Friday Fives

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1. If you could trade one skill you have for one you don't, what skill would you trade away and what new skill would you acquire?
I will trade my ability to say the WRONG THING for the ability to say the right thing :p

2. If you could go back in time just once to correct one mistake or bad event (personal or not), would you do it? Bear in mind you and others would lose the historical experience and wisdom that would have come about as a result of the event taking place.

I wouldn't. EVERY event and action has made me who I am, you can't go back.

3. What do you think about that puts you at peace when life throws you curve balls

Petting the cats and the dog.

4. Did you end up marrying your first love?

Nope, she got married before I did :p

5. What's your favorite kind of pie?

Apple. Cherry is a close second.
1. If you could trade one skill you have for one you don't, what skill would you trade away and what new skill would you acquire?
I'd love to trade away my law enforcement knowledge and gain more lawyer knowledge.
2. If you could go back in time just once to correct one mistake or bad event (personal or not), would you do it? Bear in mind you and others would lose the historical experience and wisdom that would have come about as a result of the event taking place.
I would be tempted to see how far just one change would advance me, but it is unfathomable to understand the repercussions of this action.
3. What do you think about that puts you at peace when life throws you curve balls?
Being 16 again, and lying on a Southern California Beach in the warm sun, listening to the waves crashing in the background.
4. Did you end up marrying your first love?
Yes, at least once. It lasted 3 years. It would be funner to talk about loving my first married gal!
5. What's your favorite kind of pie?
Key Lime, for the win!

Great questions BKT!
1. If you could trade one skill you have for one you don't, what skill would you trade away and what new skill would you acquire?

2. If you could go back in time just once to correct one mistake or bad event (personal or not), would you do it? Bear in mind you and others would lose the historical experience and wisdom that would have come about as a result of the event taking place.

3. What do you think about that puts you at peace when life throws you curve balls?

4. Did you end up marrying your first love?

5. What's your favorite kind of pie?
1. Nothing, because I keep learning new life skills. Then I pass that hard learned knowledge down to the next generation.
2.No, because that would alter the present and future.The past is just that the past, that's what made me the way person I am now.
3. I sit in my rocking chair crocheting, humming letting my mind wander while I process the events.
4.No, but I recently was one of his pallbearers.We remained friends though out our lives.
5 Blackberry cobbler with chocolate ice cream.
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These are brilliant! Lots of thinking..
1. If you could trade one skill you have for one you don't, what skill would you trade away and what new skill would you acquire?

There is lots I'd like to have, the ability to grow anything, butchering, blacksmithing, but I need the limited skills I have! So I'll stay as I am.

2. If you could go back in time just once to correct one mistake or bad event (personal or not), would you do it? Bear in mind you and others would lose the historical experience and wisdom that would have come about as a result of the event taking place.

I've a one person to apologizes too, and one little thing I could change that I did years ago, but neither would affect the course of history, so I would.

3. What do you think about that puts you at peace when life throws you curve balls?
'This too shall pass' my mantra, courtesy of JRR Tolkien.

4. Did you end up marrying your first love? I'd like to say yes - my first might have been lust! 😂

5. What's your favorite kind of pie
Love meat pies, don't have a sweet tooth.

Thank you
1. If you could trade one skill you have for one you don't, what skill would you trade away and what new skill would you acquire?

2. If you could go back in time just once to correct one mistake or bad event (personal or not), would you do it? Bear in mind you and others would lose the historical experience and wisdom that would have come about as a result of the event taking place.

3. What do you think about that puts you at peace when life throws you curve balls?

4. Did you end up marrying your first love?

5. What's your favorite kind of pie?
1. Skill with M16 & M60 for the skill of retaining boring, but useful school work & training.
2. Save a percent of the money I made before I was twenty five
3.Things will get better & Family
4.yes, no regrets.
5.So many so little time. Pecan, Key lime, Butterscotch, coconut cream, peanut butter, apple, cherry & 3.14159. IN that order, then there Cobblers!
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1. If you could trade one skill you have for one you don't, what skill would you trade away and what new skill would you acquire?

