Friday Fives

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Disclaimer: I did not search back through all 1,404 posts to ensure these are not repeats. Roll with it and enjoy.

1. Think of a politician or celebrity you despise. What is one positive thing about them? I mean it, has to be positive and redeeming. No back handed compliments.
Jimmy Carter, terrible and heavily controlled President. Has done a lot of work for years helping poor folks get housing.

2. Name one anti-bucket list item. Something you experienced, possibly as a bucket list item, but in the end didn’t care for at all and never want to do again.
Not a bucket list item, but never would try again. Water sking

3. Imagine you opened a food truck in the area in which you reside. What type of cuisine would you sell and what would your specialty dish be?
Mexican, burritos

4. What is your most controversial belief? Something that goes against the mainstream, maybe even the mainstream thinking of this very forum.
Public hangings for murder, rape, treason, probably a few others. But you get the drift. I think if they were made public, many thugs would take a second though if they knew they would do "The Twist" if caught.

5. You are required to change you first name, but you get to select a new one. What would your new first name be?
Fred......Fred Fudpucker
These are tough questions for sure.
1. I don't like many politicians, and only like a few entertainers. I did not like Obama at all. His redistribution of wealth policy that he was open about ticked me off. A positive? He is charismatic and used the word hope alot and it gave people hope.
2. Antibucket list. Hiking in high places....the top of a peak, the Taos gorge..Hate heights, never again.
3. Greek food because there's none here. Souvlaki, baklava, giro
4. Controversial belief: Tech. Making us stupid, lazy, will get us in the end
5. Maybe my grandma's name: Lydiann
1. Michelle Obama. Not a fan. But when she was the first "lady" she tried to improve school lunches by reducing the volume of corn syrup and highly processed foods being fed to children. The food industry who supplies cheap fake foods to schools, nursing homes, hospitals, etc. lost their minds and got their conservative puppets to fight it. They even convinced people that she was trying to starve their children with fake pics of school lunches if her plan was implemented. Michelle was 100% right and the politicians from both parties who fought her chose money over what was best for the children of this country.

2. Parachuting. I was thinking about Airborne so I went parachuting to try it out. It was not horrible, but it was not fun either. The whole appeal of it was lost on me. Repelling from a Helo is fun, parachuting is not.

3. I would have a smoked BBQ / Mexican fusion food truck and my specialty would be smoked pork carnitas nachos with spicy (corn) elote, smoked jalapenos, and chihuahua queso cheese. This is one of my favorite things to cook and it's fantastic. Made up the recipe myself and have never seen it anywhere else.

4. I hear and read all the time about how we are in the biblical end days. Even my pops is convinced we are. I don't believe it for a second and historically it seems like every generation going back 2000+ years was thoroughly convinced that they were living in the days of the great tribulations. I personally believe we are an exceptionally long way away from that, the history of today will be long forgotten before Christ returns.

5. I don't hate my first name, but growing up I did. I just wanted a normal everyday first name like all my buddies had. I have always liked the name Marcus. Wouldn't sound good with my last name though.
1. AOC ... she actually believes what she says.
2. Moving to California. Other than the geography and weather, it was an awful experience.
3. A food truck ... exquisitely prepared Italian fare.
4. I firmly believe in extraterrestrials, and that they have been here for thousands and thousands of years.
5. James. I like the way it sounds, and I've known many (incl. my father) who I admired greatly.
1. Michelle Obama. Not a fan. But when she was the first "lady" she tried to improve school lunches by reducing the volume of corn syrup and highly processed foods being fed to children. The food industry who supplies cheap fake foods to schools, nursing homes, hospitals, etc. lost their minds and got their conservative puppets to fight it. They even convinced people that she was trying to starve their children with fake pics of school lunches if her plan was implemented. Michelle was 100% right and the politicians from both parties who fought her chose money over what was best for the children of this country.

2. Parachuting. I was thinking about Airborne so I went parachuting to try it out. It was not horrible, but it was not fun either. The whole appeal of it was lost on me. Repelling from a Helo is fun, parachuting is not.

3. I would have a smoked BBQ / Mexican fusion food truck and my specialty would be smoked pork carnitas nachos with spicy (corn) elote, smoked jalapenos, and chihuahua queso cheese. This is one of my favorite things to cook and it's fantastic. Made up the recipe myself and have never seen it anywhere else.

4. I hear and read all the time about how we are in the biblical end days. Even my pops is convinced we are. I don't believe it for a second and historically it seems like every generation going back 2000+ years was thoroughly convinced that they were living in the days of the great tribulations. I personally believe we are an exceptionally long way away from that, the history of today will be long forgotten before Christ returns.

