Food shortages are here and getting worse.

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Many do not speak hungarian, so others are helping them fill out paperwork and get a place to stay. We are going to the mayor today to inform him we have space for a single mom and up to 3 children here and they can speak any language since Helena and I have 4 good and another 3 so-so.
We have also seen the Hungarian Forint fall from getting 360 for one euro to over 400 forint in only one week now.
The EU has forbidden ANYONE from transferring their euros to russia in order to buy up rubels as it is gold backed now...but the rubel has lost its value now over 30% in a week also...

Color me jealous that you and Helena speak so many languages. The Ukraine people didn’t deserve this. Russia going gold backed and transferring to the Chinese system for credit cards is sending alarms off in me. I’ve read numerous financial pieces that have said “if China converts to gold backing the yuan, then it ultimately bring down the US Dollar”! Makes one wonder if this is nothing but a scheme by the Globalist to crash our country.
The ONLY way to take America down is from the inside. Too many gun owners, too much military, too much top secret stuff you do not know about like microwave beams from satelites and microwave killer antenna. Only if the US is broken from the inside, EMP attack on the grid is enough: the un-prepped will die off from no water in a week, no food in a month, no air-conditioning in the summer, no heat in the winter and being shot trying to steal from THOSE WHO HAVE PREPPED...
None of us will survive without our gardens and own water supply, but we will be slowly pushed into another type of stone-age of having newer tools but no longer the supply of un-ending materials to work with. Newer knowledge but no internet to talk with. Newer technology but no spare parts. Imagine needing to make your own wooden nails to build with, making your own sandpaper with pitch from the trees and real sand, making your own blades for your machines from old scraps of metal...
Sorry lady, been in Europe toooo long now. I should have said the english word for poree: LEEKS.
Yeah, if we go for a walk and see some cleared ground near the canal, creek or lake, we drop different seeds to let them grow wild. You never know if you bug out for a few days, what is out there to eat or at least make a soup or tea from.
We have a wild garlic, ramsoms or buckrams in english, nettles, willow trees, wild pears, peaches, walnuts, acorns, cattails, dandelions, samphire and wild corn around here. Always adding to the collection, next is carrots, squash, pumpkins and beans.
Just go for a walk and drop some seeds near a big tree or a non-forgettable place and check it once in a while. GP

My son and I did similar. We made seed bombs and tossed them when we were hiking...different seeds in clay balls. We'd make a bunch and take them with us.

“Russia To Ban Fertilizer Exports To 'Not Friendly' Countries; China Warns US Against Retaliation

Russia's war on Ukraine is continuing to boost food prices. While the US and European countries are engaged in economic warfare against Moscow, it appears Russia's turn to strike back has emerged.

On Thursday, Russian Minister of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov said Russia decided to suspend fertilizer exports. This comes when global food prices are at record highs, and European fertilizer makers are struggling to produce nutrients ahead of the spring growing season, increasing global food inflation risks.

President Vladimir Putin said the fertilizer export ban was a move to ensure stable domestic food prices. This is another sign of growing protectionism worldwide as countries grapple with soaring food prices. Putin said fertilizer markets are deteriorating, making food a lot more expensive.

Now China is warning us about retaliating against Russia?! This is not going well folks.
“The Easy Way to Feed a Large Garden!

How to Make Homemade Liquid Fertilizer

As shared in my book Compost Everything, feeding plants with homemade liquid fertilizer allows you to stretch fertility a long, long way and reuse “waste”:


Many people have written in to say how much they appreciate this simple method for creating homemade liquid fertilizer for plants.

As Gardener Earth Guy commented on the video:

“This is the absolute best garden trick I’ve learned in a long time. My bananas have gotten giant, sweet potatoes have rope vines, and loquats are getting giant. What doesn’t get a chop ‘n’ drop goes in the bin.”
You can throw in weeds, fruit, kitchen scraps, urine, manure … just find organic matter and throw it in. I like a wide mix.”

Video on this link…
I'm in New Zealand and work for a free lunches in schools program. We've been told to plan 2 vegetarian meals each week because of meat shortages. We're having trouble getting enough of most things for the lunch program and the quality of produce has dropped.

At home I'm hoarding shelf stable foods and other stuff. Got the go ahead to turn the backyard into a food garden. Wish I still had my chickens and meat rabbits. Trying not to stress but my family were already struggling before the pandemic and it's not getting any easier.
I'm in New Zealand and work for a free lunches in schools program. We've been told to plan 2 vegetarian meals each week because of meat shortages. We're having trouble getting enough of most things for the lunch program and the quality of produce has dropped.

