Food shortages are here and getting worse.

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Government could not stop all the stills during Prohibition. They have no chance in stopping food production.
I always get a good laugh out of these two verses in Tennessee's State Song, "Rocky Top"
Once two strangers climbed old Rocky Top
Lookin' for a moonshine still
Strangers ain't come down from Rocky Top
some say they never will.
Did you know that Corn won't grow at all on Rocky Top
Dirt's too rocky by far
That's why all the folks on Rocky Top
Get their corn from a jar.
I always get a good laugh out of these two verses in Tennessee's State Song, "Rocky Top"
Once two strangers climbed old Rocky Top
Lookin' for a moonshine still
Strangers ain't come down from Rocky Top
some say they never will.
Did you know that Corn won't grow at all on Rocky Top
Dirt's too rocky by far
That's why all the folks on Rocky Top
Get their corn from a jar.
Love "Rocky Top"!

How about that "Copperhead Road"
Alexander Solzhenitsyn said "we should've made Stalin run out of henchmen using whatever we had, sticks, rocks, shovels."

It's the henchmen who are the real problem. Small-time people who get off on the power, and get off on hurting people.

I’ve got to say I really enjoy the history facts you bring to the conversation!
My kempo teacher loved nature. As we walked thru the woods once, he pointed at a small sprouting tree and told me to pull it up. Protesting it was just growing he demanded it since I was more important than the tree. With only two fingers, I pulled it up and we kept walking. After a bit he pointed at a 6 foot sapling and to me to pull it up....protesting, I pulled it up with lots of strength, digging, straining back and forth and breaking a fingernail...after a while I got it out and we kept walking. He spotted a 60 foot pine tree and told me to pull it out...protesting and not understanding the whole procedure...I tried to pull it out and could not even wiggle the leaves in the first branches and gave up after a while and seeing his smile.
He explained, yes the trees are important, but you will be more important in this world. You must get older and wiser. But, if you start to do bad things or get bad habits, they are just like these three trees. In the beginning, bad habits are easy to stop; just as easy as the sprout was to pull up. Later, they become deeply rooted and are much more difficult to "uproot", just as the sapling. Finally, bad habits are so deeply rooted, that you almost never can stop doing them or "uproot" them, just as the fully grown tree.
(Thank you sensei for your love and wisdom, I am more important to this world, just as you said...) Live Free, Gary
My wife has a Tesla. Its actually a pretty amazing computer to drive. It’s as quick as my old Porsche. Goes about 250 miles at 75 and takes 45 to charge.
Junk ones like a Nissan Leaf and others are just that junk. Drive 75 miles and it takes 8 hrs to charge.
Electric isn’t going to be for everyone. Tesla built their charging systems. Not seeing any other charging systems like it.
My wife is going to see her kid this weekend. 1000 mile round trip, will be about $60. Will take 2 hrs longer round trip than when I used to do the drive with a gas.
So take it from someone who has one. If you have the right one it’s worth it. It may not be for someone like AD, because the infrastructure is not there.
Its also pretty cool to unlock the vehicle from my phone from 500 miles away.

Those things have become popular at the drag strip.
They gut the interior to make em a bit lighter and race the things.
They can do a 9 second 1/4 mile which is pretty damn fast for a production car.
Don't you know livestock releases dangerous gas into our air. How dare you deny minorities clean air. Don't you know diverting all that water for your food crops is causing environmental disasters for fish and animals. Humans are dangerous to the planet, unless there controlled!

It was those damn dinosaurs that caused their own extinction from farting so much.
Talk about Communist takeover. 😳

“Sri Lanka: President Tweets as Mobs Burn 50+ Homes of Ruling Politicians


Local news outlets in Sri Lanka documented the destruction of over 50 homes and other properties belonging to government ministers and members of Parliament – including at least four tied to the ruling Rajapaksa family – between Monday night and Tuesday morning, a major escalation in violence in less than 24 hours after over a month of mostly peaceful protests.

The Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka is experiencing the worst economic crisis in its history – the product of overdependence on imports, poor monetary policy, outrageous government debt, and general mismanagement under the Rajapaksa family. Sri Lankans have faced extreme shortages for much of the year of basic goods like gasoline, food, and medicine. Hospitals have canceled the least urgent surgeries due to a lack of supplies and people have died while waiting on hours-long lines for gasoline. Daily power outrages are now routine in the country.“

This is what happens when people are starved!!
I always get a good laugh out of these two verses in Tennessee's State Song, "Rocky Top"
Once two strangers climbed old Rocky Top
Lookin' for a moonshine still
Strangers ain't come down from Rocky Top
some say they never will.
Did you know that Corn won't grow at all on Rocky Top
Dirt's too rocky by far
That's why all the folks on Rocky Top
Get their corn from a jar.
Guess it's an global problem this globalism and NWO stuff brought to all of us. We all need to liberate our countries.
Unfortunately it won't happen as long the people's most worries are which luxury hotel they shall choose in holidays....
I'm affraid the people aren't hungry enough yet and a lot of them are to blind to get it what's going on.
Guess it's an global problem this globalism and NWO stuff brought to all of us. We all need to liberate our countries.
Unfortunately it won't happen as long the people's most worries are which luxury hotel they shall choose in holidays....
I'm affraid the people aren't hungry enough yet and a lot of them are to blind to get it what's going on.

No, not yet. Make no mistake it is coming. People the world over will be starving.
45 countries are highly dependent on Russian and Ukrainian crop exports.
When people go hungry, that generates civil and social unrest.
This has the potential to destabilize countries or even entire regions.
Small scale fighting may erupt as those with food will have to fight to defend what they have against those who do not.

And I expect to see things like smash and grab flash mobs here in the US, but not at some high end fashion store for shoes, electronics, jewelry, but grocery stores.
Meanwhile from the depths of the White House spin machine....
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