Food shortages are here and getting worse.

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I also read another article today that said baby formula was being sent over to Ukraine. True or not, I don't know but would not surprise me at all. Ukraine is our next new state, right??
Sometime I gently probe to see what people around me think about the current world situation... many think it's just other countries being effected, most think nothing will ever effect themselves personally... the old 99 soldiers mentality.

You aren’t in the area where they are disallowing growing food are you?
You aren’t in the area where they are disallowing growing food are you?
Thankfully we're still allowed to grow food here. I was gifted some more vegetable seeds today... but if anyone asks, pests and disease ruined all my crops 🤫😉.

Only one person I know is even thinking of growing food. The rest are content to complain about food prices and lack of desired items at the supermarket, and think "it'll come right soon".
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@Kiwichick just keep what you are doing!!!!! I read your posts and you are on the right track for what you can do.
I maybe able to do more, but I am probably 20yrs farther on the life journey. You are farther ahead than I was at your life experience.
In SHTF, would consider you a positive.
I read that illegals were being given free baby formula.

EDIT: Sorry, didn’t see your post above!
We adopted a new born in the middle of 19’ that consumed vast amounts of formula. In early March of 20’, with many shortages looming, I calculated and purchased enough formula to get us to the likely time when we would be done with it plus 25%. Realizing that was the last time I’d buy formula was a downer but that’s how it’s supposed to work. Ended up giving that last 25% away. Not worrying about what we would feed her was priceless. Btw formula tastes nasty.
Follow The White Rabbit 🌼 (PRO)
Follow The White Rabbit @whereistruth17


It's the 1930s All Over Again

The Ukraine Holodomor and the Dust Bowl in western USA happened in the 1930s.

Guess what else happened in the USA in the 1930's? The Great Depression.

Now we have the beginnings of an orchestrated Holodomor throughout the realm, and a severe drought in the western states leading to dust storms.

He doesn't discuss it, but they are manipulating the weather to add to our problems.

What we are likely facing is engineered Very Great Depression everywhere.”

Monkey Werx showed clearly the other day where HARP has gone active. He warned us to look out for weird, extreme weather. Makes you wonder about these
dust bowl like storms doesn’t it?
@Kiwichick just keep what you are doing!!!!! I read your posts and you are on the right track for what you can do.
I maybe able to do more, but I am probably 20yrs farther on the life journey. You are farther ahead than I was at your life experience.
In SHTF, would consider you a positive.
Thank you so much ❤
Went to Amazon to buy a few things we normally stock, and looked at the prices the last time we bought them, last year. EVERYTHING has gone up 20-30%. Made me look at the toothpaste we normally buy, and it appears toothpaste is not as great as we think (full of chemicals not good for us). I found some homemade recipes for it. Anyone ever made their own?

Truth About Toothpaste (

The Toxic Truth About Toothpaste and Mouthwash Ingredients – Lumineux Oral Essentials™ (
Went to Amazon to buy a few things we normally stock, and looked at the prices the last time we bought them, last year. EVERYTHING has gone up 20-30%. Made me look at the toothpaste we normally buy, and it appears toothpaste is not as great as we think (full of chemicals not good for us). I found some homemade recipes for it. Anyone ever made their own?

Truth About Toothpaste (

The Toxic Truth About Toothpaste and Mouthwash Ingredients – Lumineux Oral Essentials™ (

Yes, I have and found them to work very well. Stopped it some years ago because of lack of time…work was so hectic. Thanks for the reminder. It’s so easy to overlook all the unhealthy things we gotten accustomed to!
Went to Amazon to buy a few things we normally stock, and looked at the prices the last time we bought them, last year. EVERYTHING has gone up 20-30%. Made me look at the toothpaste we normally buy, and it appears toothpaste is not as great as we think (full of chemicals not good for us). I found some homemade recipes for it. Anyone ever made their own?

Truth About Toothpaste (

The Toxic Truth About Toothpaste and Mouthwash Ingredients – Lumineux Oral Essentials™ (

I use non fluoride toothpaste and Mouthwash. All natural. Tom's of Maine makes a good one at a decent price.
I would NOT be surprised to see that CHINA has weaseled its way into all our industrys!!!
Perhaps. But I'd be very surprised to see that they're behind the plants being destroyed, etc. It would require looking through a very limited lens to suspect that. In fact, I suspect the people who are behind it want very much for Americans to start pointing the finger at China.
Let's have a debate. Is our Sun hot?
What a stupid thing to say. Heat from the sun can be proven easily. That doesn't mean you can't debate it, just means you can prove one side easily. Do you really not comprehend that?

