Food shortages are here and getting worse.

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What the WEF and our own governments are doing has made me realize, without a single doubt, that we MUST put and end to THEM.

Just rework your life to do without them. They'll destroy themselves. They always do.

Ludwig von Mises, "In fact Socialism is not in the least what it pretends to be. It is not the pioneer of a better and finer world, but the spoiler of what thousands of years of civilization have created.

It does not build; it destroys. For destruction is the essence of it. It produces nothing, it only consumes what the social order based on private ownership in the means of production has created."

In other words, it consumes until nothing is left, then the society collapses. Like Russia in 1990. China was headed that way until our greedy Narcissists made deals with them to fund them by moving our production to their shores.
“UN Director Warns Europe of ‘Hell on Earth’ Migrant Crisis Amid Global Food Shortage


A senior UN official has warned that Europe must either pay for more food aid abroad or face a “Hell on Earth” migrant crisis.

Pay for the food of the developing world or face another migrant crisis — this is the ultimatum the head of the UN’s World Food Programme has put to Europe’s leaders.

The dramatic warning comes as the global organisation begins to struggle to pay for the food it gives to famine-stricken parts of the world, with the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine disrupting food supply globally and, by extension, driving up prices.

Now, according to a report by POLITICO, the food programme’s head has warned that its project is in jeopardy, and that Europe either needs to cough up more funds for the UN group’s mission or face a terrible migrant crisis.

“We’re billions short,” said World Food Bank Executive Director David Beasley. “Failure to provide this year a few extra billion dollars means you’re going to have famine, destabilization, and mass migration.”

“If you think we’ve got Hell on earth now, you just get ready,” the former Governor of South Carolina continued. “If we neglect northern Africa, northern Africa’s coming to Europe. If we neglect the Middle East, [the] Middle East is coming to Europe.”
Europe has no more money and Europe will go under one way or another.
Europe now needs the last money to deliver weapons to Ukraine and the rest of the money Europe needs to cheapen the energy for its own citizens so that the citizens do not overthrow the governments out of anger.
At the moment the energy prices here go through the roof, the food also, some things are no longer available and the rest becomes more expensive by the inflation every day and the wages sink or remain the same.
In addition, there are thousands of refugees from Ukraine who need food and shelter and an infrastructure that is not up to the task.
Info itself, Germany's railroad company has since Wednesday the freight traffic on the rail paralyzed because the energy is missing, that will again give supply problems.
Furthermore, the energy network in Europe is very critical and since Germany has shut down rows of nuclear power plants, coal-fired power plants and gas-fired power plants for environmental protection, a blackout will very certainly be the case.
If more refugees come from Africa then good night, this will no longer be feasible.

Putin doesn't have to do anything anymore, just wait and see and that's it for Europe.
Europe has no more money and Europe will go under one way or another.
Europe now needs the last money to deliver weapons to Ukraine and the rest of the money Europe needs to cheapen the energy for its own citizens so that the citizens do not overthrow the governments out of anger.
At the moment the energy prices here go through the roof, the food also, some things are no longer available and the rest becomes more expensive by the inflation every day and the wages sink or remain the same.
In addition, there are thousands of refugees from Ukraine who need food and shelter and an infrastructure that is not up to the task.
Info itself, Germany's railroad company has since Wednesday the freight traffic on the rail paralyzed because the energy is missing, that will again give supply problems.
Furthermore, the energy network in Europe is very critical and since Germany has shut down rows of nuclear power plants, coal-fired power plants and gas-fired power plants for environmental protection, a blackout will very certainly be the case.
If more refugees come from Africa then good night, this will no longer be feasible.

