Garden 2022

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Our temps are too hot for lettuce and spinach right now as the greenhouse and out. Maybe next month. Our tomatoes are doing well, and I've got lots of peppers and bell peppers that need picking.
I've been trying to start my lettuce at the indoor growing station and then transplant them when they get about 3" high. The indoor growing station is in the basement and the temperature hovers around 70F year round.

I have tried to start spinach in several places outside, they get about 1" high and something eats them down to the ground.. Not happy...

I am busy thinking about how I can use the tops of my rain barrels, with a dozen of them they take up a lot of space and I am thinking if I place a deck on top of them I can use all that space for growing stuff. I got no place to go but up. :)
My garden produced a handful of green beans and one large something that looks like a cross between a spaghetti sqash and a honey dew melon. I found it under the non producing frozen tomatoes.

I brought it in and have no idea what it will look like when ripe, so I guess I will just leave it and see what happens.

There is also a sun flower growing in a sheltered corner. The seeds must have been in the horse manure I got from a neighbor a while back.
Here is a couple pics I took, too late in the year. But anyway here is some aramanath that has volunteerd up after many years of dumping some old heads there.
The tops fell over a couple weeks ago. Tallest one was over 8 feet tall


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My second round of green beans is producing - yay! I got 4 jars (3 cuppers) last week and we will need to do a pickin' in the morning. My scarlet runners have been beautiful - a mess, but beautiful all summer but are just now getting their bean pods. Same thing happened with quite a few things - blooms didn't set and actually fell off early in the spring. Not just beans, but tomatoes, cukes, etc. Strange!
Some things are winding down and I need to spend some time out there (bahahaha not sure when) and get some things cleaned up and tidied for winter.
It's supposed to be nice for the upcoming week, but we might be gone so who knows what I will be able to do.
Got some pics of the last weed plant in the ground, it has mondo bud spears on it and it'll probably produce at least a couple of ounces of cured bud, lol. More dope to give away! I gave some hand a few buds at the rodeo last night as I was trying to find a decent place to watch the action... but here are the latest weed photos! :oops:


Should be interesting to see just how much bud this one plant produces... in the interest of agricultural science, 10-4? ;)

Now, here are a couple o' bugs I've never seen before, a caterpillar (?) with a trick paint job, and some beetle (?) with what looked like a medieval suit of armor, lol. Maybe one of youse heroes can identify these critters... 🤔



Wait, maybe that's some sort of hornworm? I just noticed that "horn" jutting out from one end, lol. I guess that's the front end of the bug? Dunno what the other bug is, never seen one before... it almost reminds me of an armadillo, lol. 🙄

Here's a shot of my melon vine, I'm wondering if the melons only get so big on this particular plant? I've been waiting for them to get bigger, but maybe they only grow so big? Perhaps I should try the largest one... I already removed one fairly-large melon which had some sort of rot going on at one end, it went into the trash bin. I probably should've buried it somewhere in the yard, maybe it would've done some good, lol. Meh, I have half a dozen melons still on the vine, we'll see how they develop... 😒


Er, don't mind those flowers growing up through the melon vine, those are separate plants, lol... I can't bring myself to tear up wildflowers, this mean ol' world is too ugly as it is, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Oh, yeah, that reminds me, for my last pic I have some TINY little purple & yellow flowers which looked pretty cool once ya got up close to 'em... again, I have NO IDEA what these are, but as long as they aren't GOATHEADS, I'm okay with 'em, lol. :good luck:


One of these days, I'm gonna ship a big ol' industrial carton of goathead vines to my "Good Internet Friend" THE SUPE, complete with myriad goathead fruit & actual goatheads looking for a new home, lol. I'm sure my friendly gesture will be very well-received and appreciated!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! :thumbs:
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Dang, Hashbrown, yer ALWAYS showin' me up with those MONSTER BUDS, lol... :confused:

