Food shortages are here and getting worse.

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I've been unable to find distilled water anywhere. I go through 4-6 gallons per month in my battery bank. Our local grocery store hasn't had any for 3 months now, and can't even order it.
Now you have a reason to build a still 😉
I've been unable to find distilled water anywhere. I go through 4-6 gallons per month in my battery bank.
Look in the youtube for making a distillery and boil your own water into distilled water, collect rain. If you have a condensor dryer, all the water coming from it is distilled. Build a solar distillery.

With grocery shelves getting barer and prices now getting to the point that the higher bidder gets what might be on the shelf , take into consideration spices for food is also on the bidder platform . I hope you guys already have your salt in the stash . Black pepper is another item that is in jeopardy . This year I am planning to harvest spice bush berries that grow wild by my adobe , dehydrate them and grind up as a black pepper substitute . Also on my agenda is to start Egyptian walking onions and also garlic for spicing up those meals . Both the garlic and Egyptian walking onions theoretically once established will keep producing year after year .
I hope you guys already have your salt in the stash . Black pepper is another item that is in jeopardy
Got around 45 lb. of salt and a drawer full of dried and normal spices. Canned chicken flavor, beef flavor and veggie flavor. You need salt for flavor, canning and dehydrating meat. If you have too much, it is good for bartering.
“Large fire at Burton-upon-Trent animal feed factory 'under control', say fire service


A large fire is ongoing at an animal feed factory in Burton-upon-Trent.

Firefighters from at least five stations have attended the scene in Rumenco on Derby Road, after reports of a huge plume of smoke.

Witnesses reported seeing a plume of black smoke filling the air which can now be seen as far as seven miles away.

There are no reports of any injuries at this stage...”

Gee, yet another feed factory up in smoke! How many “accidents” make it clear this is being done on purpose?
With grocery shelves getting barer and prices now getting to the point that the higher bidder gets what might be on the shelf , take into consideration spices for food is also on the bidder platform . I hope you guys already have your salt in the stash . Black pepper is another item that is in jeopardy . This year I am planning to harvest spice bush berries that grow wild by my adobe , dehydrate them and grind up as a black pepper substitute . Also on my agenda is to start Egyptian walking onions and also garlic for spicing up those meals . Both the garlic and Egyptian walking onions theoretically once established will keep producing year after year .

Potato onions are another heirloom multiplier onion you may want to look in to.
ICE AGE FARMER on Telegram…


“Biden pays farms to STOP Farming - EU out of Feed - Meat taxes & Chicken permits - Up to you to GROW FOOD!

Even as Biden and Trudeau announce food shortages, farmers are being paid to STOP farming. Chickens are now "illegal animals" in more municipalities, requiring a permit, "due to bird flu." The EU is culling livestock as they run out of animal feed, and the Netherlands is seriously considering a meat tax.
-- And yet, there is a resurgence of regenerative agriculture and community victory gardens, as people realize it is UP TO US to feed our families going forward!

Christian breaks down the latest developments in the Food Wars in this Ice Age Farmer broadcast.
On BitChute


What an out of the box idea! IF YOU are one of many who does not have garden space…or enough garden space. Do as this man has done above. He went out and found older folks with garden space and offered to plant and tend a garden and share the produce with them. Many took him up on his offer!
That is a great idea. I think Christian had a good point, too, wondering why Biden just made the food shortage announcement, without suggesting anything to help it. Like encourage victory gardens. Aren't presidents supposed to provide hope to their citizens? Offer suggestions to fix problems? Encourage things that will make life better? I guess not.
why Biden just made the food shortage announcement, without suggesting anything to help it. Like encourage victory gardens.

You will know a person’s internal thoughts and “desire” by his actions alone. Words mean nothing. Consider what the OUTCOME is for a president to pay farmers not to farm during a food crisis.

Can anyone make a case for these ACTIONS to be “a benefit for” the American People?
My question is -- who are these farmers who are so easily bribed? What future is their in hurting your own country?
. It’s about economics not hurting the country.

You know you should get X for your crop with Y and Z for expenses.

