Food shortages are here and getting worse.

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I had been doing the diesel for everything when prices were the same. Now it’s time to rethink for when I am running for parts.
We actually take the electric out when we are together for the light errands.
I just didn't realize you have an electric car. I guess with you being in CA, it should have been a given. Hunny is also more aware of all the running around he does in errands, going to his friends to work a job and takes Granny's Jeep verses his gas guzzling trucks, when he can. I commute in my little Ford Ranger, which actually gets pretty good gas mileage. I just could never see electric replacing what horsepower we actually need to haul our loads and I know you can understand that one.
Yep, TAKE everything they “own” here! Call it payment for years and years of THEFT of our technology and of course payment for Covid deaths!
I agree, but we must remember that we allowed them to buy and steal everything they wanted. Then we bought their cheap junk that paid for it all.
I just didn't realize you have an electric car. I guess with you being in CA, it should have been a given. Hunny is also more aware of all the running around he does in errands, going to his friends to work a job and takes Granny's Jeep verses his gas guzzling trucks, when he can. I commute in my little Ford Ranger, which actually gets pretty good gas mileage. I just could never see electric replacing what horsepower we actually need to haul our loads and I know you can understand that one.
My wife has a Tesla. Its actually a pretty amazing computer to drive. It’s as quick as my old Porsche. Goes about 250 miles at 75 and takes 45 to charge.
Junk ones like a Nissan Leaf and others are just that junk. Drive 75 miles and it takes 8 hrs to charge.
Electric isn’t going to be for everyone. Tesla built their charging systems. Not seeing any other charging systems like it.
My wife is going to see her kid this weekend. 1000 mile round trip, will be about $60. Will take 2 hrs longer round trip than when I used to do the drive with a gas.
So take it from someone who has one. If you have the right one it’s worth it. It may not be for someone like AD, because the infrastructure is not there.
Its also pretty cool to unlock the vehicle from my phone from 500 miles away.
Growing food in labs or eating insects and not what the insects eat is more wasteful than current food supplies.

The insects aren't going to be 100% efficient, therefore there will be waste. More efficient for us to just eat the plants right out of the ground.

Growing "meat" in labs has the same backward logic as making alternative fuels in labs. The chemicals in are at least the same amount as the fuel being replaced, plus there's the lab processing.

Oil is practically ready-to-use right out of the ground.

All of this psuedo-science is coming from the same liars who brought us COVID and Climate Change.
.All of this psuedo-science is coming from the same liars who brought us COVID and Climate Change.

They know making fake food for the masses is not better for the environment. But better or more food isn’t their GOAL. Their goal is Complete Control and a much reduced population! The only way they achieve it is by controlling the FOOD!
As further proof of Food Control being their ultimate goal see this…

“Attorney General Merrick Garland Unveils New “Office of Environmental Justice” to Advance Biden’s Climate Agenda (VIDEO)”

Garland said the Office of Environmental Justice “will serve as the central hub for our efforts to advance our comprehensive environmental justice enforcement strategy,” with the office working alongside a number of other intradepartmental agencies, including the Civil Rights Division and United States Attorneys’ offices, to “prioritize meaningful and constructive engagement with the communities most affected by environmental crime and injustice.”

So what does that actually mean? It means they are coming after anyone raising and growing their own food!!! Since when did enforcing our Constitution and Bill of Rights involve stopping Citizens from raising their own FOOD???
As further proof of Food Control being their ultimate goal see this…

“Attorney General Merrick Garland Unveils New “Office of Environmental Justice” to Advance Biden’s Climate Agenda (VIDEO)”

Garland said the Office of Environmental Justice “will serve as the central hub for our efforts to advance our comprehensive environmental justice enforcement strategy,” with the office working alongside a number of other intradepartmental agencies, including the Civil Rights Division and United States Attorneys’ offices, to “prioritize meaningful and constructive engagement with the communities most affected by environmental crime and injustice.”

So what does that actually mean? It means they are coming after anyone raising and growing their own food!!! Since when did enforcing our Constitution and Bill of Rights involve stopping Citizens from raising their own FOOD???

Don't you know livestock releases dangerous gas into our air. How dare you deny minorities clean air. Don't you know diverting all that water for your food crops is causing environmental disasters for fish and animals. Humans are dangerous to the planet, unless there controlled!
So what does that actually mean? It means they are coming after anyone raising and growing their own food!!! Since when did enforcing our Constitution and Bill of Rights involve stopping Citizens from raising their own FOOD???

It is what they did to control the Native Americans and make them dependent.
I posted this elsewhere but, it is relevant here as well.

Every once in a while I run across something that provides me a "DUH" moment.

I had to run from the BOL 2, to the home improvement store in the nearest largish town, to get building supplies.

It is a 30 mile + drive. Along the way I see a round bale on the side of the road. First thought was...someone lost something off their trailer. Then I go around a curve and there is another and another and another. I stopped counting at 50. 50 bails would feed my 7 horses for about 6 months and those bails were just in the span of about 4 miles. How many hundreds of thousands of miles of highways are there in the US?

Someone had cut and then bailed the grass growing along the highway. BRILLIANT.

With all of the talk about how we must stop consuming beef because we just don't have the land to feed them....
With budget crunches in counties and towns....

Why has no one thought to bail the grass the county/state routinely cuts along all of the highways and roads for livestock?
Heck, sell it for $50 a bail (which is a bargain here)! Might not be a budget foundation but, it sure wouldn't hurt!
Except they want to kill animal husbandry, too, so they'd likely, fine, arrest (or worse) anyone caught doing so once they gain FULL control of the food supply. Might work for awhile though. Better get busy if you wanna cash in on that one. ;) These folks are moving at warp speed with their agenda now.
Except they want to kill animal husbandry, too, so they'd likely, fine, arrest (or worse) anyone caught doing so once they gain FULL control of the food supply. Might work for awhile though. Better get busy if you wanna cash in on that one. ;) These folks are moving at warp speed with their agenda now.

Don't think that will happen in Texas at least. When you look at the ag related laws here, it is obvious that the agriculture industry is a State priority. The feds can try, but, I think Texas would secede before they folded to them.

And i was actually going to mention it to a county board member the next time I see them.
People in our area roll bales out of anything that looks good. And yep, right up to the road. A number of sheep farmers around here, and they always need grass. The acre to go into the parking of our nearest seed company is grass, and gets baled. My grandson helped with the baling on that lot during the last cutting. The owner also raises sheep so it goes to them. Our back field of 15 acres is alfalfa.

“Major fire at Indianapolis Walmart distribution center. C'mon! This **** is becoming more and more obvious”

Food shortages? Bill Gates to the rescue, with the vaccines imbedded in the seeds (that's why he bought up a bunch of seed companies recently), modified fertilizers that don't help ANYTHING grow to INSURE poor yields, and making the meat supply GMO modified with God knows what! Some pretty scary SH#@. Not surprised, but still pretty alarming to me. And I'm sure Bill can spring for the funding the fleet of camera-equiped drones to fly over rural areas to spot our small BOL gardens and livestock so they can come destroy any attempts at self-sufficiency to avoid their tainted food and meat. :mad:
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I heard that the DOJ now has an Environmental Justice department. I have a feeling that this will tie in to their plans to redistribute millions acres of White owned farms to blacks. And of course to push for their "green new deal" scam.

I posted about it on here on another thread. They are after our cattle, sheep, goats and chickens…not to mention our gardens! Can’t have us feeding ourselves, otherwise they can’t starve us all!