Friday Fives

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@amish @hashbrown @Lenny and I are going to start a gang, but instead of Harley's we are all going to drive Dodge muscle cars and run electric vehicles off the road.
Yep, I'm in.
Yesterday when I was at the amish grocery, the young amish girl running the register asked if that was my Challenger. Ha Ha. I told her it was, and she said she LOVED my car. I told her that I love skidding it out on the dirt roads here, and she cracked up.

T = total estimated weight of building in lbs
N = number of carriers.
W = median weight carrying capacity of carriers in lbs.


N= T/W

Add a safety margin.


Naa, there's an easier way...
You just count the legs and divide by 2! :p
How many "whacks" does it take to take down an old silo? Or how many people whacking? Got to be a formula for that, too. I've seen it done on youtube. We have three silos. One of my cousins says he wants one, so I told him I'd put his name (Jay Yoder) on a sticky note on one and he can come pick it up.
I am done for the day so I will type them up now since after I have to go take care of animals and then probably go to bed early since I am baking tomorrow ( meaning get up really early)

So here they are :

1. in honor of the day tomorrow, are you superstitious? Doesn't have to be about Friday the 13, but anything

2. what was the last book you finished reading ? ( name and author)

3. Do you have a best friend other than SO?

4. What is your biggest fear other than losing a loved one?

5. how much weight can you lift ( now not when younger) approximately?
1. No..I can't think of anything superstitious that I believe at the moment

2. Still reading it when I get a moment

3.i don't have a SO..I do have 2 besties from High school that I'm still close with. And one bestie gal pal here that I hang out with her and her hubby occasionally. I get very little time to myself aside from work so I'm definitely not one who needs alot of in person daily interaction.

4. ? I don't know really , im not in love with anyone and people die so being fearful about the fact that people we know will die seems like weird to stress about to me. There are some things I don't want to happen so I take measures to see that I am forewarned or ready as much as possible I do what I can and otherwise **** happens..i deal with it.

5. I never really cared to know how much I could was either I could or couldn't.


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1. No..I can't think of anything superstitious that I believe at the moment

2. Still reading it when I get a moment

3.i don't have a SO..I do have 2 besties from High school that I'm still close with. And one bestie gal pal here that I hang out with her and her hubby occasionally. I get very little time to myself aside from work so I'm definitely not one who needs alot of in person daily interaction.

4. ? I don't know really , im not in love with anyone and people die so being fearful about the fact that people we know will die seems like weird to stress about to me. There are some things I don't want to happen so I take measures to see that I am forewarned or ready as much as possible I do what I can and otherwise **** happens..i deal with it.

5. I never really cared to know how much I could was either I could or couldn't.
Got those answers in just in time, lol!!😃
I am done for the day so I will type them up now since after I have to go take care of animals and then probably go to bed early since I am baking tomorrow ( meaning get up really early)

So here they are :

1. in honor of the day tomorrow, are you superstitious? Doesn't have to be about Friday the 13, but anything

2. what was the last book you finished reading ? ( name and author)

3. Do you have a best friend other than SO?

4. What is your biggest fear other than losing a loved one?

5. how much weight can you lift ( now not when younger) approximately?
1)Do not believe in ghost, vampires, werewolves or bad luck, Satan gets way to much credit for the dumb thing men do.
2)Southern Gardener's Book of list, by Lois Trigg Chaplin
Example: Perennials that attract Hummingbirds.
4) was not have money for retirement, now dying before I spent all that money.
5) Last time I lifted a large amount it was fifty pounds, I work out with twenty pound weights to firm up.
It's Friday already!
1. What group of people did you hang out with in High School?
2. What living things do you take care of every day?
3. Where is your favorite spot around your home that you love?
4. If you have a day to yourself, by yourself, what are you doing?
5. Do you prefer salty things or sweet things, and what is your favorite?
It's Friday already!
1. What group of people did you hang out with in High School?
2. What living things do you take care of every day?
3. Where is your favorite spot around your home that you love?
4. If you have a day to yourself, by yourself, what are you doing?
5. Do you prefer salty things or sweet things, and what is your favorite?