Fuel and Fertilizer just doubled in price. If you are not getting X++ for your crop, you take the subsidy payment and take your land out of production.
If a farmer has to pay more for the seed, diesel for the tractor, and fertilizer than he can get for the crop itself, why should he do it? Two years ago there were many, many dairy farmers who went under. They were getting nothing for their milk, and the milk trucks weren't picking it all up. Said not enough drivers. But of course, milk was scarce at that time in the stores because of limited truckers. Prices were higher.
Don't depend on anyone . Grow your own food . Sit back and watch society collapse and face starvation as you and your tribe survive . Those illegal chickens now have a more important position with the fertilizer shortage now here , as they provide eggs as well as fertilizer . If you don't have chickens and live in a banned chicken area , you may want to consider being an outlaw and become a chicken smuggler .
My question is -- who are these farmers who are so easily bribed? What future is their in hurting your own country?
Please. Ask that question of every jerk who sold his house to Blackrock in the last few years. Ask it of every traitor who has ever applied for a job that requires a background check. Ask it of every business owner who installs cameras in his shop for an insurance premium break or every bank that decides whether to give a loan based on the results of an algorithm instead of personal references. Every voter who chooses a politician who will spend more money on private prisons than on job training and youth outreach, and let's not forget every moron who carries a portable spy device everywhere he goes, or even gives one to his kids. Americans decided a long time ago that they don't actually care to make the country better so long as they get a bonus here, a pat on the back there, the job/apartment/loan they want, and so on.

But sure, let's blame the farmers today. And tomorrow we can blame Mexicans again, and then the Democrats, and then the Republicans, and then Soros or Obama or Trump or Bill Gates. Anything at all to avoid making actual personal change and sacrifice.
“Sweden: Harvests Could Halve Due to Lack of Russian Fertilizers and Manure


Swedish farmers may be forced to reduce their harvests by as much as half due to a shortage of manure and fertilizers caused by the conflict in Ukraine and associated sanctions war.

Sweden, which is highly dependent on the import of manure since production all but ceased in the 2000s, could be facing major agricultural issues due to the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine, as Sweden imports between 15 to 20 per cent of its manure from Russia.

Russia is also an important source of phosphorus and potassium, key ingredients in the production of fertilizers, and with sanctions and supply disruption some Swedish farmers fear harvests could be reduced by 50 per cent.

Farmer Andreas Lidén, who runs a farm in Västergötland that includes 500 hectares of grain production, spoke to the magazine Tidningen Naringslivet about manure and fertilizer costs, saying: “Normally I pay about 1.2 million [Swedish Kronor] a year, but this year that bill increased to two million. We can do it this year, but it can’t be higher than this. We are also struggling with sky-high diesel costs.””
But sure, let's blame the farmers today. And tomorrow we can blame Mexicans again, and then the Democrats, and then the Republicans, and then Soros or Obama or Trump or Bill Gates. Anything at all to avoid making actual personal change and sacrifice.

I realize there are plenty of people bribed or too greedy to see the future.

But changing the subject doesn't really answer the question. I happily support my local farmers -- whenever I can find them. I don't mind one bit paying more for their goods. I don't understand why government payoffs are the answer to their crops.
I don't understand why government payoffs are the answer to their crops.

That's such a silly thing to say that I now realize you are not in earnest. I take your point about me changing the subject, but a statement like this ends a discussion.
I have enough fertiliser for about 3 years...maybe I need more?? Especially if I ever need to double the size of the garden.

Can you get a couple of rabbits? They are quiet. Eat about everything…and especially everything humans don't! They would easily supply you fertilizer, meat and hides for the duration…however long that is.
European food companies are STOPPING PRODUCTION. Even the people who think food comes from the supermarket should be raising their eyebrows and STARTING GARDENS at this point!

“Rising costs force one in three food manufacturers to reduce production

If food retailers do not accept price increases, one in three food companies may reduce or stop production. The unprecedented cost increases for energy, raw materials and packaging are undermining the profitability of food producers.

Many food manufacturers run into serious financial problems and are forced to shut down production lines if supermarkets do not respond to their demand for price increases, warns the federation of the Belgian food industry (Fevia). One manufacturer in three has already or plans to reduce production.

“electricity bills have doubled in one year, and those for gas have even tripled. Commodity prices also peak: wheat and maize became 50% more expensive, eggs 27%, sunflower oil 40%. Cardboard for packaging now costs 25% more, plastic 30%.”

Within two weeks, we may have to shut down a quarter of our production lines,” says Colruyt CEO Jean-Luc Colon

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