If I wanted to learn a new skill I would just learn it
If I could just have it, I would like to be able to speak Chinese and know how to fix a computer but I wouldn't want to give up any skills I have now

2. If you could go back in time just once to correct one mistake or bad event (personal or not), would you do it? Bear in mind you and others would lose the historical experience and wisdom that would have come about as a result of the event taking place.

Not step on that scythe and cut half my foot off

3. What do you think about that puts you at peace when life throws you curve balls?

I will not be at peace until I solve the problem in my way , I don't ignore problems, curve balls or other , I try to deal with them

4. Did you end up marrying your first love?


5. What's your favorite kind of pie?

sweet potato with bourbon in it
1. If you could trade one skill you have for one you don't, what skill would you trade away and what new skill would you acquire?

I would give up my ability to agitate cops/people and learn to be a little more gray man. My pops told me I had to learn to not let my mouth write checks my ass couldn't cash. He meant to keep my mouth shut and be less cocky. Instead I learned to cash all the check my mouth writes. He should have been more specific.

2. If you could go back in time just once to correct one mistake or bad event (personal or not), would you do it? Bear in mind you and others would lose the historical experience and wisdom that would have come about as a result of the event taking place.

I don't believe in regrets so I cannot answer this one. Ugh, I wish I wouldn't have typed that. But seriously, I don't do regrets. So no.

3. What do you think about that puts you at peace when life throws you curve balls?

I just ask myself "did you die?" and if I didn't it I just suck it up and drive on. When El Shaddai is ready for me, El Shaddai will take me. Everything else is just life unfolding. I can only control what I can control.

4. Did you end up marrying your first love?

My first love broke it off with me because I told her I loved her. I have never been married. She was married 3 times before she died in the backseat of a car at a gas station from a drug overdose in her 30's.

5. What's your favorite kind of pie?

This is a family friendly forum. This is a family friend forum. This is a family friendly forum. This is a family friendly forum. This is a family friendly forum. This is a family friendly forum.

Sweet potato. Whew. That was a close one.
1 I wouldn't trade any of my skills. Much more concerned with learning new ones.
2 I should list ever getting involved with my ex wife. Huge mistake.
But ill say I should have took every math class available from high school on.
3 Just nothin and clear my mind. Then get back at it in a few minutes
4 Nope
5 My grandma coconut pie. Key lime after that
1. If you could trade one skill you have for one you don't, what skill would you trade away and what new skill would you acquire?

2. If you could go back in time just once to correct one mistake or bad event (personal or not), would you do it? Bear in mind you and others would lose the historical experience and wisdom that would have come about as a result of the event taking place.

3. What do you think about that puts you at peace when life throws you curve balls?

4. Did you end up marrying your first love?

5. What's your favorite kind of pie?
1. I don't want to give anything up, but I would like to know how to weld, work with electrical and plumbing, building structures
2. I've done things that I later regretted, but I'm not going to talk about them here.
3. God is in control
4. Nope
5. Favorite pie? Cherry!
1. If you could trade one skill you have for one you don't, what skill would you trade away and what new skill would you acquire?

2. If you could go back in time just once to correct one mistake or bad event (personal or not), would you do it? Bear in mind you and others would lose the historical experience and wisdom that would have come about as a result of the event taking place.

3. What do you think about that puts you at peace when life throws you curve balls?

4. Did you end up marrying your first love?

5. What's your favorite kind of pie?
I teased you, but I knew you’d have good questions.

1: Acquiring skills is kinda what life is about. I’m happy with the skill set I have and wouldn’t trade any for another that can be “acquired”.

2: Bearing in mind that changing the past could change where you are now…. I’m happy and fortunate enough that I wouldn’t change anything. But…,wish I kept my first turntable and every 10 year old car I owned in the 80’s.

3: Being on a rocket ship leaving plant Earth. 😊

4: Never married so doesn’t apply.

5: Rhubarb
1: trade my ability to put my foot in my mouth for the ability to sing, speak multiple languages, be athletic- make offer.
2: I might not marry my ex but as others have said who knows what the alternative would have been.
3: History- about situations in the past that are worse and folks made it through.
4: Nope
5: I don’t like pie - like to make them but not eat them.

