Got some pics of the last weed plant in the ground, it has mondo bud spears on it and it'll probably produce at least a couple of ounces of cured bud, lol. More dope to give away! I gave some hand a few buds at the rodeo last night as I was trying to find a decent place to watch the action... but here are the latest weed photos!
Should be interesting to see just how much bud this one plant produces... in the interest of agricultural science, 10-4?
Now, here are a couple o' bugs I've never seen before, a caterpillar (?) with a trick paint job, and some beetle (?) with what looked like a medieval suit of armor, lol. Maybe one of youse heroes can identify these critters...
Wait, maybe that's some sort of hornworm? I just noticed that "horn" jutting out from one end, lol. I guess that's the front end of the bug? Dunno what the other bug is, never seen one before... it almost reminds me of an armadillo, lol.
Here's a shot of my melon vine, I'm wondering if the melons only get so big on this particular plant? I've been waiting for them to get bigger, but maybe they only grow so big? Perhaps I should try the largest one... I already removed one fairly-large melon which had some sort of rot going on at one end, it went into the trash bin. I probably should've buried it somewhere in the yard, maybe it would've done some good, lol. Meh, I have half a dozen melons still on the vine, we'll see how they develop...
Er, don't mind those flowers growing up through the melon vine, those are separate plants, lol... I can't bring myself to tear up wildflowers, this mean ol' world is too ugly as it is, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Oh, yeah, that reminds me, for my last pic I have some TINY little purple & yellow flowers which looked pretty cool once ya got up close to 'em... again, I have NO IDEA what these are, but as long as they aren't GOATHEADS, I'm okay with 'em, lol.
One of these days, I'm gonna ship a big ol' industrial carton of goathead vines to my "Good Internet Friend" THE SUPE, complete with myriad goathead fruit & actual goatheads looking for a new home, lol. I'm sure my friendly gesture will be very well-received and appreciated!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!