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After what I just went through, multiple stings from yellow jackets... I did some research. Websites had them listed as the 6th most painful wasp sting in the world. They had white faced hornets at #7.

I beg to differ. I've experienced both many times. Hornets are definitely more painful than yellow jackets, and they are by no means a slouch.

So be careful, at least aviod multiple stings... I had 10 stings in an evening, they made me feel sick. (one was a honey bee)
I went out last night with my jacket, heavy gloves and crash helmet on and used a whole can of hornet killer on them. I heard 1 flying around after I did it. I went out this morning and only saw 1 live 1, it was on the ground so I stepped on it with my boot. I don't remember if I've ever been stung by a yellow jacket but I have been stung by bumble bees, wasps and a lot of times by honey bees and they all hurt a lot, I'm not sure which I'd say is worse though between wasps and honey bees but they're both worse than bumble bees if I recall right.
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There are murder hornets in Washington state but they're on the wet side.
Anybody ever try the Japanese beers Asahi and Soporo? pretty damn good but hard to get here.
Yes. They are good. Japan is extremely underrated as a beer making country. I would put it as a top 5 beer country.

But, if you are drinking Japanese beer in the US, you may want to check where the beer was brewed.

Back in the day, US Asahi was made in California, not Japan. I think Anheuser Busch used to own them, or at least had some kind of partnership with them and brewed their beer under license in the US.

Also, Molson used to brew Canada. So, the Kirin cans would say "imported" in the US, but they are (or were--I haven't checked lately) actually imported from Canada, not Japan.

I honestly think those US/Canada versions tasted different than the real thing in Japan. I used to travel to Asia a lot, many moons ago, and the beer in Japan was top notch.
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I drank a lot of both in Japan. I preferred the Asahi but would drink Sopporo.
I even learned to like San Miguel beer in the Philippines.
San Miquel! I tried to drink it in Spain - it was cheap. Tried several times, and was able to finish the bottle each time. Then decided that life is too short to do that again.
Hey @Supervisor42 know anyone in Athens AL? Just realized the Tenn Valley Fiddlers Convention is in Oct. It's held in Athens on the college campus.

I know nothing about the town, might have driven through it a few times. Anyway, was thinking I might go up for a couple days of the festival, maybe stay in a hotel one night.

Any intel would be appreciated.
Hey @Supervisor42 know anyone in Athens AL? Just realized the Tenn Valley Fiddlers Convention is in Oct. It's held in Athens on the college campus.

I know nothing about the town, might have driven through it a few times. Anyway, was thinking I might go up for a couple days of the festival, maybe stay in a hotel one night.

Any intel would be appreciated.
I went there hundreds of times to do work from HSV as well as Decatur.
Unfortunately I am zero help when it comes to staying up there. :(
The only people I knew up there were ones that signed my workorders:rolleyes:.
The parts in red, blue and green had my footprints all over them:
San Miquel! I tried to drink it in Spain - it was cheap. Tried several times, and was able to finish the bottle each time. Then decided that life is too short to do that again.

The first 100 bottles were a challenge but after that is was like the nectar of the Gods.
So basically after three days it was OK for the next 9 months.
I would be surprised if San Miguel in Spain is the same as in the Philippines.
I’m having a food battle with my pup right now. On the second bag of 100lbs. I feed him twice a day, plenty for 75lb gsd. He not fat, just turned 2 and can run like the wind.

A couple weeks ago he began dropping bits of kibble on the floor. He also began leaving kibble in his bowl. Yet he’d beg to be fed at the next meal time… with a few pieces of kibble in his bowl.

I’m not having it! He’ll eat what I feed him, all of it. So he got to skip a meal. The bowl was empty the next morning. (Been letting him stay in the house at night since the big sheppard died.)

Anyway, he did good for a couple days then… Started the same stuff. I don’t know if he just hates this brand of food or has a health issue.

He’s lazy too, eats laying down and has no food aggression.

Sam k big eat  (5)a.JPG
@Peanut Our dog is a goof like that sometimes. Acts like she needs to be fed, I look at the bowl, still some or a little kibble in it. I usually go ahead and refill it cuz she’s going to eat it. Sometimes I say no, eat it. Eat it now. And I walk away. She eats it after that (usually stares at it for a few seconds). Lol
Yes, there were two different kinds of kibble that were upsetting her digestive system and she knew it. I give her a scrap from dinner some nights, not much. She’s not overweight. She’s 10 yrs old, I think.
I usually stay out of dog feeding conversations but it's something I am VERY particular about! I feed 4Health (from TSC). This is really old school, I NEVER feed dry food "dry", I always soak it in water, enough to cover it and feed it warm. Dry food expands a lot, this prevents bloat. Never had a problem with this, but if they don't eat it in ten minutes they are done. I don't feed grain free because it lacks certain good grains that are essential for heart health. There are many studies out that prove this. On an end note, one of my house cats came to me with severe food allergies. I switched him immediately to 4Health when I got him and his skin cleared up and his belly straightened out within days!! He will NOT touch any other food, I think he knows it makes him sick! To me, excellent nutrition /feeding properly is number 1!!
My dogs are are all fed free choice. I dump a bag in a big Rubbermaid tub and fill it when it gets empty. They are snackers, grabbing a bite when they feel like it. They are very consistent in the amount they eat over time.

None of them are over weight. Treats are the only thing that is regulated and it is usually meat scraps of some kind.
Thanks for the info everyone! My big shepperd Joe (105lbs) could eat a whole chicken in 3 or 4 bites. And he usually ate that fast too. Same for my GSD Ten before Joe. I haven't seen this kind of picky eating from a dog before.

When I got the pup I fed him inside and Joe on the porch. Just to keep Joe for stealing Sam's food. Sam never learned food aggression. He's never had a reason to eat quickly so never learned to do it.

The big dog got 3 1/2 cups of food twice at day which he devoured. Sam eats half that much, 3.5 cups total. He's 35lbs lighter than the big dog. Much smaller which I like. Joe was too big... a horse (or at least a small pony)! Try driving when a 105lb dog is trying to sit in you lap! He was too big to push away when he was trying to lick my face lol.
We free feed our dog and cat.
The dog also get a small amount of canned dog food in the morning so my wife can feed him his pills.
He takes a mouth full of dry food and brings it into the Livingroom and drops it on the floor.
He then picks out his favorite pieces and eats them first then he eats the rest.
I miss my big dog. Some nights I'd hear Sam whimpering on the porch... he was missing his buddy. It's why I started letting him sleep inside.

Look at the 12oz soda can next to Joe... my big dog. I need a new front door. This one's 48yrs old and looking ratty.

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I'm thinking Bear will be close to that size. Didn't you mention once that Joe had some Pyrenees in him?
We free feed our dog and cat.
The dog also get a small amount of canned dog food in the morning so my wife can feed him his pills.
He takes a mouth full of dry food and brings it into the Livingroom and drops it on the floor.
He then picks out his favorite pieces and eats them first then he eats the rest.

I've always free fed my dogs. My dog does that with the dry food too but there's one type of piece he doesn't like so he leaves those on the floor for me to pick up. :rolleyes:

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