now.
The EU has forbidden ANYONE from transferring their euros to russia in order to buy up rubels as it is gold backed now...but the rubel has lost its value now over 30% in a week also...
At least the presi stops and thinks about more than where his next ice cream is gonna come from. We see everything in the stores, but many companies are realising that too much comes from outside the country and are having shortages already.
We heard of "maybe 3-4 hundred thousand" refugees coming from the Ukraine...but now it is OVER TWO MILLION!! They are being fed, clothed and moved around Hungary, Poland, Moldavia and Rumania. Many do not speak hungarian, so others are helping them fill out paperwork and get a place to stay. We are going to the mayor today to inform him we have space for a single mom and up to 3 children here and they can speak any language since Helena and I have 4 good and another 3 so-so.
We have also seen the Hungarian Forint fall from getting 360 for one euro to over 400 forint in only one week now.
The EU has forbidden ANYONE from transferring their euros to russia in order to buy up rubels as it is gold backed now...but the rubel has lost its value now over 30% in a week also...
That's great Gary. You are Helena are good people.

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