Food shortages are here and getting worse.

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I get same...I don't think it's Gates or the Chinese interested in my place I only have right at 11 acres and can't imagine how or why it would benefit them enough to peak their interest........but the calls and letters are annoying as hell for me..and they can all p!$$ off ! I'm not moving/selling. I figure it's just property values in our area going through roof (Again)..'s getting hard to find a local license plate on autos on the road around here...NY, NJ, Cali, etc...
NE to west and all in between moving in!! Praying they don't bring their politics with them!
Black Rock has been buying up a lot of homes recently. Wouldn’t surprise me if they went after us small homesteaders since our land could be subdivided for big profits.
The value of my place has gone up ten times since I bought it and renovated and did the water well and garden. We paid 2 million and could (but won't) sell it for 20 million. Nobody is asking tho so it is ok. We do get business cards on our windshield sometimes when shopping if we want to sell the Volvo....
And they better not come to us to feed them!!

You know they are. The govt won't be doing anything for them, even after their blind support. They don't know anything except getting handouts.

I am looking forward to them coming. Even as they come begging (and expecting) my food, they will STILL proclaim democrats are the better party. Their lawlessness will eventually come to bite them where they deserve.

This sounds like an honest assessment by a politician. Very rare

Never seen such an honest appraisal from a public servant of an absolutely catastrophic situation as Sri Lanka’s new prime minister just shared - full transcript is linked, and worth reading:

“The next couple of months will be the most difficult ones of our lives. We must prepare ourselves to make some sacrifices and face the challenges of this period.
I have no desire to hide the truth and to lie to the public. Although these facts are unpleasant and terrifying, this is the true situation. For a short period, our future will be even more difficult than the tough times that we have passed. We will face considerable challenges and adversity.
Science pushes cruel new artificial “cultured” meat that involves slicing into heifers while still alive


Natural News) Would you eat “meat” from a petri dish? If “science” gets its way, you may not have a choice in the not-too-distant future.

According to reports, cell-based foods, which they are calling “cultured” to make the idea sound more appealing, is the latest craze that threatens to “completely transform our global food system.”

Move over, genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are taking over: In order to “feed the world,” we now apparently need to make fake meat in a laboratory.

The cultured meat industry is said to be growing rapidly. Industry leaders estimate that it will reach an astounding $25 billion by 2030, but only if it is affordable – and more importantly, only if people agree to eat the stuff.

The powers that be are already testing the waters with abominations like “Beyond Meat,” which is accepted within the vegan and other meat-avert subcultures.

Cultured petri dish meat will go a step further by replacing actual meat at the butcher shop with look-alike fake meat developed in a laboratory….”

Fortunately, the fungus is not known to occur in the United States. USDA APHIS | Potato Wart.

But we all know those in control can SAY it exists and destroy US grown potato crops, just like they have done with supposed outbreaks of avian flu to kill off chickens and the swine flu to kill of pigs a couple years back. Having the microphone and controling the narrative, along with the power and force of the Fedl. Govt. agencies and laws behind you affords them the ability to say and take whatever actions THEY deem necessary, true or not, legal or not. We all know lies mean nothing to them.
If they brought a kid or two I'd go get them something to eat.
Of course I'd have the kids eat it right then and there so the parents remain hungry.
We got lot´s of work to do. Number one ist making firewood, number two is generating food. Those who can work and do may eat. Those who cant´t work and insist on eating (my food) may fertilize the crops.

You can´t feed the kids and leave the parents hungry. They will return by night to get some too. If not, they will return, when the kids are hungry again. Are you able to guard and stand your ground all the time?
There is a story on Ice Age Farmer I can't copy. It says an Amish man is being fined $250,000 for processing his own meat. They want all of the chemicals added and not pure meat. They are looking for any way to keep us under their control.
A lot of "us" will clap and cheer, when they are starving and somebody (whoever will be) comes and promises food and wealth again. Therefore they will hunt those who want just to live free or don´t fit in the system. This kind of control was trained during Covid against the unvaccinated citizens and is now deepened against the russian people. Surprise surprise - it works, throughout the western world.
We got lot´s of work to do. Number one ist making firewood, number two is generating food. Those who can work and do may eat. Those who cant´t work and insist on eating (my food) may fertilize the crops.

