Garden 2022

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I harvested another batch of tabasco, serrano, jalapeno and Thia peppers. They have a lot of bug damage maybe 15% of them. I'll process them and get them in the dehydrator tomorrow maybe. The serranos are really turning right now.

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Busy day out today dealing with the garden and food produced this year.

To start with I cleaned up my 4 types of garlic I grew. Brought most up into the house to store till eaten. Some had to be thrown out, but still kept 20 cloves of each type to plant for next year. I split up my best heads of each type and selected the biggest of each.

Then I sorted thru my taters I had dug. I've got probably 6-8 lbs in the house, then 2 full bread racks move to the basement for storage thru the winter. I lost a few taters, but not many.

Then sorted my onions. I lost quite a few of these, about half sprouting, the other half just rotting. I ended up with 20-25 lbs of cleaned onions. Not as good as last year, but still quite a few.

Shallots came next. I lost maybe 1/3 of them, but the ones left look good. I came to the conclusion that this year just hasn't been good for storing allium's. I lost more onions, garlic, and shallots than the last 2 years combined at this point. I'll likely have enough garlic to carry us over the winter. But we'll for sure run out of onions and shallots probably before Feburary. I did decide I will change my onion order next year. The "red" Blush onions are doing much better than anything else this year, and did really well last year. I'll go with those for a main crop next year. The yellow Patterson's I'll try again, but will reduce the numbers next year. The Red Torpedo's I won't bother with more than 1 bunch again. They are good fresh and perfect for making pickled onions. But they don't keep at all. Maybe 2-3 months tops. Shallots I don't know about. I only did one batch and they produced well. I'll likely grow another batch next year.

The garlic on the other hand, produced very well. I grew 4 types, Music, Nookota Rose, Donista Red Creole, and Martin's Heirloom ( this one at Elkhounds talk about them). Music didn't produce near as much as the others, but kept really well so far. Almost no scrap. The Nookota and Donista's both produced pretty good. But lost some already. We'll see how they do going forward. These three all grew well and were in good shape at harvest.

I wanted to keep the Martin's Heirloom seperate and make sure Elkhound sees this. They grew off well. But at harvest I lost some right away. Likely my fault for not harvesting them a couple weeks sooner. I harvested them all together, but should have pulled these 2-3 weeks sooner. Then today I lost a higher percentage of them than the other types. But that said they outproduced the other 3 types to the point I have almost as many now than the others. I haven't grown garlic for a few years and wasn't on top of things as much as I should have been so I'll take the blame for a good part of this. We also had a weird weather year. We had 2 periods of drought, which had me watering quite a bit. But I'm sure I let some dry spells go longer than I should, and may have over watered at times. Need to pay closer attention next year. I've kept the 4 types seperated and told the wife to keep me up to date with what she likes best from a storage and taste perspective.

After that I dug half of my last 12x4' bed. I got more than 1/2 bushel from that. I'll dig the rest tomorrow. Also plan to plant my garlic to start on my 2023 garden.

Had a surprise as well. After picking some jalapenos, serranos, and pablanos, I noticed some color where the tomatos were. I picked the last of the maters over a month ago and had just assumed they were done. I dug thru the remaining plant and found 3 ripe, or nearly so maters, and a bunch of green ones. I'll have some to pull prior to our first frost. I got excited over that.

Long post, but a lot to cover and things to consider and do before next year.
Dug the rest of my taters. Ended up with almost 2 bushels out of 18 feet of a 4 foot row in the beds. Sizes varied as usual, but they were so smooth and clean. Had a few that something had ate on.
Next year I plan to do beds again, but rotate to other beds. Ill either plant 2 12x3 beds, or 2 12x3s and 1 8x3. Not likely to plant in the ground again. The beds produced better and much easier on my back to deal with.
After that I planted my Donita Red Creole and Martains Heirloom garlic. About 20 cloves of each. This time instead of planting around a bed. I only planted on the southern side. Try and cut down on shade to them. I need to top off most of my beds, so will wait till then to plant the other types
The attached greenhouse is now structurally complete and I am turning to the functionally of it. I have a modified wave inverter out there it works great at running my irrigation pump and I planned to use it to run the lighting for the growing rack I plan to put out there soon. I use timers a lot to control things like light and heat. I wanted to be sure that they would work with the inverter, so last night I put a timer connected to a light on it an. The results were surprising at best, over a 14 hour period the timer lost 3 hours. It is now clear that for the lights I will have to go with a pure sine inverter. Live and learn. As for thermal management, yesterday it only got up to the high 50s and the temperatures inside the greenhouse stayed in the 60s. Over night it got into the low 40s and the temperature out there was in the mid 50s. It was really overcast yesterday and neither the greenhouse nor the solar panels collected much solar energy. I am planning to use one of those electric radiators for heat, I have a 750 watt unit that will be reused for the greenhouse. Yesterday I did order a set of led lights to place on the growing rack that is going out there, once I get the floor completely cleaned up that is. ;)
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Tonight I swapped out my modified sine inverter for a pure sine unit, glad I had it on the shelf. I checked and is seems to handle the 750 watt heater fine, I have a timer on it and will let it run over night to verify operation. I set up a 4 station weather monitor so I can track the temperature at each growing station. Without any additional input the greenhouse appears to be running 10 degrees warmer than outside, considering it is overcast and raining I think that is as good as I can expect. The lights arrived for the new growing rack, I am not going to use as many as I have in the past based on the assumption that the natural light will make all the difference.