Reading this forum has made me think we are in more trouble than I'd thought. I really hope people like you are the exception in America.
QUESTION: Has anyone else's town recently banned having backyard chickens? (I am not asking for people who live outside the town/city limits to post that that's why they moved out.) I've heard this a lot recently. The "bird flu" usually being the reason why no backyard chickens.
Went to Amazon to buy a few things we normally stock, and looked at the prices the last time we bought them, last year. EVERYTHING has gone up 20-30%. Made me look at the toothpaste we normally buy, and it appears toothpaste is not as great as we think (full of chemicals not good for us). I found some homemade recipes for it. Anyone ever made their own?

Truth About Toothpaste (

The Toxic Truth About Toothpaste and Mouthwash Ingredients – Lumineux Oral Essentials™ (

Baking soda and peroxide? I have used this many, many times.
I mostly use regular toothpaste with fluorid, buy from Dollar general..but I have this "weird" habit of pouring peroxide on my toothbrush first..and keep plenty of back up brushes to switch out every 2 months max...don't ask me what my rationale is for any of that routine as I can't likely back it up with a valid reason..I have seriously never had a cavity in my life..but I think that might be more genetic, plus I rarely eat sweets and floss regularly... 😁
What a stupid thing to say. Heat from the sun can be proven easily. That doesn't mean you can't debate it, just means you can prove one side easily. Do you really not comprehend that?

Reading this forum has made me think we are in more trouble than I'd thought. I really hope people like you are the exception in America.

I'm definitely the exception. That's why we are in trouble. Is our Sun hot all the time?
Do you have any evidence to support this, or do you expect it to rest on the lack of debate?
What rock have you been living under?
Just heard predictions of diesel being over $10 per gallon by the end of summer. If this comes true we can expect EVERYTHING to at least double or quadruple in price. And many things just won't be available anymore for the average person.
Thanks Biden voters! I hope you all choke on your joy.
I know that many of us have high hopes for the Republicans in November, and so do I. But the Republicans have shown that they are nothing but spineless wimps. They always have excuses why they roll over for the democrats.
Just heard predictions of diesel being over $10 per gallon by the end of summer. If this comes true we can expect EVERYTHING to at least double or quadruple in price. And many things just won't be available anymore for the average person.
Thanks Biden voters! I hope you all choke on your joy.
I know that many of us have high hopes for the Republicans in November, and so do I. But the Republicans have shown that they are nothing but spineless wimps. They always have excuses why they roll over for the democrats.

I'm sad to say I really don't have high hopes for even the repubs anymore (yes, IF I decide to vote again, it would be Repubs)...BUT, I am very concerned that some Dems are switching parties seemingly just to get elected AND it's working in some, I agree...the Republicans have fallen short of my expectations..and not proven to be much better in changing things..when Trump was in, I had hope....Im not convinced he will be back...I may be, or soon will get to the point I stop voting altogether...I feel like the hell with it! What difference in big scheme of things is it going to make?
Just heard predictions of diesel being over $10 per gallon by the end of summer. If this comes true we can expect EVERYTHING to at least double or quadruple in price. And many things just won't be available anymore for the average person.
Thanks Biden voters! I hope you all choke on your joy.
I know that many of us have high hopes for the Republicans in November, and so do I. But the Republicans have shown that they are nothing but spineless wimps. They always have excuses why they roll over for the democrats.
We get offers to buy our two pieces of property (from someone) at least twice a week for months now. I've suspected it's not just realtors looking for property for eager prepping clients, but rather some huge concern (billionaires like Gates, Bezos, Musk or Chinese buyer) trying to snatch it all up so it can't be farmed. Of course, the offers are for 1/3 its current assessed value. We toss them all into the trash can.
Thank you! I never said I disagreed (with that particular point, not the bigger one you were discussing). Just that it's high time you backed up some of the things you say. And you did. Thank you.

And you're welcome.
We get offers to buy our two pieces of property (from someone) at least twice a week for months now. I've suspected it's not just realtors looking for property for eager prepping clients, but rather some huge concern (billionaires like Gates, Bezos, Musk or Chinese buyer) trying to snatch it all up so it can't be farmed. Of course, the offers are for 1/3 its current assessed value. We toss them all into the trash can.
I get same...I don't think it's Gates or the Chinese interested in my place I only have right at 11 acres and can't imagine how or why it would benefit them enough to peak their interest........but the calls and letters are annoying as hell for me..and they can all p!$$ off ! I'm not moving/selling. I figure it's just property values in our area going through roof (Again)..'s getting hard to find a local license plate on autos on the road around here...NY, NJ, Cali, etc...
NE to west and all in between moving in!! Praying they don't bring their politics with them!

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