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Night didn't last long did it... :

This a short note to those in Australia I communicate with...

Cool, breezy, temps 60/45F today.. Rain last night, early this morning.. Rain about every other day this last week.. Some heavier rain, hail in isolated places.. Grocery shopping yesterday it was a ghost town as everyone seems at grandmas, the cabin, or camping.. This evening news telling ..US Tornado Alley.. having storms, tornadoes and a number of people hurt.. Lots of travel plans interrupted.. We have already had forest fire smoke from north western Canada..

Here at the ...Wrinkle Ranch... we had a pot luck cook out.. Burgers, dogs, and all.. I took a big pot of mixed beans with onion and bacon.. Big ceremonies at the national cemeteries today.. The local veterans cemetery has several thousand graves from the US civil war.. We should never forget all that served..

All the big stores have, bedding plant sales.. The 2 big farmers markets near here will open this next weekend..

Big nap after the pot luck dinner today.. Will likely be up half the night watching the western movie channel..
Is it just me or are you folks in the US suffering from an extraordinarily bad run of lightening storms? Every day there is apiece on the news about someone being killed. Yesterday it was a rancher and 30 cows!
I can only speak for me, and my area. It's weather, it's spring, there is rain and thunderstorms. No different, no worse, no better than any year. So far this year is like the last 6 decades.

Things that NEVER made the newpapers years ago, go "viral" or get echos worldwide thanks to the internet.

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