So I have a strange question, how many okra plants would you put in a 5 gallon bucket? I have a bunch outside and want to try to keep some growing into the winter.....
Tonight I swapped out my modified sine inverter for a pure sine unit, glad I had it on the shelf. I checked and is seems to handle the 750 watt heater fine, I have a timer on it and will let it run over night to verify operation. I set up a 4 station weather monitor so I can track the temperature at each growing station. Without any additional input the greenhouse appears to be running 10 degrees warmer than outside, considering it is overcast and raining I think that is as good as I can expect. The lights arrived for the new growing rack, I am not going to use as many as I have in the past based on the assumption that the natural light will make all the difference.

So I have a strange question, how many okra plants would you put in a 5 gallon bucket? I have a bunch outside and want to try to keep some growing into the winter.....
IMO 4 or 5 would about all in a 5 gallon bucket I would try. 6 to 8 would be the max
Well, I actually pulled the last weed plant yesterday, I felt like maybe the shorter days were affecting the growth and development of the spears. Plus I noticed that tree shadows were blocking the sun for longer periods of time, now that the sun is dropping farther south in latitude... so I yanked the plant, lol. Trimmed some of the leaves off the buds, but not all, so they're still a bit shaggy in these pics. I'll let the plant hang upside-down for another day or two, then trim the spears and cure the buds in a paper sack I have reserved for that purpose. All the trimmed leaves will eventually go into some brownie mix, with the little amount of weed I smoke I'm darned sure not gonna waste time smoking leaf or shake, lol. Only the best buds go into the glass bong, aye? Life's too short for me to hack on dried leaf, lol. Here we go, some angles automatically cued the flash, others didn't, so bear with me... :oops:








Anyway, I think the plants I harvested earlier *might* be more potent in terms of THC content, just due to the timing. Some local told me to harvest in October, but maybe he has a different setup in the yard, aye? Hashbrown is doing it right, using scientific methods and grow lights for monster harvests, I'm just winging it as usual, lol. Still, this humble experiment in soil amendment has produced quite a nice little crop for a guy like me who doesn't smoke much weed, 10-4? :rolleyes:

I've actually enjoyed giving away buds to folks, kinda like an early Santa Claus for partyers, lol. I gave some hand at the rodeo some bud, he couldn't find a seat either but the free weed made his night, yeah? I gave some trail riders up in the mountains some buds, and they were stoked. I even gave some buds to a black guy on my last ride, and do you know why? He was breaking the stereotype by taking his kids hiking, so I asked him on the side if he wanted some buds, lol. ;)

Don't ever let anybody tell ya I'm a racist, lol... I just don't like ethnic tools programmed by dirty globalist swine to hate conservative Whitey. That black dude was a standup guy, looking out for his kids and getting them off the couch, so if he wanted a little free bud courtesy of Wingnut, well, that's what he got, lol. In a perfect world, folks would be judged by their actions, not the color of their skin, but we're NOT living in a perfect world... more's the pity. :confused:

But simple actions like mine help mend fences between folks caught up in this globalist-sponsored strife & division... and the guy wasn't a deadbeat, he was driving a decent vehicle (newer than mine, lol) and he was clean-cut in every respect. If he accepted some free weed for later use, well, I don't have any problem with it. The whole scene might inspire him to take his kids into the wilderness more often, lol. I try not to be too judgmental with folks who are also parents, aye? :cool:
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Trimmed a plant today now I will cure and burp it for the next month.

Hooo-eeee! So That's how ya got the name 'Hashbrown', eh? :) Wow, and here I thought We were doin' good with our lil' 'Garage-side Cash-crop'...


..But Yer 'cafeteria-tray', Wowza, Mang! George Washington would be Prouda' ya, Chief.. 👍

What exact type are you growing if you don't mind me asking? My plants this year turned out quite small but I ordered medical grade indica plants

My winter rye has started to grow about 5 inches in the one garden after all that rain and we had to rush to put an electric fence around it to keep the sheep from eating it

the other garden has a few tomato plants left ( volunteers) and some peppers and stumps of the greens the deer ate during the rain. I know it was deer because I saw the hoof prints. Oh and we have some pumpkins
37f here this morning. cool weather came much earlier again. late corn is trying to make ears..blown over again..3 times now. i wont grow it again. i was hoping it would replace early sunglow..but it wont..for short days...this was a white corn called gills white from victory seed.

this afternoon i cleaned off tomato cages and took weeds to dirt. ground was extra soft so i had broadcast collards and plants were up about 4 inches so i transplanted 28 into the old tomato rows.

