Friday Fives

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I am guessing that perhaps a physically fit angry man in an army uniform has never yelled and screamed at you repeatedly, teaching you to never volunteer for any reason or he would use that opportunity to further your daily mental and physical torture. That experiences teaches one quite quickly how to hide in plain sight and never make a sound.
Well I volunteered to Drive a Chinese dump truck & a Backhoe!
Yeah, WHO is presenting TOMORROW'S questions??

I just spent a whopping 7 minutes throwing together 5 Q's just in case. Still have to compare them to the list that has already been asked.

Edit: Okay, done. Some of you people asked some really good questions. Better than mine. Again, I will post them if no one else had already stepped up. Otherwise I will save them until the forum is lacking a volunteer.
I just spent a whopping 7 minutes throwing together 5 Q's just in case. Still have to compare them to the list that has already been asked.

Edit: Okay, done. Some of you people asked some really good questions. Better than mine. Again, I will post them if no one else had already stepped up. Otherwise I will save them until the forum is lacking a volunteer.
Okay, I pmed a few people, Have not got a yes or no.Is it me or are some people sly.
THANK YOU d_marsh..
Should this happen again, I have 5 more questions ready to go.
Friday Fives: 09 AUG 2024

1. How did your parents meet? If you don’t know, how do you meet the love of your life?

2. If you could return to your youth, and set out on a new path, knowing what you know about the world today, what career or lifestyle would you select? Railroad traveling bum is an option.

3. What is the most flattering compliment you have ever received from someone?

4. What is the worst injury, physical or emotional, you have ever sustained?

5. If you had to sing a song at a karaoke bar, what song would you belt out? Not asking for your favorite song, but a song you would actually be willing to sing in front of others.

Bonus Q: What was the very first firearm you pulled a trigger on?
Friday Fives: 09 AUG 2024

1. How did your parents meet? If you don’t know, how do you meet the love of your life?

My parents were members of a fan club. The club set up pen pals for service members. They wrote letters and decided to marry never having met. They met two days before they were married.

I met The Princess when she had a large disk drive acting up and I was chosen to fix it.

2. If you could return to your youth, and set out on a new path, knowing what you know about the world today, what career or lifestyle would you select? Railroad traveling bum is an option.

My life is an unbelievable sequence of blessings. I could not imagine making it any better. So no changes.

3. What is the most flattering compliment you have ever received from someone?

When The Princess said " I do".

4. What is the worst injury, physical or emotional, you have ever sustained?

I was born with cleft palette. A dozen or more surgeries before I was in the 7th grade to repair the cleft and correct complications.

5. If you had to sing a song at a karaoke bar, what song would you belt out? Not asking for your favorite song, but a song you would actually be willing to sing in front of others.

"I am woman" was my old answer just for the comic show. Not a choice these days.

Bonus Q: What was the very first firearm you pulled a trigger on?

Whatever rifle the Navy used to train recruiters back 76. I believe it was a bolt action riffle. 48 years ago so not sure.

Nice questions!

1) When my Mom and Dad were teens my Dad's family was poor. His dad died young so he had to quit school to support his mom and sister. Dad really liked my Mom and would follow her around and watch her, he couldn't afford to ask her on a date! Dad's mom and sister moved in with cousins and Dad worked and saved money and they eventually got married! I picked Hubby up in a bar on dime beer night! It was truly love at first sight!! 2) I wouldn't change a thing! I think things happen how they are supposed to happen! 3) I receive what I consider to be my best compliment often! It's when friends or clients say, "ask Elaine ( my real name), she'll know (or know how to do it)!! 4) I've had a few bad injuries! The worst was almost losing my right arm. Long story, but I told the surgeon it's not being amputated and if he didn't want to fix he better find someone who could!! FYI, it is one strong arm!! 5) I'll sing anything in front of anyone, lol! And Im not a good singer!! Bonus: My Dad's wonderful double barrel 20 gauge! It's still mine and very loved!!
1. They both attended a house party hosted by a mutual friend, had too much to drink and ended up in the sack together. This started a multi-year on and off thing until she got pregnant while they were on. They got married and had an incredibly handsome child.

