Food shortages are here and getting worse.

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Those were my thoughts, too. That poor farmer. And if his customer base were other Amish, they really were seeking the pure, quality of beef he was raising. Just made me sick to read that one. I've been to Bird-in-hand many times. My husband's hobby of military tabletop wargaming used to hold an annual convention there (biggest wargamers convention in the country). Haven't been back since the annual event was moved to Philadelphia some years back. I love it up there.

“Latest USDA report had tight ending stocks across several grains & oilseeds.

“A bumper crop is needed.”

The cold temps and excessive rains have kept farmers out of the fields, delaying planting. When considered also with fertilizer and other input shortages … a bumper crop can not be expected, to say the least.

Sadly, the increasing food prices and availability issues we see today are only a tease of what is ahead.


Ice Age Farmer
We have a few amish farm stores around us and have noticed that they do not sell to the amish normally. Because the amish can make the goods themselves (usually), and the goods are priced higher. We have a certified butchering place for the community...bring the animal in (live) and receive it wrapped nicely with your choice of meat cuts. The problems with using that place is that they are backed up 6 months, so you have to get your name in, and some have complained that they know they've gotten Holstein beef instead of Angus, so mix ups can happen. Amish raw milk places are also regularly raided. My cousin buys young calves at auction, raises them up, resells, keeps a number for butcher. A guy down the road butchers cow, so we pay the guy (last time $500) and we get half the cow, and cousin gets the other half. The guy down the road is not licensed, but he does not have a store front so it just appears he's butchering his own cow, and that's ok to do. It's the selling part they're after. We do the milk/eggs thing as a barter. I leave eggs and pick up raw milk. Then I make extra butter out of it and bring some over, too, and my cousin makes cheese and I get to bring that home.
Ah, so it's mob rule you're after. You must have loved the riots two years ago. Or is it only *your* mob that you like, and the rest need to be put down? There's a term for that. That's called civil war.
Blah, blah, blah...
"Removed" = Impeachment by the legislature
"stripped" = Found guilty by the legislature
"forced" by whom exactly?= The warden.
Quit trying to get so butthurt over everything...buttercup
From Ice Age Farmer's Telegram account. . . . Just another shortage. Seems odd the we have been seeing the bird flu in chicken which lead to millions being slaughtered and now this is showing up in pigs. Coincidental? I think not.


Australia: pork supply set to plunge as Japanese encephalitis detected across piggeries

Experts say Japanese encephalitis will impact pork supply as infected piggeries experience production losses of up to 80 per cent. There are now 30 New South Wales piggeries affected by the mosquito-borne virus and 11 people have been infected, with three deaths nationwide.

"It's also the mental health impact on the people, because there's been a lot of stillborn or abortions or abnormalities in piglets … which can be very stressful seeing … day in, day out."

The disease has no impact on the safety of consuming pork, but Dr Britton said production losses were likely to affect availability.

"I think it will affect the supply of pork, because it has impacted a number of the bigger properties as well as some of the smaller ones," she said.