yep...i just dont give up
SoJer, you funneh... the hemp that George Washington grew wasn't *quite* the same as today's chronic strains, lol. And Sonya123, if you're asking me I can't tell ya, I bought a vial of 10 seeds from a local dispensary, and there was no way of knowing exactly which strain each seed was, but they were all "dispensary grade" chronic strains. Moi, I'm not that picky, I just like to weed out the male plants and let the rest grow. All 10 seeds germinated, but I botched the planting and put a few too deep or whatever, and they didn't make it. Meh, next time I'll be more careful, and I certainly reaped more than I expected from those plants which fully developed. I'll do it again next year, just on general principle, as the cost of weed at the local dispensaries is outrageous. The upcoming holidays will certainly be festive for any visitors who arrive on my doorstep! ;)
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I planted about 1000 cloves of garlic the past two days. That included maybe 75 of the wild garlic that frew this year. The largest of the wild garlic yielded 2 quarter sized cloves and maybe 7-10 small cloves. I planted the larger cloves 3-4 inches apart but the smallish dime sized cloves went into a trench because I have a hard time letting stuff go to waste. I am curious how the wild garlic grown from larger cloves do.

If conditions are food next year I may see my largest garlic harvest to date.

... I've never had this many peppers, looking for advice on what you all do with them? freeze? dehydrate? Thanks for the help! ...

Folks have been drying them for ages so I dehydrate mine. Then I vacuum seal them in 1/2 pint and pint jars. They'll stay potent for more than a year. I've opened them at 2 years and they were still usable.

So I try to put up enough each year to last 2 years, in case I have a crop failure I'll still have sealed peppers in the pantry.
Holy Toledo, Hashbrown!!! :oops:

That's a whole heap o' buds on that tray, lol... 😎

If you distribute the lot globally, ya just might create "world peace!!!" ;)

Settle some of those hotheads down and let folks calmly go on about their business, lol... 🤔

P.S. I just noticed the "tray" is actually a metal pan, lol... :confused:

That’s just the start! The little grow room I built is making a pile of buds. I have 3 auto flowers finishing up in a few weeks.
Wow, @hashbrown. Do you have a local market place to convert that green into $$$s. That is way beyond impressive. That would be enough to give the Jolly Green Giant a healthy buzzz.......
I don’t figure I’ll I’ll turn any into cash. Like I’ve said before I don’t smoke but have plenty of loady friends and Christmas is coming. 😉
Hooo-eeee! So That's how ya got the name 'Hashbrown', eh? :) Wow, and here I thought We were doin' good with our lil' 'Garage-side Cash-crop'...


..But Yer 'cafeteria-tray', Wowza, Mang! George Washington would be Prouda' ya, Chief.. 👍

I’ve put up 23 quart jars in the last couple of weeks been in trim jail since then.
What exact type are you growing if you don't mind me asking? My plants this year turned out quite small but I ordered medical grade indica plants

My winter rye has started to grow about 5 inches in the one garden after all that rain and we had to rush to put an electric fence around it to keep the sheep from eating it

the other garden has a few tomato plants left ( volunteers) and some peppers and stumps of the greens the deer ate during the rain. I know it was deer because I saw the hoof prints. Oh and we have some pumpkins
That was Amnesia Haze it’s a smaller photo flower worked great for an indoor grow.
I'm gonna do better next time after reading Hashbrown's posts, lol... I'm a little "rusty" when it comes to growing dope. I used to grow some pretty good bud many years ago in the back yard of our home in Coronado, but I had an edge. We had a large concrete patio slab surrounded by three walls of our home, and the sun just cooked there like a reflector oven... we had garden beds to break up the slab action, but any plants placed there would thrive, as long as you started with good soil and kept the plants watered. We called that broad nook "Cabo Corner" due to the intense solar abuse, lol. I'm gonna pay more attention to outdoor placement of my plants next season, since I noticed tree shadows encroaching upon the growing area with these shorter days and lower-angle sun. :confused:
I'm gonna do better next time after reading Hashbrown's posts, lol... I'm a little "rusty" when it comes to growing dope. I used to grow some pretty good bud many years ago in the back yard of our home in Coronado, but I had an edge. We had a large concrete patio slab surrounded by three walls of our home, and the sun just cooked there like a reflector oven... we had garden beds to break up the slab action, but any plants placed there would thrive, as long as you started with good soil and kept the plants watered. We called that broad nook "Cabo Corner" due to the intense solar abuse, lol. I'm gonna pay more attention to outdoor placement of my plants next season, since I noticed tree shadows encroaching upon the growing area with these shorter days and lower-angle sun. :confused:
You know growing is like most things in my life. I’ve learned over the years even in the buildings I build is slow down and really watch the details. It almost sounds like something my grandpa told me 40 years ago that I didn’t listen to.
Last night I noticed that my indoor carrots had been attacked by spider mites... so I moved them all outside to an old table top. Then I trimmed off all the effected greenery and washed the down. It is only getting into the 40s at night now and that will not hurt the carrots, I hope they rebound a little before I harvest them. FYI, I have been told that the cold makes them sweeter but they don't like being frozen....

I completed making the growing rack for use in the greenhouse, but I assembled it in the house with wheels, so I will roll it out there once the floor is completely clean. I will have to remove the wheels out there because the floor is not level and I will have to do some major leveling once it is in place. I hope to have everything done out there by the end of the weekend....

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