2. I might have become a wildland firefighter or maybe a park ranger. I could never survive in a Mon-Fri 9-5 world, but working outside doing something challenging would be right up my alley. I would have also considered just becoming friends with Elon Musk and riding his coattails.

3. While clearing a building an enemy combatant popped out on me from nowhere and I immediately butt stoked him hard enough to ruin his day, as this was happening a second terrorist wannabe came at me from the opposite direction and got the same treatment. It happened so fast I didn't even have time to think and I barely even remember reacting. An older battle hard non-com who was behind me walked up, looked at them and said "Well, aren't you a ******* natural born killer." I was later told that the most positive thing anyone had ever heard him say before that was "You're not a complete ******* waste of human DNA." Somehow my value quadrupled among the non-coms and I got far less crap duties.

4. Decided to jump my bicycle using a homemade wood ramp. Broke some fingers, my arm, a few ribs and ruptured my spleen. I think I broke a tooth as well. But the jump was legendary and I was a hero among my Jr. High buddies. I was on the roof of the school and almost made it to the next building over. Just needed a little more speed.

5. You shook me all night long AC/DC. I don't really have the voice for it but that wouldn't stop me, especially if I had an ample amount of courage juice.

Bonus Q: My pops .38 snub nosed revolver, I think it was a Charter Arms. He taught me how to shoot it in case something bad happened when he worked double shifts or was out drinking. I slept with the gun under my pillow many nights.
Friday Fives: 09 AUG 2024

1. How did your parents meet? If you don’t know, how do you meet the love of your life?

2. If you could return to your youth, and set out on a new path, knowing what you know about the world today, what career or lifestyle would you select? Railroad traveling bum is an option.

3. What is the most flattering compliment you have ever received from someone?

4. What is the worst injury, physical or emotional, you have ever sustained?

5. If you had to sing a song at a karaoke bar, what song would you belt out? Not asking for your favorite song, but a song you would actually be willing to sing in front of others.

Bonus Q: What was the very first firearm you pulled a trigger on?
1. at a dance, (way back in the day)
2. I would stay on the same wide Career path. but have bought land even further back in the hills and built a "hobbit house" 'that was about invisible, and some kind of shack near it .
3. Man you raised a great Son, that was a concentrate team effort, and later I got cut from the team.
4 . multiple whiplash from multiple rear ending accidents. (and insurance doesn't pay out in canada worth crap.
5. the rodeo song .
A single shot bolt action Cooey bolt action 22. (ranch kid)
Friday Fives: 09 AUG 2024

1. How did your parents meet? If you don’t know, how do you meet the love of your life?

2. If you could return to your youth, and set out on a new path, knowing what you know about the world today, what career or lifestyle would you select? Railroad traveling bum is an option.

3. What is the most flattering compliment you have ever received from someone?

4. What is the worst injury, physical or emotional, you have ever sustained?

5. If you had to sing a song at a karaoke bar, what song would you belt out? Not asking for your favorite song, but a song you would actually be willing to sing in front of others.

Bonus Q: What was the very first firearm you pulled a trigger on?

1.) My parents met when they were both attending Brooklyn College. I met my wife at an ice skating rink. She was a figure skater, and I was Hockey player. She literally took a tumble, and I picked her up off the ice.

2.) Going back to college days I would have pursued a career as a Basketball official. Knowing what I know now, I was good enough to have reached at least the D1 College level, which would be a very nice living.

3.) I can't think of any specific compliments from people, but I received a couple of awards for work, which were very surprising, and very much appreciated.

4.) I broke my arm as a child. Knock on wood, nothing nearly that serious since.

5.) Mack the Knife. I love Bobby Darin's version, and think I have committed it to memory.

Bonus: Not sure. I had a childhood friend who liked to hunt. His Dad had a couple of handguns, which we fired. I think it was a 22 revolver. A 30-30 Winchester, and a 20 gage shotgun were also among the first.

Great questions. Thanks for steping up.
Friday Fives: 09 AUG 2024

1. How did your parents meet? If you don’t know, how do you meet the love of your life?

2. If you could return to your youth, and set out on a new path, knowing what you know about the world today, what career or lifestyle would you select? Railroad traveling bum is an option.