But I still LUV YA!!! How's the Jeep resto going for the kid? I hope it's going well, he's a real hand for his age, AYE? Keep up the good work with that young man, not that ya need MY advice, lol. :)
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Dang, Hashbrown, yer ALWAYS showin' me up with those MONSTER BUDS, lol... :confused:

But I still LUV YA!!! How's the Jeep resto going for the kid? I hope it's going well, he's a real hand for his age, AYE? Keep up the good work with that young man, not that ya need MY advice, lol. :)
That Jeep is eating up all of my forum time! He’s a good boy I love working with him on it. The jeep build actually allows us a lot of time together.
Dang HB, you need to hang some Christmas lights on that thing
Can’t know it’s hanging up to dry! I did take some cuttings to make clones, I’ll have to try and reveg and run them 18 hours of light. I really liked this plant I was able to keep it small and still have a massive amount of buds on it.

Wow, you're dialed in with all the equipment... mine is a low-cost growing operation, lol. I never even topped or pruned the plants, I just let them grow naturally to see what nature threw my way. Next season, I may spend more time and effort on weed plants, but I'm still happy with the success of my humble operation! That one plant still in the ground on my property is loaded with bud spears, so I'll have plenty of weed for the holidays, though I don't even smoke that much anymore, lol. I imagine I'll give much of it away, kinda "share the wealth" as I meet new friends & trail riding partners up in the mountains. My experiment with soil amendment was definitely a success, and that's the main thing... can't wait to put in some nut trees next spring, pecan & pistachio saplings which do well in this climate as long as they get enough water. :cool:
I almost have all the supplies that I need to finish screening in my walk out basement, I also have clear plastic to turn it into a green house. Because it is so narrow I had a heck of a time figuring out how to put a door on it, well figuring out how was not the problem, figuring out how without spending a ton of money or using up the limited space was the problem. I came to the conclusion a small barn door would work, but the hardware is costly.... Then it hit me, for $25 I could buy the rails and casters for a 6' sliding closet door. It holds 2 doors so one can be a screen and the other can be glazed (plastic window). This will give me an easy way to ventilate without letting bugs in and a way to close up the room for winter without breaking the bank. Because most of it is below grade it does not need to stand up to high winds and I have been trying to make it so I can easily dissemble it in the future if necessary.
I haven't started on the door to our greenhouse, but our son just put a "box" of sorts made of 2 by 4's in the framing, told me to plastic it and seal it with the wood overlay, put on hinges, and viola! A door. But it's a big building, and I need two doors, and so I'm just plasticing one on the other side opposite this door...putting the plastic on the inside, tacking it completely down in the winter, but leaving it rolled up during warm temps. We did not put 2 by 4's on the ground where the door goes because it's intended that husband can roll in on his scooter. We framed it so he can do that comfortably. So half way done with side three at the moment. Side 4 not started. Won't have time to work on it tomorrow, but maybe Thursday.
I almost have all the supplies that I need to finish screening in my walk out basement, I also have clear plastic to turn it into a green house. Because it is so narrow I had a heck of a time figuring out how to put a door on it, well figuring out how was not the problem, figuring out how without spending a ton of money or using up the limited space was the problem. I came to the conclusion a small barn door would work, but the hardware is costly.... Then it hit me, for $25 I could buy the rails and casters for a 6' sliding closet door. It holds 2 doors so one can be a screen and the other can be glazed (plastic window). This will give me an easy way to ventilate without letting bugs in and a way to close up the room for winter without breaking the bank. Because most of it is below grade it does not need to stand up to high winds and I have been trying to make it so I can easily dissemble it in the future if necessary.
Great thinking!!
frost last 2 morning...2 weeks dodged it though. i really want these beans to mature for the seed.

late frost in sprimg and early frost in fall results in about a month shorter growing season the last 2 out of 3 years.
The last 2 years brought late spring frosts here too. Then jumped into summer fast this year.
@Wingnut @hashbrown how do you know it is ready to cut?

