Food shortages are here and getting worse.

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I think we are bearing witness to a convergence of several crisis all at once. Inflation, food price increases have already caused social strife in some countries, and is expected to get worse.
Do not rule out the possibility of social strife here in the US.
Would you be surprised to see the meat case behind security bars from flash mobs in your grocery store?
I think we are bearing witness to a convergence of several crisis all at once. Inflation, food price increases have already caused social strife in some countries, and is expected to get worse.
Do not rule out the possibility of social strife here in the US.
Would you be surprised to see the meat case behind security bars from flash mobs in your grocery store?

Personally I am expecting to see flash mobs stealing meat. I’m expecting to see armed guards at all groceries. I’m expecting to see an even higher rate of crime…all by this fall.

The NWO/WEF have game planned it all. Their goal? Bring down the USA and all other 1st world countries so they can implement ONE WORLD ORDER with them in charge 100%.

NO RIGHTS LEFT FOR ANYONE besides the upper elites! Count on it and prepare more than you have. Form groups in your area for protection.
Personally I am expecting to see flash mobs stealing meat. I’m expecting to see armed guards at all groceries. I’m expecting to see an even higher rate of crime…all by this fall.

The NWO/WEF have game planned it all. Their goal? Bring down the USA and all other 1st world countries so they can implement ONE WORLD ORDER with them in charge 100%.

NO RIGHTS LEFT FOR ANYONE besides the upper elites! Count on it and prepare more than you have. Form groups in your area for protection.
Actually I am expecting to see flash mobs by this summer, as food prices are likely to increase.

Been reading message traffic about the recent Russian pay by ruble for gas and pegging the ruble to gold. More than a few economists say the WEF Great Reset has been upset by the Russian Reset, taking away the NWO/WEF uni-polar reserve currency to a multi-polar reserve currency.
Please. Ask that question of every jerk who sold his house to Blackrock in the last few years. Ask it of every traitor who has ever applied for a job that requires a background check. Ask it of every business owner who installs cameras in his shop for an insurance premium break or every bank that decides whether to give a loan based on the results of an algorithm instead of personal references. Every voter who chooses a politician who will spend more money on private prisons than on job training and youth outreach, and let's not forget every moron who carries a portable spy device everywhere he goes, or even gives one to his kids. Americans decided a long time ago that they don't actually care to make the country better so long as they get a bonus here, a pat on the back there, the job/apartment/loan they want, and so on.

But sure, let's blame the farmers today. And tomorrow we can blame Mexicans again, and then the Democrats, and then the Republicans, and then Soros or Obama or Trump or Bill Gates. Anything at all to avoid making actual personal change and sacrifice.
Our government has been corrupt so long we dont know what good honest patriot based government is!!!!!
Been reading message traffic about the recent Russian pay by ruble for gas and pegging the ruble to gold.
Right on target, my wife just now read a Hungarian report online, Putin is really pissed off an the EU. He agreed to deliver some badly needed gas and demanded only RUBLE and no Euro or dollars. They got the money together and put it in the russian bank account... AND THEN LOCKED THE MONEY DOWN IN THE SANCTIONS!!!!!
Putin is turning off all gas to the EU soon except for my Hungary. We get our gas from around the Rumanian/Serbian gas line.
Praying every single day that Putin continues to do so…at least until enough Americans are starving. That’s when the poor will EAT the rich and powerful!
Get ready and be ready to burn the 5G antenna towers near your homes. If the graphene oxide in the clot shot and ALSO IN OUR FOODSTUFFS FOR DECADES NOW!!!! starts to react to the 5G radio frequencies, it will cook you alive.

Get ready and be ready to burn the 5G antenna towers near your homes. If the graphene oxide in the clot shot and ALSO IN OUR FOODSTUFFS FOR DECADES NOW!!!! starts to react to the 5G radio frequencies, it will cook you alive.

You have my full attention! Would enough CDS destroy the graphene oxide? Any ideas how to burn/make inoperable a 5G tower? We don’t have any that reach our home, but they have one in the nearest town.
You have my full attention! Would enough CDS destroy the graphene oxide? Any ideas how to burn/make inoperable a 5G tower? We don’t have any that reach our home, but they have one in the nearest town.