3. What is the most flattering compliment you have ever received from someone?

4. What is the worst injury, physical or emotional, you have ever sustained?

5. If you had to sing a song at a karaoke bar, what song would you belt out? Not asking for your favorite song, but a song you would actually be willing to sing in front of others.

Bonus Q: What was the very first firearm you pulled a trigger on?

1. no idea how my parents met, I will give you the "love of my life" #3 ( current husband) . We met in a dungeon. LOL, that is what we called the physics class in college . You had to go down to what sort of looked like a dark basement

2. I don't know because if you change one thing , everything else changes along with it ( time travel always backfires in the movies LOL) . I would like to say I would have become a vet instead of engineer, but then I might not have married current husband, or had current son and so on. So probably not changing anything

3. I don't know , lately I guess people at the farmers market tell me a lot that I bake the best bread , in the past different things

4. cut off half my foot stepping on a scythe in 2019, that really sucked and I will never be the same ( no more jogging or downhill skiing )

5. some Evanescence song, like Bring me to life

6. hunting rifle when I was around 12, don't know what kind . a distant relative took me and his daughter on a hike in the woods, he was a forester, and he let both of us shoot his rifle . I remember it was very loud and he helped us hold onto it , so it didn't knock us over. No hearing protection, my ears were ringing afterwards
Friday Fives: 09 AUG 2024

1. How did your parents meet? If you don’t know, how do you meet the love of your life?
My aunt leave Kentucky to visit first cousins in S.C. & stayed. When my mother turned 18, she did the same & my aunt introduced her to a ex boyfriend, my dad.

2. If you could return to your youth, and set out on a new path, knowing what you know about the world today, what career or lifestyle would you select? Railroad traveling bum is an option. I would change very little, work more towards energy & food independents.

3. What is the most flattering compliment you have ever received from someone?
I had a good head & used it better than most do.

4. What is the worst injury, physical or emotional, you have ever sustained?
Parents divorced when I was twelve, then wife turning down my marriage proposal three times, because divorce seemed to be in fashion. Cracked ribs in Kimpo training.

5. If you had to sing a song at a karaoke bar, what song would you belt out? Not asking for your favorite song, but a song you would actually be willing to sing in front of others. B-I-B-L-E or Happy Birthday.

Bonus Q: What was the very first firearm you pulled a trigger on? Daisy BB rifle garde school, 22 long rifle 4 H camp, 22 pistol in high school. M60 was the most fun.
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1st firearm… IIRC: a muzzle load pistol. 1st I used on my own with a friend… my mom’s 16 gauge single shot Savage. Was hers from way back when she grew up on a farm.

Best compliment I’ve received: I’s called a smartass.

Might answers other questions later. I should know how my parents met, but don’t remember. That’s what I want to know now.
1. No clue how my parents met, theirs was a very short marriage. I met my husband at work, I was the staff secretary for a bunch of aerospace engineers. I wondered who had the coffee mug with the funny last name. Now I have that funny last name. Ha.
2. I would probably not do anything different, although some of the moves we made for husband's jobs I really did not like, and would of preferred to be on the farm earlier in life.
3. I had to recently call one of mom's oldest friends to tell her mom passed. She was asking about my sisters and told me I was always the smart one.
4. Emotional injury was problem what I went through with my twin grandkids. I didn't see it coming, and didn't think my own grandchildren would be such monsters.
5. I'd sing, "If I were a Carpenter", but it's a duet, so I'd need another singer
6. First firearm shot was a 22 pistol. Same day, a 9 mil, and also same day a 45. Then I went to the gun store that afternoon and bought a Smith and Wesson 1911 45.
Blue Oyster Cult too!! It was in April of '86!!😃
I went to a concert in Denver in the early 70's that had Blue Oyster Cult and about four other groups, The Cars being one but all I can remember was Blue Oyster Cult made my ears hurt, best concert was after I go married, Rick Nelson and the Stone Canyon Band. Quit putting on bumper stickers, had too many Karens swaring at me and giving me the finger, the bumper sticker said Socialism Is An Obamanation. Ice cream--toss up between Hagen Das Vanilla Bean and chocolate. Looking to meet Jesus. The added questions, met my wife to be at Mr. Lucky's in Denver, a two level night club in Dec. 1973, I doubt that it's still there. First firearm I can remember shooting was at about eight years of age, it was an H&R nine shot revolver.
Friday Fives: 09 AUG 2024

1. How did your parents meet? If you don’t know, how do you meet the love of your life?

2. If you could return to your youth, and set out on a new path, knowing what you know about the world today, what career or lifestyle would you select? Railroad traveling bum is an option.