At home I'm hoarding shelf stable foods and other stuff. Got the go ahead to turn the backyard into a food garden. Wish I still had my chickens and meat rabbits. Trying not to stress but my family were already struggling before the pandemic and it's not getting any easier.

Can you grow a garden? Get some chickens and meat rabbits again? Stressing will do nothing for you or your loved ones. ACTION to feed your family will. There is zero doubt many are going to starve! The WEF goons and our governments are making sure of that.
Can you grow a garden? Get some chickens and meat rabbits again? Stressing will do nothing for you or your loved ones. ACTION to feed your family will. There is zero doubt many are going to starve! The WEF goons and our governments are making sure of that.
The landlord has said I can put in a garden. I'm working on getting permission for chickens and meat rabbits. Maybe I can get them and hide them behind a trellis 🤔🤫
The fact nobody prevented (or even seemed to notice) the changing of election laws without legislatures says that they all knew the steal was coming.

The additional proof comes in the form of the "so what" response from most in public offices.

If there's famine, they'll just cancel the elections -- saying that nobody cares about them right now.

The election steal and COVID taught them they have full and total control over us and we will do nothing to stop them.
The landlord has said I can put in a garden. I'm working on getting permission for chickens and meat rabbits. Maybe I can get them and hide them behind a trellis 🤔🤫

I would. Rabbits as you know are quiet. Chickens are hidden easily, but do “sing” when they’ve laid an egg.
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March 14 (Reuters) - A worsening drought in the southern U.S. Plains is threatening the region's winter wheat crop just as the Russian invasion of Ukraine dents global supplies.

Some farmers in southwestern Kansas, the top U.S. wheat producing state, have not received much measurable rain or snow since October. Winter wheat is planted in autumn, lays dormant in winter and begins sending up green shoots in spring. Proper soil moisture is critical at this stage for the crop to thrive.

More than half of Kansas was classified as under severe drought or worse as of March 8, the driest conditions since 2018, according to the National Drought Mitigation Center. Severe drought is also covering three-quarters of Oklahoma and more than two-thirds of Texas, both of which also are large wheat producers.

Water woes come on top of a freak December wind storm that swept away some topsoil in parts of the U.S. wheat belt, damaging some cropland.

U.S. hard red winter wheat represents nearly half of the country's overall wheat production and is milled mainly for bread flour. A reduced crop could further stoke food inflation that the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) said was the highest-ever in February. The FAO's Food Price Index averaged 140.7 points last month, a 20.7% increase from a year earlier and surpassing the 2011 record.

March 14 (Reuters) - A worsening drought in the southern U.S. Plains is threatening the region's winter wheat crop just as the Russian invasion of Ukraine dents global supplies.

Some farmers in southwestern Kansas, the top U.S. wheat producing state, have not received much measurable rain or snow since October. Winter wheat is planted in autumn, lays dormant in winter and begins sending up green shoots in spring. Proper soil moisture is critical at this stage for the crop to thrive.

More than half of Kansas was classified as under severe drought or worse as of March 8, the driest conditions since 2018, according to the National Drought Mitigation Center. Severe drought is also covering three-quarters of Oklahoma and more than two-thirds of Texas, both of which also are large wheat producers.

Water woes come on top of a freak December wind storm that swept away some topsoil in parts of the U.S. wheat belt, damaging some cropland.

U.S. hard red winter wheat represents nearly half of the country's overall wheat production and is milled mainly for bread flour. A reduced crop could further stoke food inflation that the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) said was the highest-ever in February. The FAO's Food Price Index averaged 140.7 points last month, a 20.7% increase from a year earlier and surpassing the 2011 record.

Everyone store wheat berries, get a grinder.
Ran across the interview last night that Robin has above. This is SHOCKING! A few highlights…


“UN Food Systems Summit 2021: Dismantling Democracy and Resetting Corporate Control of FOOD Systems”!!!

Goal: “Make meat obsolete”! (For the Peasants of course.) According to their plan, Australia will “raise meat” but won’t be able to eat it, only export it. Did not see where their plans ”allowed” any meat to be raised in the USA.


This is their planned diet for PEASANTS above. No Diary, Fish, Poultry, Potatoes, Red Meat or Eggs. The above diet shown to be tried on Dutch infants revealed horrid results with health…but they go on to say it is “acceptable”.


Their plans for the United States is to remove ALL CHOICE of what we eat…put in our bodies!

I could go on, but you can watch the video on Ice Age Farmer on Telegram.


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