I would take NAC, which promotes Glutathione production in your body and take Zinc. Also take Glutathione itself.. there are many antioxidants that remove graphene oxide, like Astaxanthin, but a bit pricey. Quercetin is very good. Of course Vitamin D3 is excellent and Milk thistle also helps. Melatonin is another.
Thank you for the help! I do take NAC. Been taking it and Zinc for over a year now. Will look into the others. Since they put this crap in the food and drink we all need to detox!!

I take all of the above. I added more to previous post.
Any ideas how to burn/make inoperable a 5G tower? We don’t have any that reach our home, but they have one in the nearest town.
Drill a small hole in the control box and spray battery acid in. Start a good bonfire under the box. Remember this is actually very not legal. We are only discussing a act of self-protection in the situation you or others are in life danger and the only way out is to get the Five G system near you DOWN!!! Many people will lose their Cellphone commo and absolutely flip out. Backups are needed and landlines are the only way of getting emergency help afterwards...
Took mom to the grocery. $150 of sugar and chips. Lol

Anyhow, there really is a saltine shortage. They had other crackers, but zero saltines.

I admit it...this post made me a bit paranoid to pick up extra saltines..went to Wally World Sunday..they had plenty where I live...grabbed 5 boxes...didn't want to be the only one to clean the whole shelf out..taking for granted they will have more this weekend, I'll pick up a few more...if they are out..ill be pissed I didn't clean the shelf out..haa...😉
Drill a small hole in the control box and spray battery acid in. Start a good bonfire under the box. Remember this is actually very not legal. We are only discussing a act of self-protection in the situation you or others are in life danger and the only way out is to get the Five G system near you DOWN!!! Many people will lose their Cellphone commo and absolutely flip out. Backups are needed and landlines are the only way of getting emergency help afterwards...

Yes, I understand this is only for severe emergency if people are dying. I’ve never done anything illegal in my life. It is simply good information to know. As I said, we don’t have a 5G tower near us.
I admit it...this post made me a bit paranoid to pick up extra saltines..went to Wally World Sunday..they had plenty where I live...grabbed 5 boxes...didn't want to be the only one to clean the whole shelf out..taking for granted they will have more this weekend, I'll pick up a few more...if they are out..ill be pissed I didn't clean the shelf out..haa...😉

If you really like them that much, I would advise you to have a recipe, salt and flour to make your own…just in case




  • Mix flour, baking powder,& shortening and then add milk; blend well.
  • Form a ball with the dough and divide into 4 sections.
  • Roll 1 section out very thin (about 1/8 to 3/16-inches) -- making sure it is rolled out EVENLY -- and cut with a cookie cutter (you can use all shapes!) or a pastry
  • place on an ungreased cookie sheet& prick the dough with a fork several times and sprinkle with salt.
  • Bake at 375 for 12-20 minutes until golden brown, but be careful not to burn!
You can substitute Butter for part of the Lard if you want a buttery cracker.
From an article ive readed today.

#1 One of France’s most important government officials is telling us that we should brace ourselves for an “extremely serious” global food crisis…

France’s Foreign Affairs Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said the EU must get to grips with the prospect that the war in Ukraine could prompt an “extremely serious” global food crisis.

#2 Joe Biden recently admitted that food shortages are “going to be real”, and his administration is now openly using the word “famine” to describe what is coming…

The Biden administration is worried Russia’s invasion of Ukraine will cause famine in parts of the world, White House Council of Economic Advisers Chair Cecilia Rouse told CNBC on Friday.