3. What is the most flattering compliment you have ever received from someone?

4. What is the worst injury, physical or emotional, you have ever sustained?

5. If you had to sing a song at a karaoke bar, what song would you belt out? Not asking for your favorite song, but a song you would actually be willing to sing in front of others.

Bonus Q: What was the very first firearm you pulled a trigger on?
1. How did your parents meet? If you don’t know, how do you meet the love of your life?

Mom was a nurse in a hospital. One of her patients had the same last name that she had, and it is not a common name. Her patient was my dad's uncle who was hospitalized for one day shy of one year because he had Parkinson's. He had lived with a couple of his sisters but neither of them was able to take care of him any longer. Uncle Jim had visitors and one was my dad. Uncle Jim was born in Bohemia, now Czechia, and given that they had the same last name, Jim's siblings and other relatives were very interested in my mother because of the name.

2. If you could return to your youth, and set out on a new path, knowing what you know about the world today, what career or lifestyle would you select? Railroad traveling bum is an option.

I had considered being an accountant, like one of my grandmothers and I was also interested in being an architect. Architecture has appealed to my interest in design, drawing, and building.

3. What is the most flattering compliment you have ever received from someone?

I ran into a former student who was at a dog park with his mother. His mother told me that he cried when the school year ended because he would not have me as a teacher again. He had been my student for 3 years in a Montessori lower elementary classroom. He was a twin and his brother did not achieve near what my student had. The mother also told me that I was the best teacher that either of her sons ever had.

I've also been called a dog whisperer.

4. What is the worst injury, physical or emotional, you have ever sustained?
The death of my mother when I was six years old and then being raised as the scape goat by my narcissistic grandmother.

5. If you had to sing a song at a karaoke bar, what song would you belt out? Not asking for your favorite song, but a song you would actually be willing to sing in front of others.

I wouldn't sing at a karaoke bar or anywhere because I am not a good singer. I have been asked not to sing.
Weedy … you made realize how I’d answer a couple other questions:

2: After HS I set out on path to be an electronics engineer. I did well with the learning curve and got good grades - close to top of class, but lost interest. Should have gone with mechanical engineering.

4: The totally unexpected death of my dad.
1) My grand parents hooked mom up with the brother of one of their friends.
2) Worked harder in middle and high school and been much more involved in math and science. Pursued a engineering career. Kinda where I've ended up, but a much harder road and a lot less income getting there.
3) Nice work. Figured out how to fix a machine that no one had any luck with, or knowledge of. Got 12 people back to work without sending them home with no pay
4) Puttin up with my lying cheating, gambling ex piece of crap for 3 years. Damn I was STUPID
5) Aint enough liquor in the world for that
Bonus) Step-dad let me shoot his Marlin 30-30. Then his 20 gauge single shot
I Just learned about this fun!

@Pearl is right, will you come up with the 5 questions for next week? There is a post on page 27 or 28 that lists all the questions that have been asked up to that point. I will make an update post when I have time, or @dademoss can as I think he made the last one.

Also, if you want to cheat like me, you can use this link for ideas:

And yes, it says sex and relationships in the link. I am focused on those topics as of late.
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Friday Fives: 09 AUG 2024

1. How did your parents meet? If you don’t know, how do you meet the love of your life?

2. If you could return to your youth, and set out on a new path, knowing what you know about the world today, what career or lifestyle would you select? Railroad traveling bum is an option.

3. What is the most flattering compliment you have ever received from someone?

4. What is the worst injury, physical or emotional, you have ever sustained?

5. If you had to sing a song at a karaoke bar, what song would you belt out? Not asking for your favorite song, but a song you would actually be willing to sing in front of others.

