Friday Fives: 09 AUG 2024
1. How did your parents meet? If you don’t know, how do you meet the love of your life?
2. If you could return to your youth, and set out on a new path, knowing what you know about the world today, what career or lifestyle would you select? Railroad traveling bum is an option.
3. What is the most flattering compliment you have ever received from someone?
4. What is the worst injury, physical or emotional, you have ever sustained?
5. If you had to sing a song at a karaoke bar, what song would you belt out? Not asking for your favorite song, but a song you would actually be willing to sing in front of others.
Bonus Q: What was the very first firearm you pulled a trigger on?
1. Dad was stationed at a AFB in Maine, I think Loring AFB? Mom lived not far from it , plus her dad worked there. Somehow they met n two months later hitched up n drove to California in a convertible GTO. Mom met dad's family, realized dispite the good looks, red hair n green eyes , dad was part Native American . They resided in a cabin in the woods on a ranch on a rez for awhile before they upgraded to a trailer park on the rezervation.
Mom was in culture shock to say the least.
1.2. I was graduating hs. He was still in. Longest relationship I ever had, 1.5 years and I found out what being in love was like. He loved me too but was 2 yrs younger than me. One of my friends seduced him after about the last 2 months of us not getting along well..he wanted to play the field n we split. About 2 months later he wanted me back. I still loved him but I don't deal with that kinda stuff well. I said no..he kept trying for at least a year, went to the coast guard, came back still kept trying but..once my trust is betrayed..I'm done.
I still have his promise ring.
Done with that friend too, we had been besties for years too. I forgave them both eventually..hate n anger are poison to the soul. Plus she lost all her long term, best friends, got into drugs, had illigimate kids..
2. Part of me says nothing because I am now where I am because of what I've accomplished.
That said..the only jobs I actually wanted to try and do was wildland firefighting and getting my EMT cert.
Everything else i did because i was capibule and it paid.
I started the fire job too late in life..and the stations I worked in were mostly pretty boring. Occasionally we'd get a fire..or a wreck. But regardless..I was in my late 20's as a rookie. I did it but it wasn't easy physically when we did have fire. I should have started younger when it was physically eaiser and by the time i was in my late 20's..I'd been running a engine..not humping hoze up steep mountains.
I was a better EMT..did that as a volunteer on my search n rescue team.
After working trails and all that..always living in a tent or some barracks..EMT are paid crap
and have to live in station for their work week.
Anyways, I'm rambling..
Long to short..I was all about adventure and excitement younger..that did not involve relationships, marriage ir popping out kids.
I wanted to do it all.. Astronaut, marine biologist, zoologist, adventures with national geographic, go be a bum in new Zealand, work on a ocean freighter as a merchant marine, bush piloting in Alaska..
But life responsibilities, other jobs and reality prevailed..
My goals now are to retire ASAP, be a RV bum visiting national parts and rockhounding sights, walk my dogs daily and I keep looking for


3. More of a actionable compliment ..but in my younger years, I was very nerdy, not confident, either fighting or quite ..just a strange kid, hard to fit in.
I spent 2 years reinventing myself emotionally, physically and socially. Between my freshman n sophomore hs year, I spent the summer working out, running, and working on a pony farm. I lost weight, got into better shape, learned how to dress better and learned to not be so weird socially.
My classmates noticed, I made more friends then I tried out for the next years cheering team for my junior year. I won myself on the team.
The next year I was in even better shape, still running, got good grades, was a A student and to my surprise, my classmates voted me in to be the homecoming junior class princess during the football homecoming game.
All those years of being the nerdy kid of my class and then all these folks who were asshokes wanted me to represent. .blew my mind. I rocked it was fun to be on the other side of that fence for once.
I'm still that nerdy person..I sometimes dress better than a tee n work pants..sometimes..
I understand how to be socially accepted..wherever. I'm a social chameleon. I just like solitude quiet.
4. I've broken my arm 8 times..every year growing up. Both my ankles 3 weeks apart from one anther. Then one ankle here again at the mill a few years ago. Worked on it for a few days before I resolved to it being broken.
Broken bones were not the worst..I'm a survivor tho.
5. I went to a bar with coworkers and had the whole bar singing margaritaville with me! People had their drinks in the air belting out, ..wasting away again in Margaritiaville...
I warned them I wasn't a good one was so fun...
Bonus. I think a bb gun shooting cans off the fence posts. Real gun was a 45 when I was like 13 I think. First rifle was a 30.06 with no ear protection n first time shooting it. The kickback nearly sent me over backwards n the sound was of my redneck boyfriends idea..