Food shortages are here and getting worse.

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the only shortages here are Sunflower oil which the supermarkets are rationing to one bottle per customer.
the majority of the worlds sunflower oil come from Ukraine.
Glad I am in Hungary. We produce our own sunflower oil, corn, sweet corn, cherries, apples, peaches, apricots, watermelons, pumpkins and raps oil. We can buy all the oil and flour we want to, no rationing.
The only problem with the raps oil??? The frigging GERMANS are buying it to make bio-diesel since they are not gonna buy from russia any more diesel....using our food for their frigging mercedes and BMW owners.
The only problem with the raps oil??? The frigging GERMANS are buying it to make bio-diesel since they are not gonna buy from russia any more diesel....using our food for their frigging mercedes and BMW owners.

Is raps oil rapeseed oil? Most food grade rapeseed oil here, sold as "Canola oil", is from a rapeseed hybrid that is low in erucic acid. The marketing name "Canola" was originally a trademark of the Rapeseed Association of Canada and comes from Can (Canada) and OLA (Oil, Low Acid).
Yes, rapeseed oil is what we call raps oil in Europe. I even go through the fields and take a few leaves to chew on while walking the dog. Good salad and soup additive. The fields here are all planted late Nov. and we now have miles and miles of yellow flowers to the horizon. Normally they change the fields yearly to rotate properly but this time they planted rapeseed twice in the same year as a second crop.
Makes good bio-diesel, is more acidic, but better combustion and better exhaust values. The deer and rabbits here are abounding from the good food too.
Hard to get in the store since most is transported away in trucks or trainloads....................
“Lab-grown meat and insects 'good for planet and health'

Dining on the likes of lab-grown meat or ground-up insects could lead to big savings in carbon emissions and water, as well as freeing up land for nature.

That's the finding of a study calculating the environmental benefits of "greener" foods hitting our plates.
Scientists say pressures on the planet could fall by more than 80% with such foods, compared with the typical European diet…


They say switching meat, dairy and other animal products for alternative foods could reduce these impacts by more than 80%, while providing a more complete range of essential nutrients than a purely vegetarian or vegan diet…

The novel foods studied - some of which are still on the drawing board - were:

  • Ground-up flies and crickets
  • Egg white from lab-grown chicken cells
  • A type of seaweed called kelp
  • Protein powders made from mushrooms or microbes
  • Edible algae
  • Milk, meat and berries grown from cells.”

MICROBES! They want us peasants to eat microbes!! Let’s take a look at what the dictionary says about microbes.

Plural form of microbe

  1. A minute life form; a microorganism, especially a bacterium that causes disease. Not in technical use.
  2. A minute living being not distinguished, primarily, as to its animal or vegetable nature.
  3. A microscopic organism; a microorganism; -- particularly applied to bacteria and especially to pathogenic forms.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

As soon as "WE" are dead and gone...."THEY" will start growing sheep, cows and pigs again for "themselves". They will have "their" green world and live in "their" uptopia....and the leftover PEASANTS will again butcher for "THEM" to get "their" steaks and the peasants will again only get the innards for "food" or eat the cockroaches and rats from the barn. The Kings of old gave way to "democracy" because of the French Revolution where the King lost his head...
The Kings of today will give way to "autocracy" so they DO NOT LOSE THEIR HEADS.....
"They" will always get their cut while the rest eat bugs. We all need to quit rolling over and fight! Resist.
“Lab-grown meat and insects 'good for planet and health'

Dining on the likes of lab-grown meat or ground-up insects could lead to big savings in carbon emissions and water, as well as freeing up land for nature.

That's the finding of a study calculating the environmental benefits of "greener" foods hitting our plates.
Scientists say pressures on the planet could fall by more than 80% with such foods, compared with the typical European diet…

View attachment 16085

They say switching meat, dairy and other animal products for alternative foods could reduce these impacts by more than 80%, while providing a more complete range of essential nutrients than a purely vegetarian or vegan diet…

The novel foods studied - some of which are still on the drawing board - were:

  • Ground-up flies and crickets
  • Egg white from lab-grown chicken cells
  • A type of seaweed called kelp
  • Protein powders made from mushrooms or microbes
  • Edible algae
  • Milk, meat and berries grown from cells.”

MICROBES! They want us peasants to eat microbes!! Let’s take a look at what the dictionary says about microbes.

Plural form of microbe

  1. A minute life form; a microorganism, especially a bacterium that causes disease. Not in technical use.
  2. A minute living being not distinguished, primarily, as to its animal or vegetable nature.
  3. A microscopic organism; a microorganism; -- particularly applied to bacteria and especially to pathogenic forms.
The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.
They can try to push all that lab grown and insect crap they want, but I don't see the majority of Americans liking, supporting or even trying. . . I even think the welfare recipience would be on the majority side and join our fight against eating bugs and cell grown foods. That is just not natural and I can only imagine at this point injected with what to control or kill us.
They alomst tried to advertise and sell roasted mealworms and grasshoppers in bigger food stores over here as an healthy food. It wasn't really an best seller on countryside, i haven't seen it anymore in our regional shops.
Now they try it with all this veggie and vegan crap, vegan meat, vegan steaks, vegan eggs and so on. Or mix some veggies with real meat to tell people it's good for the healt and the climate.
If i wanna meat with veggies then i'll buy real meat and veggie where looks what it really is, not such cheater's food products. Lately there was an study published with the title "vegan dosn't mean healthy" where they found out there's so many chemicals and additives into this Vegan-meat to let it look like meat and taste like meat....
They can try to push all that lab grown and insect crap they want, but I don't see the majority of Americans liking, supporting or even trying. . . I even think the welfare recipience would be on the majority side and join our fight against eating bugs and cell grown foods. That is just not natural and I can only imagine at this point injected with what to control or kill us.

