Friday Fives

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1. Have you ever donated blood? If so, how many pints?

2. What is your guilty pleasure?

3. What is the most amazing/surprising thing that showed up in your yard? It's a toss up.



4. What are the coldest and hottest outdoor air temperatures you've ever experienced. For this question, wind chill temp or heat index temps DO NOT count, only actual outdoor air temps. Where did you experience these temperatures?
-50ºF in our yard

108ºF in daughter's backyard pool (Texas)

5. What do you feel your greatest accomplishment has been? (Wonderful children to not count for this question.)
Being the only one in my family, including all my cousins on both sides, to get a college degree. And, later being the only one to get a M.S. degree (soil science)

Of course, I disagree with @dademoss about becoming an Eagle Scout :)
1. Have you ever donated blood? If so, how many pints?
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2. What is your guilty pleasure?
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3. What is the most amazing/surprising thing that showed up in your yard? It's a toss up.
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4. What are the coldest and hottest outdoor air temperatures you've ever experienced. For this question, wind chill temp or heat index temps DO NOT count, only actual outdoor air temps. Where did you experience these temperatures?
-50ºF in our yard
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108ºF in daughter's backyard pool (Texas)
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5. What do you feel your greatest accomplishment has been? (Wonderful children to not count for this question.)
Being the only one in my family, including all my cousins on both sides, to get a college degree. And, later being the only one to get a M.S. degree (soil science)
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Of course, I disagree with @dademoss about becoming an Eagle Scout :)
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And who are you nominating for next week??
1. No Blood, had some once.

2. Cajun food! red pepper recipes.

3. Twin fawns eating in the flower beds while we stood at the door and watched them, and mother was less than 50 feet away.

4. No idea, well below zero cold in the High blue Ridge Country and well above 110 in the Delta around Greenwood, MS. hot

5. Keeping outside the prison system somehow.
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1. Have you ever donated blood? If so, how many pints? Plenty of times in the service, not sure how much though.

2. What is your guilty pleasure? I’m pretty open about what I like, but maybe Hanson’s mmmmmbop, I like that catchy song

3. What is the most amazing/surprising thing that showed up in your yard? No surprises, unless you count a census girl in a hijab…out of place for sure

4. What are the coldest and hottest outdoor air temperatures you've ever experienced. For this question, wind chill temp or heat index temps DO NOT count, only actual outdoor air temps. Where did you experience these temperatures? Minot was -63 ambient, hottest was probably San Antonio, 30 plus days over 105, crazy hot.

5. What do you feel your greatest accomplishment has been? (Wonderful children to not count for this question.) some of the songs I’ve written are doing well
1. Have you ever donated blood? If so, how many pints?

Never have. For a long time I was way too thin, but they want my blood, B- and even did a blood drive for a cousin with the same blood type. I was too thin to donate. Being too thin is not a problem anymore. Daughter has had the same problem when trying to donate blood.

2. What is your guilty pleasure?
Hard to answer because I try to limit myself for these things. Mocha almond fudge ice cream. Indian food.

3. What is the most amazing/surprising thing that showed up in your yard?
A man who was bold enough to tell me he wanted to see what I had that he could take and acting like it was okay to do so, until I told him he wouldn't be safe if he did so and having him back out of the yard with his arms in the air.

4. What are the coldest and hottest outdoor air temperatures you've ever experienced. For this question, wind chill temp or heat index temps DO NOT count, only actual outdoor air temps. Where did you experience these temperatures? Minot was -63 ambient, hottest was probably San Antonio, 30 plus days over 105, crazy hot.

Coldest? Not Minot, but Williston, N.D. -50. Wind chill was -200 then.
Hottest? I am not sure, but one summer in Tucson, at least 100 but I'm sure much hotter. But I have experienced at least 100 in Colorado.

5. What do you feel your greatest accomplishment has been?

This is hard for me as many questions are. I don't really think about these things much. Maybe being the first person in my family with a college degree? Scholarships? Art awards? Buying and paying off a home?
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A little late, but it’s Friday, so our questions.

1. What is a meal (or food item) that you know you’ll never have again on this planet that you know you’ll never have again that makes you sad?

2. What is a meal (or food item) that you know you’ll never have again on this planet that you know you’ll never have again that makes you grateful?

3. You have the opportunity to go back in time and relive one day. You only get that day. So what’s the day and why relive it?