Bonus Q: What was the very first firearm you pulled a trigger on?
1. Dad was stationed at a AFB in Maine, I think Loring AFB? Mom lived not far from it , plus her dad worked there. Somehow they met n two months later hitched up n drove to California in a convertible GTO. Mom met dad's family, realized dispite the good looks, red hair n green eyes , dad was part Native American . They resided in a cabin in the woods on a ranch on a rez for awhile before they upgraded to a trailer park on the rezervation.
Mom was in culture shock to say the least.
1.2. I was graduating hs. He was still in. Longest relationship I ever had, 1.5 years and I found out what being in love was like. He loved me too but was 2 yrs younger than me. One of my friends seduced him after about the last 2 months of us not getting along well..he wanted to play the field n we split. About 2 months later he wanted me back. I still loved him but I don't deal with that kinda stuff well. I said no..he kept trying for at least a year, went to the coast guard, came back still kept trying but..once my trust is betrayed..I'm done.
I still have his promise ring.
Done with that friend too, we had been besties for years too. I forgave them both eventually..hate n anger are poison to the soul. Plus she lost all her long term, best friends, got into drugs, had illigimate kids..

2. Part of me says nothing because I am now where I am because of what I've accomplished.

That said..the only jobs I actually wanted to try and do was wildland firefighting and getting my EMT cert.
Everything else i did because i was capibule and it paid.
I started the fire job too late in life..and the stations I worked in were mostly pretty boring. Occasionally we'd get a fire..or a wreck. But regardless..I was in my late 20's as a rookie. I did it but it wasn't easy physically when we did have fire. I should have started younger when it was physically eaiser and by the time i was in my late 20's..I'd been running a engine..not humping hoze up steep mountains.
I was a better EMT..did that as a volunteer on my search n rescue team.
After working trails and all that..always living in a tent or some barracks..EMT are paid crap
and have to live in station for their work week.
Anyways, I'm rambling..
Long to short..I was all about adventure and excitement younger..that did not involve relationships, marriage ir popping out kids.
I wanted to do it all.. Astronaut, marine biologist, zoologist, adventures with national geographic, go be a bum in new Zealand, work on a ocean freighter as a merchant marine, bush piloting in Alaska..
But life responsibilities, other jobs and reality prevailed..
My goals now are to retire ASAP, be a RV bum visiting national parts and rockhounding sights, walk my dogs daily and I keep looking for 🛸 n 👽.

3. More of a actionable compliment ..but in my younger years, I was very nerdy, not confident, either fighting or quite ..just a strange kid, hard to fit in.
I spent 2 years reinventing myself emotionally, physically and socially. Between my freshman n sophomore hs year, I spent the summer working out, running, and working on a pony farm. I lost weight, got into better shape, learned how to dress better and learned to not be so weird socially.
My classmates noticed, I made more friends then I tried out for the next years cheering team for my junior year. I won myself on the team.
The next year I was in even better shape, still running, got good grades, was a A student and to my surprise, my classmates voted me in to be the homecoming junior class princess during the football homecoming game.
All those years of being the nerdy kid of my class and then all these folks who were asshokes wanted me to represent. .blew my mind. I rocked it was fun to be on the other side of that fence for once.
I'm still that nerdy person..I sometimes dress better than a tee n work pants..sometimes..
I understand how to be socially accepted..wherever. I'm a social chameleon. I just like solitude quiet.

4. I've broken my arm 8 times..every year growing up. Both my ankles 3 weeks apart from one anther. Then one ankle here again at the mill a few years ago. Worked on it for a few days before I resolved to it being broken.
Broken bones were not the worst..I'm a survivor tho.

5. I went to a bar with coworkers and had the whole bar singing margaritaville with me! People had their drinks in the air belting out, ..wasting away again in Margaritiaville...
I warned them I wasn't a good one was so fun...

Bonus. I think a bb gun shooting cans off the fence posts. Real gun was a 45 when I was like 13 I think. First rifle was a 30.06 with no ear protection n first time shooting it. The kickback nearly sent me over backwards n the sound was of my redneck boyfriends idea..

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