#3 It is being reported that food prices at German supermarkets will soon go up between 20 and 50 percent…

Just days after Germany reported the highest inflation in generation (with February headline CPI soaring at a 7.6% annual pace and blowing away all expectations), giving locals a distinctly unpleasant deja vu feeling even before the Russian invasion of Ukraine broke what few supply chains remained and sent prices even higher into the stratosphere…

… on Monday, Germany will take one step toward a return of the dreaded Weimar hyperinflation, when according to the German Retail Association (HDE), consumers should prepare for another wave of price hikes for everyday goods and groceries with Reuters reporting that prices at German retail chains will explode between 20 and 50%

#4 Rationing has already begun in Spain…

In Spain, the country started experiencing sporadic shortages of different products like eggs, milk and other dairy products almost immediately following the outbreak of the war in Ukraine. In early March, major supermarkets like Mercadona and Makro began rationing sunflower oil.

#5 Rationing has also already started in Greece…

In Greece, at least four national supermarket chains have started rationing food products like flour and sunflower oil due to critically low supplies caused by the crippled supply chains coming out of Russia and Ukraine.

#6 The head of BlackRock is warning that this will be the very first time this generation “is going to go into a store and not be able to get what they want”…

On Tuesday, BlackRock Inc. President Rob Kapito told an audience in Austin, Texas, hosted by the Texas Independent Producers and Royalty Owners Association, that an entire younger generation is quickly finding out what it means to suffer from shortages, according to Bloomberg.

“For the first time, this generation is going to go into a store and not be able to get what they want,” Kapito said. “And we have a very entitled generation that has never had to sacrifice.”

#7 Since this time last year, some fertilizer prices have gone up by as much as 300 percent.

#8 Many farmers in Africa will not be able to afford fertilizer at all this year, and it is being projected that this will reduce agricultural production by an amount capable of feeding “100 million people”…

With prices tripling over the past 18 months, many farmers are considering whether to forgo purchases of fertilizers this year. That leaves a market long touted for its growth potential set to shrink by almost a third, according to Sebastian Nduva, program manager at researcher group AfricaFertilizer.Org.

That could potentially curb cereals output by 30 million tons, enough to feed 100 million people, he said.

#9 Russia is normally one of the biggest global exporters of fertilizer…

Russia is a key global player in natural gas, a major input to fertilizer production. Higher gas prices, and supply cuts, will further drive fertilizer prices higher. Russia is one of the biggest exporters of the three major groups of fertilizers (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium). Physical supply cuts could further inflate fertilizer prices.

#10 In a typical year, Russia and Ukraine collectively account for approximately 30 percent of all global wheat exports.

#11 Half of Africa’s wheat imports usually come from either Russia or Ukraine.

#12 Other nations rely on wheat exports from Russia and Ukraine even more than Africa does…

Armenia, Mongolia, Kazakhstan and Eritrea have imported virtually all of their wheat from Russia and Ukraine and must find new sources. But they are competing against much larger buyers, including Turkey, Egypt, Bangladesh and Iran, which have obtained more than 60 percent of their wheat from the two warring countries.

#13 One Russian official is warning that his nation may soon only export food to “friendly nations”…

A Russian government official has threatened that Russia will limit its vital food exports to only nations it considers “friendly”.

Dmitry Medvedev, a senior Russian security official who previously served as the nation’s president, has threatened that Russia may soon cut off the West from food exports.

#14 On Friday, it was announced that another 5 million egg-laying chickens in Iowa would have to be put down because of the bird flu.

#15 The death toll from the bird flu in Iowa alone will be pushed beyond 13 million as a result of this latest incident.

#16 Overall, this is what the total national death toll from the bird flu currently looks like: “22 million egg-laying chickens, 1.8 million broiler chickens, 1.9 million pullet and other commercial chickens, and 1.9 million turkeys”.

#17 China’s agricultural minister has announced that the winter wheat harvest in China could be “the worst in history”.

#18 We are being warned that the winter wheat harvest in the United States will be “disastrous” due to severe drought.

#19 During a recent interview, one prominent U.S. farmer stated that most Americans won’t like it when “your grocery bill is up $1,000.00 a month”.

#20 The head of the UN World Food program says that what the planet is now facing is unlike anything that we have seen since World War II…

“Ukraine has only compounded a catastrophe on top of a catastrophe,” said David M. Beasley, the executive director of the World Food Program, the United Nations agency that feeds 125 million people a day. “There is no precedent even close to this since World War II.”
They forgot the most important bullet point: COFFEE!!