4. You been told you only have 7 days left on this earth. Who do you want to see most and what do you want to tell them?

5. Was there a point where you truly changed your mind or belief (like you said to yourself, “hey I’m wrong about this.”) What made you change your mind and why ?

Looking forward to hearing from you all. And, as stated earlier, if any of these questions were already asked, be the politician and answer the question you wished you were asked instead…
1) My mothers cooking.
3)18 birthday.
4) Family
5)I lift one branch of church for another, because I believe God is above Denomination.
1. What operating system is your phone? Android, Apple, other or just a phone?
Apple 12
2. What Computer operating system if you use a computer? Windows, MacOS, Linux or other?
I am using a HP 8GB, windows/Brave, but I am going to buy a new one soon, my computer crashed & can not be repaired. The new one will be Core i5, 16GB RAM, 1TB ssd, full HD 16" screen.
1. Have you ever donated blood? If so, how many pints? Plenty of times in the service, not sure how much though.

2. What is your guilty pleasure? I’m pretty open about what I like, but maybe Hanson’s mmmmmbop, I like that catchy song

3. What is the most amazing/surprising thing that showed up in your yard? No surprises, unless you count a census girl in a hijab…out of place for sure

4. What are the coldest and hottest outdoor air temperatures you've ever experienced. For this question, wind chill temp or heat index temps DO NOT count, only actual outdoor air temps. Where did you experience these temperatures? Minot was -63 ambient, hottest was probably San Antonio, 30 plus days over 105, crazy hot.

5. What do you feel your greatest accomplishment has been? (Wonderful children to not count for this question.) some of the songs I’ve written are doing well
lost track of this thread, but here are some answers for this one

1. nope, they can't even get blood out of me at the hospital, bad veins

2. don't understand that question, if it is a pleasure why should I feel guilty?

3 when we first moved here, neighbor's horse and foal , they got out of their pasture

4. coldest : skiing in Maine, they shut the lifts down because it was too cold ( like minus 20)
hottest: Badlands in South Dakota, 118 degrees. ( I bet you thought I was going to say Florida....)
5. Wonderful kids :-} LOL, couldn't resist
Personal accomplishment: I passed the PE exam in Florida the first time
We are going to need a volunteer 😮, who wants a turn??
In my experience, when I had my turn, I PM'ed a few people to ask if they would be willing to do this. I received several no's. And then there was the week that without my knowledge I was "appointed" to have a second turn, in spite of just having had one just a couple weeks before.

IMHO, it is important to be respectful and let someone choose to have a turn.

And what would happen if we had no volunteers?
In my experience, when I had my turn, I PM'ed a few people to ask if they would be willing to do this. I received several no's. And then there was the week that without my knowledge I was "appointed" to have a second turn, in spite of just having had one just a couple weeks before.

IMHO, it is important to be respectful and let someone choose to have a turn.

And what would happen if we had no volunteers?
I'll jump in, but how long can this thread go?????
In my experience, when I had my turn, I PM'ed a few people to ask if they would be willing to do this. I received several no's. And then there was the week that without my knowledge I was "appointed" to have a second turn, in spite of just having had one just a couple weeks before.

IMHO, it is important to be respectful and let someone choose to have a turn.

And what would happen if we had no volunteers?
I have never asked the questions but Fridays are usually bad for me ( baking) so I would have to ask them some other day or really late on Friday plus I can't think of anything that hasn't already be asked
I have never asked the questions but Fridays are usually bad for me ( baking) so I would have to ask them some other day or really late on Friday plus I can't think of anything that hasn't already be asked
Or ask a day early. You could have your questions together today or tomorrow, and just post a little early, or a little late.
I'll jump in, but how long can this thread go?????
Exactly. People will eventually need to have more turns, but there are many people who have yet to have a turn. I know from my experience in trying to find someone to have a turn, that some people are not interested, and some that consider the demands of their lives to be more important or demanding than writing some questions. Who am I to decide or judge them?

You know how I am the lead on birthday greetings? There could be a person for this thread that keeps it alive by asking people or keeping up with different questions. It could be Magpie, who started this thread, or Pearl, it could be you!
Sorry, I slept in a bit late today. I gave blood yesterday and a bit more rest felt so good on this cool, rainy Minnesota morning. Forgive me if any of my questions are repeats. We took a 10,000 mile, 11-week driving trip to Alaska and I missed those 11 weeks of Friday Fives.
I'll answer my questions later.

