Garden 2024!

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field report for grafted trees

the first 20 i done in early season theres 16 out of 4 failures..they would have taken and were growing till critter damage hit..i mean a graft cant grow out when critter takes it off and there no bud left to grow out.

second batch of 10 has 8 trees two failed and one of them the root stock actually dont feel so bad....these late grafts grew a fraction of the early graft. i will make sure to not do that again getting root stock delivered later in season...only early stuff from now on.

i did see a bite out of seedling though...more damage control work i guess.
Thanks for that update.

I am not giving up on my grafts because we are in a drought and the trees were dropping leaves and fruit. I do plan to cut if the branch above the grafts to give the grafts more sun light.

Been cleaning up the garden flower pots, tubs,washtubs.
All but one.
Estelle has watermelon growing in it.
They range in size half dollar to small basketball size.
She is so funny, she talks to them, rubs on them like she petting them.
Put small pinholes into the stock tank for drainage yesterday.
Will start filling it up with tree branches if I can find them, card board, soil and coffee grounds starting tomorrow.
Will have it ready by spring.
She's excited.
I planted spinach yesterday . I planted using my saved heirloom seeds . From experience know it will grow all winter and into the spring and early summer months , until it goes to seed and then the seed harvesting and planting cycle will take place once more . It will survive under snow as I can verify and soon after snow melts begin again its growth . We consider it delicious , sort of like eating candy . I am in zone 6 at a higher than average elevation . --- If things go sideways in the near future , we have made preparations for food production without having to rely on buying food .
--- This video got me to thinking more on my winter survival garden . Perhaps someone else would like to ponder their survival garden for this winter . I already have my winter spinach planted but heard some deep rumbling a short time ago and if it proves to not be nuclear explosion but thunder from a rain cloud , I think I will dive out and plant some more winter plants " Russian red winter kale " . As things stand right now with the foreign invasion of women -less young men prowling about in some areas it has become dangerous for women to go to a grocery store these days . Anyways guys S.H.T.F. is here in some areas and for some folks , but as realist realize there is a real possibility there will be no grocery stores to go to by perhaps as early as this coming January . Getting a winter garden planted and tommorrow making a run to stock up on more feed for my egg laying chickens is my plan .

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