1.) I was friendly with everybody, but if it was a group it would have been athletes. I went to a relatively small school, so we all played multiple sports.

2.) My dog. Everybody else takes care of themselves.

3.) The den, or more aptly named, my Man-Cave. I spend 90% of my time there.

4.) Either playing Golf or practicing Golf. It has become a reignited passion.

5.) Salty things. Potato chips are my absolute Kryptonite. I can't resist them.
It's Friday already!
1. What group of people did you hang out with in High School?
2. What living things do you take care of every day?
3. Where is your favorite spot around your home that you love?
4. If you have a day to yourself, by yourself, what are you doing?
5. Do you prefer salty things or sweet things, and what is your favorite?
Thank you, Amish, for doing the questions this week.

1. What group of people did you hang out with in High School?
Neighbor girls. They were honor roll students, church goers, all about doing well, mostly became college educated.

2. What living things do you take care of every day?
Dogs, not mine, but several other people's dogs. I also have a few cats that I feed.

3. Where is your favorite spot around your home that you love?
The garden and yard

4. If you have a day to yourself, by yourself, what are you doing?
It kind of depends on what else has been happening in my life. Garden, cleaning, reading, errands.

5. Do you prefer salty things or sweet things, and what is your favorite?
I like both, but I try to avoid eating too many of either. Salty would mean mixed nuts, potato chips, cprn chips. Sweet would be ice cream.
Good list Amish

1 Mostly just friends, not really any group. I'm actually more of a loner, so some days nobody
2 Our dog, plants and trees
3 Up on the hill across the field behind the house. Nice view, quiter than anywhere else around. Just peaceful.
4 Could be hiking, fishing, working around the place. Or may be sittin under a shade tree smoking a fine cigar and thinking
5 I'm more of a sweets guy. Not terribly picky, pies, cakes, dark chocolate,
It's Friday already!
1. What group of people did you hang out with in High School?
2. What living things do you take care of every day?
3. Where is your favorite spot around your home that you love?
4. If you have a day to yourself, by yourself, what are you doing?
5. Do you prefer salty things or sweet things, and what is your favorite?
1. Not the cool kids.
2. Heck, I have a hard time remembering to drink water, unless coffee is involved.
So I would need and have plants that thrive on neglect.
3. Front Porch
4. Same thing I do everything: crochet, quilt, cook, belly dancing, talking to my Irishman.
5. Salty-chips, but I make my own.
1. I had a close knit group of friends who watched out for each other, got in trouble together, kicked ass together and spent a lot of time chasing tail, beer, smokes, gas money and more tail. The gang squad at the POLICE considered us a gang but we saw ourselves as a group of fun loving teens in search of a good time.

2. I have a lime tree who loves and adores me. I hold his life in my hands every day. I used to have a tomato plant but I killed it through neglect, or was I just sending a message to Limonjalo? Fall in line, or you too may wither and die.

3. I am a homeless vagrant dependent on the kindness of amorous ladies and law firms to provide places for me to rest my head and wash my body. Maybe in a few weeks I will have an answer, but for now I spend more time in Charlene than anywhere else. She's a car by the way.

4. I spend a lot of time thinking of ways to poke fun at @MoBookworm1957 and her Irishman. Otherwise I just try and stay busy. Idle hands and all that.

5. I like to alternate between salty and sweet, but not a lot of either. I like salty buttered popcorn drizzled lightly in milk chocolate. I also want moderator credit for not posting the adult themed thoughts that went through my head when I read that question.
1. What group of people did you hang out with in High School?
2. What living things do you take care of every day?
9 indoor cats, 1 old fat dog, chickens, birds, and today 4 community cats.
3. Where is your favorite spot around your home that you love?
The recliner in the family room.
4. If you have a day to yourself, by yourself, what are you doing?
Depends on the weather, nice days fishing or the gun ranges, bad weather my office reading or out in shop.
5. Do you prefer salty things or sweet things, and what is your favorite?
I am a sucker for salty things, usually potato chips, sometimes pretzels.

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