1. Have you ever donated blood? If so, how many pints?
Willingly? A pint. I haven't gone back since I was in high school and I feel a bit bad about that. I object to medical needles in my body. Random shards of metal or wood, no problem.

Unwillingly? Over time, a lot more than a pint and it all went into the ground.

2. What is your guilty pleasure?
Just one? I have several. It may be a light hit of good scotch or whiskey, some decadent dessert, maybe the purchase from amazon the wife isn't suspecting. But really, none of these compare to taking a day off work to go walking in the woods to enjoy nature. I can't feel guilty about that last one, though.

3. What is the most amazing/surprising thing that showed up in your yard?
A car. My house is on the corner of two streets. It almost looks like my front yard is a continuation of the perpendicular road, and one morning I woke up to a car in the middle of my front yard. A wrap on the driver window and the guy came to and was extremely apologetic. He backed out gently and went on his way. No harm, no foul.

We've had every kind of wildlife around here show up. Deer, fox, turkey, coyote, chipmunk, squirrel, feral children (don't get bit by those things!), a random neighbor looking for a lost pet or child....

4. What are the coldest and hottest outdoor air temperatures you've ever experienced. For this question, wind chill temp or heat index temps DO NOT count, only actual outdoor air temps. Where did you experience these temperatures?
Cold: Quebec, Canada. 1983 in December. I think the temp got down to -17F or so. I realize that's downright balmy to some folks, but for some that was chilly. I was a teen on a high school trip, so naturally, I didn't pack appropriate clothing.

Warm: Kill Devil Hills, NC back in the early 2000's. The temp just broke 100 but the humidity was insane. You'd get out of an air conditioned car or walk out of a shop and your clothes were instantly wet because the water would condense out of the air on you. I loved it!! My wife...not so much.

5. What do you feel your greatest accomplishment has been? (Wonderful children to not count for this question.)
Being true to myself and not disappointing myself. I achieved becoming a software engineer, which I wanted to do since I was in high school (back in '83 when the term "software engineer" didn't exist, yet), I've married the love of my life and I'll be faithful to her 'til I die, and I've succeeded in extending the family with wonderful kids and grandkids. (See what I did there? I snuck in the wonderful kids thing. It's what we old farts do.)
Sorry, I slept in a bit late today. I gave blood yesterday and a bit more rest felt so good on this cool, rainy Minnesota morning. Forgive me if any of my questions are repeats. We took a 10,000 mile, 11-week driving trip to Alaska and I missed those 11 weeks of Friday Fives.
I'll answer my questions later.

1. Have you ever donated blood? If so, how many pints?

2. What is your guilty pleasure?

3. What is the most amazing/surprising thing that showed up in your yard?

4. What are the coldest and hottest outdoor air temperatures you've ever experienced. For this question, wind chill temp or heat index temps DO NOT count, only actual outdoor air temps. Where did you experience these temperatures?

5. What do you feel your greatest accomplishment has been? (Wonderful children to not count for this question.)
1. Yes I used to donate often, never kept track tho.

2. I don't really feel guilty for choosing to partake in something pleasant. I might regret over indulgence like if i ate too much or but not feel guilty about it.
Guilt is reserved for negative behaviors, thoughts or feelings and I attempt to keep all that to a minimum. Life is too short for negativity and behavior that invokes feelings of guilt, pain and sorrow.

3. I'm not sure..once I had like 20 cops at my door with guns drawn. My roommate answered the door, and he was standing there with his hands up. I didn't know what was going on, so I'm walking over to the door with a bowl of cereal in hand asking my roomie what's going on, peer under his arm..(he was tall) and see a slew of LE outside my door, so I quipped, "uh oh! " I stated..still eating my cereal.. " all have the wrong address."
The detective asked is this blah blah address? I said yes..but side A. Side B is on the other side of the driveway with the two sketchy guys in it.
Me n my roommate were still in our state uniforms and clearly did not match the 2 douchbags they were out to arrest for raping a teen girl. We lived in a big house that was converted to two homes split in half..we were in A, douchbags were in B.
Thankfully those guys got evicted and the owners moved in. It was nice when they moved in. They were quiet, retired, were home often and had 2 huge rotties that me and my roommate had inside our side all the time when we were home. The owners loved that we loved dogs and let them visit often. The area was all fenced so we all kept it closed so the dogs could stroll over anytime they were out. It was great..we lived there like 2 years but both of us got promoted up but we both had to move away for it. That was the last time I saw my friend Darren. He died a few years ago too, had high blood pressure but didn't know it n he just dropped dead one day.
Oh ya..
4. -26 at work..-14 at home..anything - 0 just sucks...and heat 118 ..maybe hotter somewhere at a fire camp probably in a tent sweating my miserable butt off..