Good questions B
Trade my ability to pickup dog poop with being an expert gunsmith. Ha.
Doubt that I'd change my past, or I'm not sure if I'd be me.
To put my mind at ease...I work in the garden or go talk with my favorite cousin
Nope, didn't marry my first love, and that was probably for the best
Chocolate cream or coconut pie
Because @Pearl is anxious...

Random questions for your entertainment.

What is your favorite color?

What is your age? 20-30,30-40...

Who was your earliest crush?

What frightens you?

Heads or tails?

Bonus Q
The quantity (e raised the power of pi i), added to 1 equals?

1.) Orange but my favorite color changes on occasion.
2.) 60-70. 😱
3.) Brian S. We were in kindergarten.
4.) heights, falling
5.) heads
Bonus Q.) I have no idea. My husband (who has a masters degree in math) is out of town until Saturday afternoon. I can answer when he gets home but the popular answer here seems to be 0.
1. If you could trade one skill you have for one you don't, what skill would you trade away and what new skill would you acquire?

The ability to tie a cherry stem with my tongue, better at welding.

2. If you could go back in time just once to correct one mistake or bad event (personal or not), would you do it? Bear in mind you and others would lose the historical experience and wisdom that would have come about as a result of the event taking place.

Yep, but it’s only one thing for me personally

3. What do you think about that puts you at peace when life throws you curve balls?


4. Did you end up marrying your first love?

Kinda, married the first girl I said “I love you” to, 24 years ago and still going

5. What's your favorite kind of pie?

Apple, strawberry is a close second
1. If you could trade one skill you have for one you don't, what skill would you trade away and what new skill would you acquire?

2. If you could go back in time just once to correct one mistake or bad event (personal or not), would you do it? Bear in mind you and others would lose the historical experience and wisdom that would have come about as a result of the event taking place.

3. What do you think about that puts you at peace when life throws you curve balls?

4. Did you end up marrying your first love?

5. What's your favorite kind of pie?
Calligraphy for Kung-Fu.
So many poor life choices... Buy windows stocks!
Beating the son of a b1+c4 that hit me with them as brutally as possible.
I wish I had died with her.
Lemon meringue.
1. If you could trade one skill you have for one you don't, what skill would you trade away and what new skill would you acquire?

When I was young I would have traded my flexibility for two functional ears and experience stereo. Now I wouldn't because I realize that both were a blessing.

2. If you could go back in time just once to correct one mistake or bad event (personal or not), would you do it? Bear in mind you and others would lose the historical experience and wisdom that would have come about as a result of the event taking place.

No. The only mistake I want to correct is my next mistake.

3. What do you think about that puts you at peace when life throws you curve balls?

Rough Q. I don't dwell on it and just move along. The last big curve ball was a real estate deal that could have landed us a 100 year lease for $500k a year. I was already searching up homesteads where the extended family could build. But the adjacent property was determined to build a animal hospital. Just had to accept her decision.

4. Did you end up marrying your first love?

Nope. Nor 2, 3, or 4. ;)

5. What's your favorite kind of pie?
π :rolleyes:
Does cheese cake count? If no then apple pie.

Don't forget to answer your own questions!!🤩😉

1. If you could trade one skill you have for one you don't, what skill would you trade away and what new skill would you acquire?
Free-hand knife sharpening with a whetstone for learning languages easily

2. If you could go back in time just once to correct one mistake or bad event (personal or not), would you do it? Bear in mind you and others would lose the historical experience and wisdom that would have come about as a result of the event taking place.
Yes, I'd do it. It's a personal thing.

3. What do you think about that puts you at peace when life throws you curve balls?
My grandchildren and hearing them laugh

4. Did you end up marrying your first love?

5. What's your favorite kind of pie?
This is like asking me to choose who's my favorite child. It's cruel. Who the heck would ask this question, anyway? Apple? Pecan? Cherry? Peach? Key lime? They're all my favorite!

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