#Australia #Pork

MSN (Japanese encephalitis detected in 30 NSW piggeries, pork supply set to plunge)
Japanese encephalitis detected in 30 NSW piggeries, pork supply set to plunge
With anguished farmers experiencing production losses of up to 80 per cent, the state's
If it made it to pigs, not a far jump to humans. There was a reason they used fetal pigs.
I remember HS biology, fetal pig dissection was just like the Invisible Man models.
Deer and other critters just the same, just different shape.
If it made it to pigs, not a far jump to humans. There was a reason they used fetal pigs.
I remember HS biology, fetal pig dissection was just like the Invisible Man models.
Deer and other critters just the same, just different shape.
I saw 2 cases recently of bird flu jumping to humans. 1 child in China and 1 man in Colorado. Next Pandemic?? Who knows, but mid-term elections are approaching. . .
I saw 2 cases recently of bird flu jumping to humans. 1 child in China and 1 man in Colorado. Next Pandemic?? Who knows, but mid-term elections are approaching. . .
Next plandemic?
I have seen where PCR tests are positive with water. Positive with Cocoa Cola, beer. Really humorous, they were using the free Govt tests. 50% +. PCR is used for bird flu too.
I see enough signs around me, they are ready to lock us down again. We were the first to be locked down, last to be released. Coming soon to your area.
We all know that another scamdimic is just around the corner. It worked out so well on the covid BS. I think many people will just roll over and follow the "experts" again. Its unbelievable but I still see the occasional dimwitted idiot wearing a mask.
It’s still so bad here, I am still an outcast for not wearing one. Idiots in the car by themselves wearing a mask is common.
i guess that’s what I get for leaving the Mt and being near the blue sheep..
But at some point- grey man is prudent.
Update on whole cow I ordered..when I previously posted I had ordered a whole cow and was hoping to get it in couple of weeks...I forgot to mention the person I ordered from (whom I know) had told me the meat processing facility where he works had caught on fire so it would be delayed a couple of weeks. Initially I didn't think anything of it..and really hadn't heard about all the fires at various plants across country...I get a call from him last week informing me they've had yet another fire. Therefore will be further delay..possibly few more weeks. I'm thinking..humm..that's weird! But OK...I still had not heard about the "coincidental" fires breaking out at processing facilities as of last week (not sure how I missed that story).. anyway, after watching and reading some updated news on that (now old) breaking story, I decided to Google "fire at meat processing plant" for the city it is located...I did find one news report for back in February there was a fire at that facility..but nothing since Feb. 3rd.

Convenient excuse? Not sure. I didn't question too much since I know the person, but I'm thinking my whole cow on order ain't happening at this point. 🤔
I spent the last 2 hours digging out and seationg 'bedding plants' of everything I want down at our BOL. Taking them down tomorrow or Tuesday. I figure why buy 'em when you can save $$ and just knife/separate off a chunk with roots from existing plants! I did a pot of basil, oregano, spearmint, parsley, rosemary, cilantro, cucumber, 4 types of tomatoes, 3 red potato, yellow and red onion, chives, regular green onions, nasturtiums. I figure that will give me a pretty good head start on my garden when we get down there in the next couple weeks.
This smells of Geo S. funding of BLM in the background again. His paid minions are scattered all around the country so it's kind of like an instantaneous paramilitary response with 1 phone call to the city or facility they want to 'hit' to further cripple food supply. IceAgeFarmer predicted this some time back, if you follow him.
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Update on whole cow I ordered..when I previously posted I had ordered a whole cow and was hoping to get it in couple of weeks...I forgot to mention the person I ordered from (whom I know) had told me the meat processing facility where he works had caught on fire so it would be delayed a couple of weeks. Initially I didn't think anything of it..and really hadn't heard about all the fires at various plants across country...I get a call from him last week informing me they've had yet another fire. Therefore will be further delay..possibly few more weeks. I'm thinking..humm..that's weird! But OK...I still had not heard about the "coincidental" fires breaking out at processing facilities as of last week (not sure how I missed that story).. anyway, after watching and reading some updated news on that (now old) breaking story, I decided to Google "fire at meat processing plant" for the city it is located...I did find one news report for back in February there was a fire at that facility..but nothing since Feb. 3rd.

Convenient excuse? Not sure. I didn't question too much since I know the person, but I'm thinking my whole cow on order ain't happening at this point. 🤔

My post probably sounded confusing..I was referring to not seeing any more fires at the specific facility where my beef was going to be processed since Feb...

Its amazing that some people believe that all those food plant incidents are nothing more than coincidence. They weren’t successful in manufacturing a food shortage by making things hard for truckers, so they seem to have found a new way to manufacture the food shortage they seem to want so badly. They just won’t stop until people are 100% reliant on the government allowing them total control. 😡

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