5. I don't know my greatest accomplishment really..
Maybe it's like a ripple effect thing ..
I volunteered alot..with search n rescue 14 years..we didn't have too many live recoveries tho..a job helping young folks experience a new life while gaining skills in good employment and helping them move onto military, collage or life careers. I haven't landed in jail..worked in one but not put in one.
I did follow my dream of owning my own little farm ..paid debt free for over 10 years now. Not sure I'll keep it but for now it is mine. That's something I suppose..

Good questions!
1. Have you ever donated blood? If so, how many pints? Plenty of times in the service, not sure how much though.

2. What is your guilty pleasure? I’m pretty open about what I like, but maybe Hanson’s mmmmmbop, I like that catchy song

3. What is the most amazing/surprising thing that showed up in your yard? No surprises, unless you count a census girl in a hijab…out of place for sure

4. What are the coldest and hottest outdoor air temperatures you've ever experienced. For this question, wind chill temp or heat index temps DO NOT count, only actual outdoor air temps. Where did you experience these temperatures? Minot was -63 ambient, hottest was probably San Antonio, 30 plus days over 105, crazy hot.

5. What do you feel your greatest accomplishment has been? (Wonderful children to not count for this question.) some of the songs I’ve written are doing well
1) yes, first time I was 18 & not counted how many, did not think it was important.
3)My Fathers Drunk Girlfriend when I was a kid.
4)HOT 108F in S.C., Coldest I remember was 05F in the winter N.C. Also in Ga heat in Fort Steward, when the Army tell you to sit in the shade, it is hot.
5) other than forty year of married & two children, I would have to say never killing some of the Idiots I have known & getting my BOL built & ready for the FALL.
1. Have you ever donated blood? If so, how many pints? Plenty of times in the service, not sure how much though.

I'm O- so they were on me for a bit. I did a study of blood and life and decided my donor days were done.

2. What is your guilty pleasure? I’m pretty open about what I like, but maybe Hanson’s mmmmmbop, I like that catchy song

Hard to say. Steaks potatoes whiskey beer and cigarette on Saturday night.

3. What is the most amazing/surprising thing that showed up in your yard? No surprises, unless you count a census girl in a hijab…out of place for sure

Not in my yard. My father borrowed my truck but didn't set the parking brake. Slipped out of neutral when he parked it. I noticed it missing and found it in a neighbor's yard. No harm no foul.

4. What are the coldest and hottest outdoor air temperatures you've ever experienced. For this question, wind chill temp or heat index temps DO NOT count, only actual outdoor air temps. Where did you experience these temperatures? Minot was -63 ambient, hottest was probably San Antonio, 30 plus days over 105, crazy

I don't have the numbers you want.
I remember playing street hockey in Duluth MN with - 50 degree temps and striping down to a single sweat shirt. The high temp was working in the propulsion space of an ammunition ouler to fix a RPM Counter in 100 degrees F plus.

5. What do you feel your greatest accomplishment has been? (Wonderful children to not count for this question.) some of the songs I’ve written are doing well

Family aside...

Co-authored first internet sniffer.

Authored highest approved. Nugget (tech tip) in LabVIEW

Architect universal spark plug assembly line.

Others omitted

ok I am working on my questions, so far I have 3 I am pretty sure have not been asked
the last 2 might be something silly like what color is your house or something...
YAY!! I have back up questions just in case I fill in some week, they are silly/fun ones!!
The personality tests interest me.
I took this one:

Tried to answer honestly, rather how I’d prefer to be, wondering if I’d be correctly defined. Turns out… I’d say good analysis. I’m INFJ-A:

It is a free test there and they only ask for an email if you want the results sent to you.
Tried this again:
Commanders are bold, imaginative, strong willed, bold always finding a way or making a way.
Yep, this is me.

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