5. I don't hate my first name, but growing up I did. I just wanted a normal everyday first name like all my buddies had. I have always liked the name Marcus. Wouldn't sound good with my last name though.
Yeah, "d" isn't the best of first names! 🤣
1. Michelle Obama. Not a fan. But when she was the first "lady" she tried to improve school lunches by reducing the volume of corn syrup and highly processed foods being fed to children. The food industry who supplies cheap fake foods to schools, nursing homes, hospitals, etc. lost their minds and got their conservative puppets to fight it. They even convinced people that she was trying to starve their children with fake pics of school lunches if her plan was implemented. Michelle was 100% right and the politicians from both parties who fought her chose money over what was best for the children of this country.

2. Parachuting. I was thinking about Airborne so I went parachuting to try it out. It was not horrible, but it was not fun either. The whole appeal of it was lost on me. Repelling from a Helo is fun, parachuting is not.

3. I would have a smoked BBQ / Mexican fusion food truck and my specialty would be smoked pork carnitas nachos with spicy (corn) elote, smoked jalapenos, and chihuahua queso cheese. This is one of my favorite things to cook and it's fantastic. Made up the recipe myself and have never seen it anywhere else.

4. I hear and read all the time about how we are in the biblical end days. Even my pops is convinced we are. I don't believe it for a second and historically it seems like every generation going back 2000+ years was thoroughly convinced that they were living in the days of the great tribulations. I personally believe we are an exceptionally long way away from that, the history of today will be long forgotten before Christ returns.

5. I don't hate my first name, but growing up I did. I just wanted a normal everyday first name like all my buddies had. I have always liked the name Marcus. Wouldn't sound good with my last name though.
You need to bring that food truck here. I would thoroughly enjoy that.
You need to bring that food truck here. I would thoroughly enjoy that.

Since I will never own a food truck, here is how I make it.

I inject a pork shoulder with a mixture of orange juice, cinnamon, and cumin then rub it with paprika, cumin, cayenne pepper, garlic powder, black pepper, salt and brown sugar before smoking it for roughly 5 hours. Then it goes into a foil pan with some orange juice, cinnamon, and cumin until it hits roughly 203 degrees. Then I let it let rest for a full hour before pulling it. After I pull it I let it rest a second time to soak up more juice.

I throw the jalapenos in the smoker until the skins almost peels off. Then I pull them off and toss 'em in a paper bag for a bit before removing the skin completely and chopping them up.

The elote is just store bought frozen "steam" bags of sweet corn. Once hot I put in a bowl and mix in some butter, mayo, chopped fresh cilantro, paprika, and cotija cheese.

Finally I take and fill a foil pan with tortilla chips, top with the pulled "carnitas" pork, sprinkle the top with the corn "elote" mixture, top that with smoked jalapeno pieces, sprinkle it with "chihuahua" cheese - which is a white easy melting cheese - top that with diced white onion, then throw it in the over until the cheese is melted. I then drizzle the top with green salsa and crema.
Since I will never own a food truck, here is how I make it.

I inject a pork shoulder with a mixture of orange juice, cinnamon, and cumin then rub it with paprika, cumin, cayenne pepper, garlic powder, black pepper, salt and brown sugar before smoking it for roughly 5 hours. Then it goes into a foil pan with some orange juice, cinnamon, and cumin until it hits roughly 203 degrees. Then I let it let rest for a full hour before pulling it. After I pull it I let it rest a second time to soak up more juice.

I throw the jalapenos in the smoker until the skins almost peels off. Then I pull them off and toss 'em in a paper bag for a bit before removing the skin completely and chopping them up.

The elote is just store bought frozen "steam" bags of sweet corn. Once hot I put in a bowl and mix in some butter, mayo, chopped fresh cilantro, paprika, and cotija cheese.

Finally I take and fill a foil pan with tortilla chips, top with the pulled "carnitas" pork, sprinkle the top with the corn "elote" mixture, top that with smoked jalapeno pieces, sprinkle it with "chihuahua" cheese - which is a white easy melting cheese - top that with diced white onion, then throw it in the over until the cheese is melted. I then drizzle the top with green salsa and crema.
Sounds amazing!
Disclaimer: I did not search back through all 1,404 posts to ensure these are not repeats. Roll with it and enjoy.

