Food shortages are here and getting worse.

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they are working on plans to destroy the Russian Black Sea fleet,
And that when Turkey has already closed the Bosporus Straits letting ships out of the Black Sea into the Mediterainean Sea and the rest of the world...

By Istanbul, the strait is closed and supposedly MINED by the Turksish Navy...The Black Sea Fleet cannot do anything anyway if the strait between Turkey and Greece is closed....
We have 4 hives set up now. They're all doing great so far. Next week we'll be adding a second supper on 3 of our hives. I don't know if we'll get any honey this year because the bees may need all of it to make it through the long winter. We're still feeding the bees because it's been so cold this spring, with lots of snow.

Arctic, I always saved my first year's too, but I was at a meeting last week and the expert said to take the honey and feed them sugar cakes during winter. It surprised me.
I would imagine keeping bees in the northern region would be totally different than the southern region. They maybe needing more food to survive and keep warm? IDK but reading and learning.
We're still feeding our bees with a mixture of sugar and water. I mix it up in 5 gallon pails. We'll feed again tomorrow. Its supposed to turn cold and snow by the end of the week. It should warm up after that and they won't need feeding until fall.
As Robin mentioned above I'd like to try the sugar cakes for winter. I dont like the idea of opening up the hive every few days to feed them.
A few minutes ago we added another super to 3 of our hives. The fourth hive needs a little more work before we add another super on it.
We have an advisor/expert telling the UN that even before the Russian - Ukrainian war, 49 countries were already on the verge of famine. Ukraine feeds 400 million people globally. Now we have the US State department saying that they are working on plans to destroy the Russian Black Sea fleet, possibly to open the export lines for food distribution. Which will probably lead to a global war. Fun times (sarc)!

Destroying the Black Sea Fleet won't do any good, the Ukrainians have mined the whole sea there, and these ******* mines are washing up on the beaches even in other countries.
These are not lies and other www sites say so too, hundreds of sea mines have been laid.
On the other hand, it is not only Russia's fault that no more food can be exported, due to Western sanctions, various traders are no longer allowed to enter Russian territory and the supply chains are disrupted by that even more, Europe is partly to blame for the problem, but no one says that, the media also completely fade that out. If we do not get a third world war then we get a nutrition problem.
It is quite in the sense of Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates, hungry citizens will overthrow your governments and destabilize the countries, then you can raise a new system, it is currently working towards the point see WEF 2022. The backers have been smuggled into the governments, you will destabilize everything even more and wait for the right day.
You have nailed the WEF plan precisely ban1985! Klaus and Gates know if they can make enough of the populous starve, they can come in and “rescue” them! But that rescue will be handcuffs (aka chips under your skin) and the THEFT of every piece of land and every valuable asset in your entire country!!! A plan satan is surely behind! Then, like China has been doing as of late, they will CULL the herds down to the few they need as slaves.
And that when Turkey has already closed the Bosporus Straits letting ships out of the Black Sea into the Mediterainean Sea and the rest of the world...
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By Istanbul, the strait is closed and supposedly MINED by the Turksish Navy...The Black Sea Fleet cannot do anything anyway if the strait between Turkey and Greece is closed....

I don't think the food exports are their real purpose they want to destroy the fleet. I think some who are working on the plan think this but, from the top, no. It gives them cover if their action starts WWIII.

"People were going to die of starvation if we didn't do this. We had no choice...." yada-yada.
Destroying the Black Sea Fleet won't do any good, the Ukrainians have mined the whole sea there, and these 性交ing mines are washing up on the beaches even in other countries.
These are not lies and other www sites say so too, hundreds of sea mines have been laid.
On the other hand, it is not only Russia's fault that no more food can be exported, due to Western sanctions, various traders are no longer allowed to enter Russian territory and the supply chains are disrupted by that even more, Europe is partly to blame for the problem, but no one says that, the media also completely fade that out. If we do not get a third world war then we get a nutrition problem.
It is quite in the sense of Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates, hungry citizens will overthrow your governments and destabilize the countries, then you can raise a new system, it is currently working towards the point see WEF 2022. The backers have been smuggled into the governments, you will destabilize everything even more and wait for the right day.