Putin doesn't have to do anything anymore, just wait and see and that's it for Europe.
the time is fast approaching that the boats will have to be turned back in the Med & English channel if they start coming over again , the same that Australia did ,the biggest problem is the Laptop warriors ( as we call them down here in SA ) with there do good ideas , the interesting thing to me about this is the people find thousands of $ to pay for the trip to Europe , but do not have money to live in there own countries , it is the same here in S A that they have money to get here , then demand everything for free ,they do not seem to want to go to UAE countries or India , because I believe they will not get the benefit's that Europe misguidingly give . The Ukraine is part of Europe so they need to come before Economic migrants , nobody should have to suffer but the human race are the worst inhabitants on this planet
Europe has no more money.

Neither does the USA. In fact, nobody ever had the money to lend the USA $30T or whatever it is that Europe "owes". Communism's first rule is "Bankrupt the state via entitlements." We pay interest to people who never had the money to loan in the first place.

When banks loan money, they only have to have 10% of the loan amount on hand. So when they loan you $100K, only $10K actually exists. But you pay back $100K plus interest. In other words -- you actually create the money by working and being productive.
I have nothing against Ukrainian refugees, they should be helped but in a normal way.
Thousands of them will come, the problem is that they will be given free telephone subscriptions, free public transport subscriptions and our government is now talking about bringing these people into the professional market.
A few thousand of my population do not have the money to buy the same services as the refugees, and their own people do not get anything for free from their own government.

Whoever is 50 years old in my country has to fear losing their job every day and now these people are being replaced by refugees, which is becoming more and more of a bomb for the whole society here.
Whoever is 50 years old in my country has to fear losing their job every day and now these people are being replaced by refugees, which is becoming more and more of a bomb for the whole society here.

I'm sure the evil people who are doing this are actually amazed at how we just stand around watching this happen.
I'm sure the evil people who are doing this are actually amazed at how we just stand around watching this happen.


If you're complaining about then you must be sure you're doing it absolutly anonymously or else the last piece of help is gone, your social life is history and you're you are confronted with the fact everyone call you an racist or an nazi.
I absolutly don't mind to help those people and refugees who really need our help. But otherwise we do have enough poor people who need help. And those just become the absolutly basic help to survive, nothing more. No free appartments, mobilephones, clothes, food or public traffic tickets as the refugees become.
But it looks better in the newspaper if they can stand in front of an microphone and tell how good people they are because they helped some foreigners. They will have a lot less social applause if they go and help poor natives.
I have been watching videos on water glassing eggs for long term storage. Any of you tried this?. The main part is the eggs must be unwashed for this to work. I don't wash mine unless they are dirty, but I will just keep those for us to eat.

Water and lime seem pretty easy. This method seems to last up to a year or longer even with temperature fluctuations.

When my 6 new chicks start laying, I'm going to try.

”They're admitting it right out in the open

President of BlackRock investment firm warns an 'entitled generation' needs to brace for shock of shortages and higher inflation: Experts warn Americans will pay an EXTRA $433-a-month for basic goods this year”
“President of BlackRock investment firm warns an 'entitled generation' needs to brace for shock of shortages and higher inflation: Experts warn Americans will pay an EXTRA $433 a month for basic goods this year
  • BlackRock President Rob Kapito made the remark at a conference on Tuesday
  • Kapito, 65, said an 'entitled generation' would be shocked by coming shortages
  • The BlackRock founder has an estimated net worth of more than $400M
  • Meanwhile, average Americans will pay $433 more per month due to inflation
  • Economists say nearly half of the extra costs will be from food and energy
  • Shortages in labor and raw materials continue to drive up consumer prices “
Hot and humid like Florida. Got imported first as pets. People let them loose and now they are considered a nuisance. Just look up the info on the internet. I'm sure it's out there.
I have been watching videos on water glassing eggs for long term storage. Any of you tried this?. The main part is the eggs must be unwashed for this to work. I don't wash mine unless they are dirty, but I will just keep those for us to eat.

Water and lime seem pretty easy. This method seems to last up to a year or longer even with temperature fluctuations.

When my 6 new chicks start laying, I'm going to try.
The wife has been using the lime method for awhile now. It seems to work fine.