1. Think of a politician or celebrity you despise. What is one positive thing about them? I mean it, has to be positive and redeeming. No back handed compliments.
George Soros dresses nicely. And he's old and will be dead soon. That's two things I admire!

2. Name one anti-bucket list item. Something you experienced, possibly as a bucket list item, but in the end didn’t care for at all and never want to do again.
Visiting Los Angeles. I wanted to go see the studios and Disney and did. I have no desire to go back.

3. Imagine you opened a food truck in the area in which you reside. What type of cuisine would you sell and what would your specialty dish be?
Smoked meat! We have lots of various ethnic restaurants that are pretty good, and a few in other areas that offer up bbq and smoked stuff, but no food trucks that I know of. And, there are no restaurants that serve decent smoked food in my 'hood.

4. What is your most controversial belief? Something that goes against the mainstream, maybe even the mainstream thinking of this very forum.
Lincoln was ambivalent about slavery. Per his own words, "If I could save the union without freeing any slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that."

5. You are required to change you first name, but you get to select a new one. What would your new first name be?
Pearl. No, wait, someone took that one already. Probably Gage.

Great questions!!
George Soros dresses nicely. And he's old and will be dead soon. That's two things I admire!

Visiting Los Angeles. I wanted to go see the studios and Disney and did. I have no desire to go back.

Smoked meat! We have lots of various ethnic restaurants that are pretty good, and a few in other areas that offer up bbq and smoked stuff, but no food trucks that I know of. And, there are no restaurants that serve decent smoked food in my 'hood.

Lincoln was ambivalent about slavery. Per his own words, "If I could save the union without freeing any slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that."

Pearl. No, wait, someone took that one already. Probably Gage.

Great questions!!
When George Soros finally dies, he'll be already dressed appropriately for the casket! And you can have Pearl as your middle name!!😉
Great questions.

1. Think of a politician or celebrity you despise. What is one positive thing about them? I mean it, has to be positive and redeeming. No back handed compliments.
Mitt Romney; I respect the discipline of those of the Mormon faith and how optimistic they generally are.

2. Name one anti-bucket list item. Something you experienced, possibly as a bucket list item, but in the end didn’t care for at all and never want to do again.
Survival/POW school. Great experience, thank God I’ll never do it again

3. Imagine you opened a food truck in the area in which you reside. What type of cuisine would you sell and what would your specialty dish be?
Cajun, crawfish and shrimp etouffee

4. What is your most controversial belief? Something that goes against the mainstream, maybe even the mainstream thinking of this very forum.
The majority of folks who’ve entered the country in last few years are seeking only for handouts or to tear down the nation
5. You are required to change you first name, but you get to select a new one. What would your new first name be?
Stay tuned Friday Fivers! Questions will arrive this evening. But since it's not Friday all you will be able to do is ponder them deeply, reflect and offer up your best answers at 12:00am. Or you know, just answer them when I post 'em. Either way.
Who are you picking for the next victim??
Disclaimer: I did not search back through all 1,404 posts to ensure these are not repeats. Roll with it and enjoy.

1. Think of a politician or celebrity you despise. What is one positive thing about them? I mean it, has to be positive and redeeming. No back handed compliments.

2. Name one anti-bucket list item. Something you experienced, possibly as a bucket list item, but in the end didn’t care for at all and never want to do again.

3. Imagine you opened a food truck in the area in which you reside. What type of cuisine would you sell and what would your specialty dish be?

4. What is your most controversial belief? Something that goes against the mainstream, maybe even the mainstream thinking of this very forum.

5. You are required to change you first name, but you get to select a new one. What would your new first name be?
wow, great questions!

1. any Obama , can't think of anything positive sorry

2. moved to California in my early 20s, that was a fail

3. I thought about this actually, Indian food and my specialty would be goat curry ( but I am too old to bother now, so I will just stick with the market)

4. I don't believe the Bible is truth

5. I actually DID change my first name, I hated my German name and got tired of people pronouncing it wrong, or asking " huh? What does THAT mean , how do you spell it etc etc" and NO I am not going to tell you my German name, it was not Brunhilda or Gertrude....

One name I had picked was Jane but I researched and it was too generic
1. AOC ... she actually believes what she says.
2. Moving to California. Other than the geography and weather, it was an awful experience.
3. A food truck ... exquisitely prepared Italian fare.
4. I firmly believe in extraterrestrials, and that they have been here for thousands and thousands of years.
5. James. I like the way it sounds, and I've known many (incl. my father) who I admired greatly.

2 of us regret moving to Cali! Imagine that

edit , make that 3

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