Well, serious dope growers have ways of testing the THC content in the developing buds, but moi, I'm just wingin' it here in the boondocks, lol. I'm following the natural cycle of each plant and looking at the bud spears just about every day... in fact, I'm about to pull this last plant outta the ground, it looks mature and it's loaded with buds, though not in such a scientific manner as Hashbrown's plants. I'm using natural light for my outdoor plants, and I'm not really doing a whole lot in the way of trimming or maintaining each plant, I'm just watering every day, checking the development of those bud spears, and following a basic timeline as given by local growers. I met those growers a few months ago while waiting for an MMJ dispensary to open here in town. We started talking about growing our own, now that it's legal to do so, and that led to sticking plants in the ground, more as an experiment in soil amendment than anything else. But I'm glad I did this, as I now have a quantity of decent bud which would surely cost money at the nearest dispensary. And even though I don't consider myself to be a big pothead, I'll still take an occasional bong hit before watching a movie or whatever, lol. :cool:

P.S. Before I pulled the other plants to cure 'em, I pinched a little bud directly off a spear and smoked it in the glass bong... it was potent, so I went ahead and pulled those plants out of the ground. I might do the same today, pinching a little bit of bud off this last plant and seeing how it tastes in the bong, lol. I gotta get out & water anyway, so I reckon I'll check that plant... it's a producer, that's for sure, with plenty of bud on it. ;)
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Maybe that's a male plant... they have flowers too, or something like flowers. Or it could be a female plant which was pollinated? HB knows more about all that than I do, I just keep female plants and get rid of the males early in the process... this time around, I had what looked like a male plant in the group but it got yanked pronto. :cool:
This morning I am making a door for my screened in walkout/green house. I didn't want to spend a lot on the door so I used a section of 1X12, 2 8' 1X3s, and a 1X6 to make a door kind of like what I remember on my Great GM's screened in porch. I have measured, cut, assembled, and started painting it... Hope it fits..... :)

The wife says some guy named Ian is dropping by today and I shouldn't be painting..... Tell him we don't want any.. ;)

The temperatures have really dropped here, so I my just go ahead and apply the plastic sheeting to make the thing start right out as a greenhouse.
Our temps have dropped to a high in the 80's, and I'm hoping to get plastic up, too. I bought 18 pieces of 1 by 3 (8ft) to put over the plastic edging. Had already gone through a dz pieces of it last weekend, and it's not too hard for me to cut and screw in to the wood. Am not looking forward to the greenhouse peak and working on the ladder, though.
I did not do much this year as far as the garden goes.
I have a plan!
I'm keeping my seed bank and all my fertilizer for next spring. I don't have money like I used too so I have to kinda watch what I have. Seeds are not a problem, fertilizer is a huge problem for me financially. I'm probably not alone. I think I have enough food to last me till late spring till I can start growing leafy greens. It's better than nothing at all.
My biggest garden problem is theft. I can't watch it 24/7. It's only me and the wife now. I have no friends any more to count on.
Well I got my greenhouse door made (need to add the plastic windows), I put plastic on the outside of the screens and applied 1X2s to hold it all down. The closet door hardware worked like a charm but the door hangs at a slight tilt so a placed a guide roller at the bottom. I put up one of those magnet self closing screen door on the outside of the walkout so I can come and go without letting all the bugs in the house. I have a 2'X2' screened "window" by the door that I did not put plastic on and the door needs to be sealed up, but other than that everything is covered! Now I need to act like @Neb and do a deep cleaning of the space so I can move at least 1 growing station out there. The more I look at it the more things that I see I can do with it. Because I added a little outcropping for my battery bank now all the batteries, the charge controllers, and the inverter are inside the greenhouse, so it should be easy to light and heat the space using battery power. Plus I found my thermally controlled outlets, so I can have everything setup very easily without having to add anything. I am looking forward to being able to work out there without being eaten alive by those jet powered mosquitoes.

The rain has arrived and we are having company for dinner.

I also got a box of garlic sets in the mail today! Fall is here and I'm ready for it!

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