#21 Fertilizer shortages mean coffee farmers will not be fertilizing their coffee trees, resulting in reduced yields, substandard quality, and global coffee shortages.

If you think the world is crazy now, just wait til nobody can get their morning coffee fix!! 😵
What Will You Do When There Is No Food?

By Gary D. Barnett

“That bowl of soup—it was dearer than freedom, dearer than life itself, past, present, and future.”

~ Alexander Solzhenitsyn, One Day In The Life Of Ivan Denisovich

In a world such as this, where every freedom is being relinquished, where every aspect of life is being controlled, where every state threat is a lie, where every truth is avoided; what will become of man? Power and control over large populations can only be achieved over time, and initially in smaller steps, but as the progression of tyranny consumes the majority, extreme force will be more easily accepted. All totalitarian systems rely on voluntary servitude in order to exist, because there are so many more of us than them. Once this state of willing cowardice and indifference claims the population like a ‘virus,’ this mass sickness of society will consume itself, and all that will remain will be a life of slavery and misery; due to dependence on the very masters who brought about the plot to control the people.

You have accepted the lies, you have accepted self-imprisonment in your own homes, you have accepted the forced loss of your jobs and sustenance, you have accepted the abandonment of family and friends, you have accepted the wearing of deadly masks, you have accepted mandates to self-mutilate with experimental bio-weapon injections, you have accepted tyranny, and you have accepted all this and more without an effective fight. Now, that same ruling class of evil monsters that have feasted on your fears, are taking away your food. They (rulers and governments) are closing off farm land, they are prosecuting fake wars that will greatly harm the food supply. They are buying farmland to leave it dormant. They are killing and starving animals meant for food, they are closing off supply lines, and they are doing these things intentionally in order to bring you to your knees. What will you do when there is no food? ....
They forgot the most important bullet point: COFFEE!!

#21 Fertilizer shortages mean coffee farmers will not be fertilizing their coffee trees, resulting in reduced yields, substandard quality, and global coffee shortages.

If you think the world is crazy now, just wait til nobody can get their morning coffee fix!! 😵
Last spring I planted chicory in preparation for the famine that is now unavoidable . The chicory came up and made a lush bed and then went dormant for the winter It is now emerging for this year . It doesn't taste as good as coffee but will suffice for what lays ahead .
If you really like them that much, I would advise you to have a recipe, salt and flour to make your own…just in case

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  • Mix flour, baking powder,& shortening and then add milk; blend well.
  • Form a ball with the dough and divide into 4 sections.
  • Roll 1 section out very thin (about 1/8 to 3/16-inches) -- making sure it is rolled out EVENLY -- and cut with a cookie cutter (you can use all shapes!) or a pastry
  • place on an ungreased cookie sheet& prick the dough with a fork several times and sprinkle with salt.
  • Bake at 375 for 12-20 minutes until golden brown, but be careful not to burn!
You can substitute Butter for part of the Lard if you want a buttery cracker.

Good idea! But I really could care less if I have saltines or not..certainly can live without them..psychologically, I think the thought of not being able to get them IF I decide I want them that got me...I had a weak moment,, and fell for the old panic buy pressure..
..shameful! Truly shameful and shallow! I'll try n get my mind back on track with things that really matter...although I did snack out of a sleeve of saltines today for lunch with a bowl of homemade chili! 😜 I'll def. Add the cracker recipe to my stash for sure! Good for lots of uses..Thank you!
Good idea! But I really could care less if I have saltines or not..certainly can live without them..psychologically, I think the thought of not being able to get them IF I decide I want them that got me...I had a weak moment,, and fell for the old panic buy pressure..
..shameful! Truly shameful and shallow! I'll try n get my mind back on track with things that really matter...although I did snack out of a sleeve of saltines today for lunch with a bowl of homemade chili! 😜 I'll def. Add the cracker recipe to my stash for sure! Good for lots of uses..Thank you!
Half a sleeve goes great with a bowl of pinto beans and rice. May have to bust into a box tomorrow