There is a reason they are doing this and I do not believe it is really about the food. The potential starvation is just the cover story. More than starvation, which is a slow process and would take years and in this day and age would be far too obvious that they are at the very least, standing by and doing nothing if not actually causing it.

Instead, they want to provoke a global conflict and the chaos and strong emotions that come with it, after which peace, and UNITY (global governance) is called for, probably under the UN or a similar org. God help us all.

When history is written for future generations to consume, the final chapter needs to be headlined "How we achieved world peace" They have less than 8 years to achieve their "you will own nothing and you will be happy" goal. The biggest shifts in society have always come after a world war.
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I don't think the food exports are their real purpose they want to destroy the fleet. I think some who are working on the plan think this but, from the top, no. It gives them cover if their action starts WWIII.

"People were going to die of starvation if we didn't do this. We had no choice...." yada-yada.

WW3 has already started years ago, it just hasn't gotten Hot globaly yet.
I do believe that there are evil plans underway, and have been for many years, and by very evil and despicable people. For the past hundred years the world's population has been dumbed down and socialized to accept anything, even slavery if its packaged right. We have over half the US population on welfare or some other sort of government handout. They will accept anything that will keep them on the government tit. The third world country's have accepted and embraced evil organizations like the UN, WHO and other communist organizations and will gladly submit to anything as long as they get their "free" bowl of rice. They're already starving and yet they're too stupid to stop breeding. I think a big part of the goal is to bring the US and other western countries down to third world status. We've all heard the term "level playing field"....
Their plan is working out perfectly. The only problem that keeps getting in their way is way is a relatively few patriots that still believes in freedom. We've allowed our government controlled schools to teach that patriotism, freedom and liberties are somehow racist and bad.
I dont know if its too late or not, but I feel that we need to resist and keep fighting aginst their evil plan.
I mentioned red fire ants in my survival notes/book. The indians would use them to suture smaller cuts by holding them to the injured place and letting the bite both sides of the skin together, pull of their heads and leaving their heads and jaws there to "sew" the skin together. After 7-8 days, the heads would dry out and fall off. Their weak poison also disinfected the wound area...

I know they did that in S. America didnt think we had ants big enough here in N. America.
I would definitely be going there to fill as many bags of fertiliser or chemicals for fertiliser as I could...(on the other hand, why not just fly over the area and throw out tonnes of non-GMO seeds and let the wind blow them around the well fertilised area for future generations??????????????????)
A little good news. I was in the Mississippi Delta last week and saw field after field of very healthy corn. Normally they grow soybeans and cotton. Still are, but many of those fields are in corn this year (dent corn)
Maybe because there is a HUGE fertilizer plant there that is in full swing.
No fertilizer shortages there...
So I imagine farmers in the Delta are expecting big profits on corn this year with all the talk of corn shortages this fall.
All the crops (cotton soybeans and corn) were planted before the big rain last week (close to 3" in 3 days) so by yesterday everything was growing like crazy and there wasn't a bare field to be found.
control the food and the ability to grow food and they think they will control all of us so they can tell us how to think.

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What we are witnessing is Agenda 30 being implemented , alias " The Green New Deal " . For those unfamiliar with this agenda google " agenda 21 " the original United Nations Agreement " that has now through the yearly meetings of United Nations Leaders has morphed into Agenda 30 . That will explain the seemingly insane actions of leaders across the globe .
Don’t miss the fact that these “agendas” are linked with WEF wanna be Kings and Rulers of the entire earth. Their plan is to murder almost ALL of the planet’s inhabitants.
Correct - In Agenda 21 it is written and signed by leaders across the globe to have a " 95% population reduction ". Thus explains the same people that installed this Tyranny are also the same people pushing for people to kill their children in the womb as there they will not have to listen to their screams as they are torn apart . Thus explains shutting down of oil production . Thus explains why they want motorized vehicles abolished . Thus explains the manufactured food crises .

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