Food shortages are here and getting worse.

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This is a screen shot and the link where you can find it under the user name. Sorry not going that far. r/Wallstreetsilver

the backup article just so everyone knows. . .
Why isn’t our government giving Citizens instructions to grow food?

“Xi says China needs own seeds to guarantee country's 'food bowl' -Xinhua
By Reuters Staff

BEIJING (Reuters) -Chinese President Xi Jinping said the country needs to be independent in seeds to achieve food security, state media reported on Monday, reiterating growing concerns about China’s reliance on imports of food.

Seed sources must be independent and controllable, and seed industry technology must be self-reliant, he added, according to the report.

China has stepped up its focus on food security since the COVID-19 pandemic began in early 2020, which upended global supply chains, threatening large imports of grain into the country.”

While China, and so many other nations have started instructing their citizens on how to survive the coming food shortages, biden has done NOTHING AT ALL!! In fact, he has made more certain of starvation here by paying off even more farmers to keep them from growing food. California is doing the same! He has done NOTHING to solve the fertilizer shortage issue nor the herbicide shortage!!
That is true , if you dig down to permeable soil , your water will return to the water table. But you can seal it back up with cement or oilfield gel or scrap sheetrock. Anything fine textured enough to stop the pores in the soil. The organic material was previously doing this.
Bentonite is a good material for sealing leaking ponds. I want to put in a couple more ponds on my property and would like to get a truckload of Bentonite to help seal it.
Did you see Tucker Carlson segment tonight on china??? Not sure if any of you put any stock in Tucker's commentaries but it was bone chilling for me if its true what china is doing to its people...starving vast amount out, essentially imprisoning them.. ..RE: Covid.....I'm still processing story...and too tired tonight to fact check...couldn't find a post of it to add link here for you to watch....maybe tomorrow it will be available...IF it's true, I woudn't be so sure China is too worried about finding ways to help their own survive
Why isn’t our government giving Citizens instructions to grow food?

“Xi says China needs own seeds to guarantee country's 'food bowl' -Xinhua
By Reuters Staff

BEIJING (Reuters) -Chinese President Xi Jinping said the country needs to be independent in seeds to achieve food security, state media reported on Monday, reiterating growing concerns about China’s reliance on imports of food.

Seed sources must be independent and controllable, and seed industry technology must be self-reliant, he added, according to the report.

China has stepped up its focus on food security since the COVID-19 pandemic began in early 2020, which upended global supply chains, threatening large imports of grain into the country.”

While China, and so many other nations have started instructing their citizens on how to survive the coming food shortages, biden has done NOTHING AT ALL!! In fact, he has made more certain of starvation here by paying off even more farmers to keep them from growing food. California is doing the same! He has done NOTHING to solve the fertilizer shortage issue nor the herbicide shortage!!
What better way to get more people dependent on government? Besides, what problems has our government ever solved? They just create problems where there shouldn't be any. If government would get out of the way private industry would be able to handle most any shortage.
Today at the grocery store we picked up a package of pork chops for .37 cents, a pork belly for .07 cents and a couple pork cutlets for a dollar. These were all marked down prices, but still fresh. With careful shopping there are still bargains around.

Haven’t seen prices like that for more years than I can remember!
Haven’t seen prices like that for more years than I can remember!
The store manager and the meat cutter guy do what they can to keep prices as low as possible to help the locals out. I think they mark down certain products before they should be. Sometimes the meat counter guy will take things out of my cart and put a $1 - $2 off sticker on it.
After the government mandated chickens and turkeys be slaughtered and kept out of the market a black market for chickens has emerged . People are smuggling chickens into their back yards and preparing to raise their own . One account I had , they were selling for $15.00 per live chicken .
There's no way of knowing at this point just how extensive the government slaughter will be. But is guaranteed to increase costs on live and processed chicken, and cause shortages. So far on our chicken order only one breed has been canceled.
Its a good thing that more people are getting started raising chickens, even in town.
After the government mandated chickens and turkeys be slaughtered and kept out of the market a black market for chickens has emerged . People are smuggling chickens into their back yards and preparing to raise their own . One account I had , they were selling for $15.00 per live chicken .

Not surprised too much, and it does make me happy! The more people who are smart enough to realize they are on track to be starved…and do something about it, the more fellow Preppers we will have when this is all over. Bringing those responsible for this to JUSTICE is going to be a big job!
Some breeds of chickens are calmer and therefore quieter. So do your some work on the calmer ones if you have a small yard. I would encourage anyone with a yard to look into having at least a few laying hens. They are very therapeutic to many folks too!
Most of our chickens are pretty calm and quiet. On this years chick order we picked out some breeds that are more broody, and a couple roosters. We want to start raising our own chicks. I think it could start getting hard to order chicks soon.
We want to start raising our own chicks. I think it could start getting hard to order chicks soon.

It seems all but certain. Does anyone besides the few Preppers realize, in all this chaos around us, that our government is taking many actions that WILL…without a doubt cause food shortages?!

Trying to put together a strategy where I can have a rooster at my disposal when things totally go to crap. The best plan I have come up with is to have my son keep one of his male chicks and keep it for me until I can have it on our property without problems from the POA.

EDIT: Wouldn’t you think with acres of land per landowner that chickens would not be a problem?!!!
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My daughter and I have a similar arrangement for any flock increase . She has a rooster and 5 hens . I only have hens . So that leaves us with the ability to increase our chickens at our desecration .

Great arrangement to increase your flock when you need to! Well done! We all need to start thinking out of the box in order to sustain our needs. My sister and I are doing something similar with rabbits.
ICE AGE FARMER on Telegram…

“U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen will convene a meeting of top international financial officials next week to address a global food-security crisis, with the heads of institutions including the IMF urging action to address dire consequences of record price surges caused by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

But they won’t tel you to grow a garden. They won’t hand out seeds - which are cheaper than C19 test kits. What a farce.”

The other important item regarding this “show” of a meeting is they are LYING about the CAUSE!!! You can’t fix a problem unless you go after the real cause! The war is a small contributor, but the main one for THE UNITED STATES is not Russia as we don’t import much food from them at all!

Geez, they think we are brain dead idiots! 😡🤬
To us. I work with the public, in their homes, M-F. I can tell you the vast majority of people have ZERO idea of what is coming. I see ZERO preps, and lots of video games (adults), mortgages, new cars, computers, take out food, but nothing that says prepared, or even armed. I talk with these people, and it is rare I find someone that knows. We are the exception rather than the rule.

I make subtle comments to feel them out; things that someone like us would get instantly. When they miss it, I do my work and look at them, imagining their fate.
I work for the public as well and from what I see in most homes is the same , maybe two weeks food and most of its frozen food.
I have seen only about 5 out of maybe 100 homes where they have started or been prepping even the basics, in my opinion if and when we have the next market crash it’s going to get very bad very fast for a lot of people, I’ve already noticed a lot of theft, petty larceny and crime in general around the state. That will only be ten fold when shtf / market crash happens. We have to be ready for the hunger and violence that will follow, after all we are living in a third world country now.
I’ve already noticed a lot of theft, petty larceny and crime in general around the state. That will only be ten fold when shtf / market crash happens. We have to be ready for the hunger and violence that will follow, after all we are living in a third world country now.

The increased crime has been thoughtfully implemented by reducing as many police as possible. Increased CRIMINAL numbers are being brought into our states every single day aka ILLEGALS. They do know how to survive in 3rd world environments. Keep that in mind when you are confronted by them.