Oh, you KNOW without a shred of a doubt that they will be filling this garbage with nanotech to control and/or kill! That is not even debatable at this point. Just take a look at the patents!
the CEO of Goya seems to think that the US will not be hit as hard as other countries. I do have to wonder though, IF we are able to produce enough here, is it going to be exported to other harder hit countries as a humanitarian effort? We all know since Dems got power, they have put the American people last.

the CEO of Goya seems to think that the US will not be hit as hard as other countries. I do have to wonder though, IF we are able to produce enough here, is it going to be exported to other harder hit countries as a humanitarian effort? We all know since Dems got power, they have put the American people last.

If it’s up to biden and the state department, then yes, but you won’t hear about from Facebook or Google...Twitter maybe😂
Sent Tiffany to the store alone with my debit card and she came home with the car PACKED to the roof. She spent about $900 and I wasn't sure whether to be happy or pissed. Now, our matching set of encyclopedias are in the back seat of the truck awaiting a new home because I needed the bookshelf space for canned goods.

I really like my books but I'm leaning towards happy lol.
the CEO of Goya seems to think that the US will not be hit as hard as other countries. I do have to wonder though, IF we are able to produce enough here, is it going to be exported to other harder hit countries as a humanitarian effort? We all know since Dems got power, they have put the American people last.

Such a solid point! IF we get to keep our grown food here in the US, will people be able to afford to buy it? Or will the middle class starve? Cause we all know that the poor will be given “free” food and those with money won’t have as much of a problem.
Sent Tiffany to the store alone with my debit card and she came home with the car PACKED to the roof. She spent about $900 and I wasn't sure whether to be happy or pissed. Now, our matching set of encyclopedias are in the back seat of the truck awaiting a new home because I needed the bookshelf space for canned goods.

I really like my books but I'm leaning towards happy lol.

That food will be so much more to purchase before you get it eaten!
If you don't raise your own, you might want to stock up on turkey and chicken before prices go up.

Bird flu: What is avian influenza? | World Economic Forum (

I stocked up on chicken yesterday and went down to our BOL cabin today to put it in the freezer. It was $1.14 a pound.

I also planted out 5 raspberry bushes (fruit will be a premium when SHTF, if available for ANY price) and planted 3 fruit trees. I may be dead before they all produce any fruit, but ya gotta start somewhere. Goes without saying, every muscle in my body is screaming now. LOL
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I have a 12 inch auger for the 3 pt post hole digger for planting stuff. If it doesn’t work because of rocks or shallow bedrock, it won’t grow there anyway.
I am seriously considering another chest freezer. Just gotta figure out a spot and a back up way to support it.
I stocked up on chicken yesterday and went down to our BOL cabin today to put it in the freezer. It was $1.14 a pound.

I also planted out 5 raspberry bushes (fruit will be a premium when SHTF, if available for ANY price) and planted 3 fruit trees. I may be dead before they all produce any fruit, but ya gotta start somewheere. Goes without saying, every muscle in my body is screaming now. LOL

You should be very proud of yourself! That was hard work and beyond your normal activities. I can feel the aches from here! But, you will be ever so grateful for the fruit!!

My grocery store had zero chicken, again. I think they are getting it in, but not as much and people are buying it in bulk. Going to buy around 50 lbs when I get my hands on some. Will be canning for days, but that’s okay.
Such a solid point! IF we get to keep our grown food here in the US, will people be able to afford to buy it? Or will the middle class starve? Cause we all know that the poor will be given “free” food and those with money won’t have as much of a problem.
Will the food producing areas be given the same treatment as Ukraine during the Holodomor?
Will the food producing areas be given the same treatment as Ukraine during the Holodomor?

Probably not...they want to look like "the good guys", the saviors. They won't be doing house to house searches for every scrap of grain or seed.

Their means is through back channels, funding, legislation, insurance, creating scarcity of resources such as fuel, water, chemical fertilizers and pesticides, making it so that corporate/communal (see "stakeholder capitalism") farms are eventually the only ones who can absorb the increased costs.

In 2015, family owned farms accounted for 99 percent of U.S. farms and 89 percent of production.

2018 stats:


As family farms shut down one after the other, no one will notice, nor will they care (just as they haven't to date) The scarcity of food will be blamed on wars, global warming and other such "uncontrollable circumstances".

They cannot control individuals en-masse, they can however manipulate corporations. They want food to be produced by people like the biggest land owner in the USA today: Bill "eat my lab created meat" Gates.
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Agree with CatzandDogs on whether we will be treated like Holodomor. True, the biden government’s goal is clear as day to starve us, just in a different manner. Still trying to figure out if all these invaders at the border are going to form large gangs and kill Americans or if they are going to be serving some other biden purpose?

What Torba posted below IS the plan that we should all be following in my humble opinion.

Andrew Torba @a

“Some of the goals for Gab’s Parallel Economy:

-help people speak freely
-help them share the Gospel
-learn about homesteading
-learn about homeschooling
-learn about natural medicine
-start and grow a business
-support and lift up one another
-disciple one another and share in fellowship

What am I missing?”
I've got my seeds, and I just exposed virgin earth ready for planting as soon as it's warm enough. Then I need to get away from "civilization" for a while and then I learn how to can. If I can do it, anyone can.

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