You can´t feed the kids and leave the parents hungry. They will return by night to get some too. If not, they will return, when the kids are hungry again. Are you able to guard and stand your ground all the time?

I'd like to think it would encourage the adults to do something for themselves rather than begging.
It would be nice if you could just hand them some seeds but of course that takes time.
If you give all of them food they'll be back anyway. Feeding four or five extra mouths is out of the question thats for sure.
I'd be nice to have a skinny family member to answer the door,add a little charcoal under the eyes to make them look worse and say we're as bad off as you and slam the door.

I suppose you could make them your treasure hunters.
Give em a list of stuff you want and tell to go find it then we can bargain.
But to be honest I doubt they'd be able to find anything more important than food.
It would actually piss me off if they showed up at my door with kids in tow. It's an obvious sympathy ploy.
It would actually piss me off if they showed up at my door with kids in tow. It's an obvious sympathy ploy.
Just had the case yesterday at the gasstation. Some kind of south east european beggegd for 2 or 3 liters of fuel to drive to Munich. He had a canister, a woman and a child sitting and waiting for him, but no car.

This kind of begging increases noticeable and those by organised crime controlled beggars annoy me and remind me of that quote "speak softly and carry a big stick"
By the way - Munich ist about 300km from that particular gasstation away.

You see, the food is not yet a issue. But as fast as those prices increase there are other interesting materials.
Just had the case yesterday at the gasstation. Some kind of south east european beggegd for 2 or 3 liters of fuel to drive to Munich. He had a canister, a woman and a child sitting and waiting for him, but no car.

This kind of begging increases noticeable and those by organised crime controlled beggars annoy me and remind me of that quote "speak softly and carry a big stick"
By the way - Munich ist about 300km from that particular gasstation away.

You see, the food is not yet a issue. But as fast as those prices increase there are other interesting materials.

Gas is getting ridiculous here in the states.
It cost me $160 dollars to fill up my truck. Thank God I dont drive as much since I retired.
My 2016 Tundra only has around 11,600 miles on it. Going by the US standard I should have at least 62,000 on it so it's basically still a new truck.
The dealer keeps sending me offers to buy it for 28K when I paid 38K for it. I told them they'd have to do far better than that with my milage being so low not to mention the 20K in modifications I put into it.
My 2004 Patrol swallows about 190€ a full tank - acually the € is nearly equal to $. Money you first got to make...

Well, there never is a less than half tank to refill, but I also reduced using this truck.

Never thougt about selling my little tank, but there were offers around 30K (with almost 202000km but almost no rust on it). Like you i have some fine addons. Some of them will not be allowed to be installed nowadays, so this car can´t be replaced anymore. (There are some questionable laws over here)
My truck holds about 100 gallons of gasoline, at today's price that would cost around $450 to fill up.
I've got a fuel truck scheduled to come up on Friday to fill my bulk off-road diesel and non-ethanol gasoline tanks. I figure that I'll need 350 gallons of diesel and 150 gallons of gasoline. I'm estimating about $3,000 to fill everything.
My truck holds about 100 gallons of gasoline, at today's price that would cost around $450 to fill up.
I've got a fuel truck scheduled to come up on Friday to fill my bulk off-road diesel and non-ethanol gasoline tanks. I figure that I'll need 350 gallons of diesel and 150 gallons of gasoline. I'm estimating about $3,000 to fill everything.
And that would be enough to justify higher prices to the Farmer/Rancher. Unfortunately these are the ones caught in the squeeze. Someone else is making the big bucks.
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Ice Age Farmer


Bird Flu Idaho:

“What do you make of [the NUMEROUS] reports like this — large numbers of birds dying but with NO outward signs of illness — dept of agriculture runs a PCR and says it’s bird flu. “


It’s gone from a few stories to something I’m hearing again and again across states: some birds die — no usual signs of bird flu — state comes in and runs PCR, declares outbreak and kills birds all around for miles.

Contaminated feed, even just one brand, would be a great excuse to come in and wipe out poultry producers like this.

If anyone is losing birds and able to test their feed, please do reach out and share results: [email protected]


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