Okay, I started all the seeds, using wet plain white paper towels inside taped-up "clamshells" (coated paper plates taped together to hold and protect the seeds as they germinate), and I placed everything in the kitchen dishwasher that I never use anyway, that'll be a warm dark place for the germination. I'll check the seeds & wet the towels morning and night, and once the majority have popped, I'll transplant them into a large rectangular foil pan filled with soil. For each separate strain, and for the feminized seeds as well, I used a separate starter kit (or "clamshell") and I taped the empty vial with label to the underside of the "lid" so I don't lose track of which seeds are which. When I transplant the seeds into the soil-filled foil pan, I'll place each strain in a row and tape the vial to that section of the foil pan, so I still know which are which... sound confusing? Meh, lemme take a shot of the "clamshells" and show y'all what I mean. 
The "clamshells" come in two sizes, I used the smaller ones for the smaller groups of seeds. I seem to have miscounted too, I actually have more seeds than previously listed, lol. When I pulled these out to take the pics, I noticed the coated paper plates were already a bit soggy beneath the towels, and I don't want any of that dye or coating cr@p on my seeds, so I wiped the plates dry, added a layer of plastic wrap beneath the towels, and replaced everything into the dishwasher. That foil pan is the one I'll use when I transplant the sprouted seeds, it seems to be a convenient size and I should be able to put all the seedlings into it if I space 'em out correctly. Just trying to keep this simple, and I can toss the paper plates & towels once the seeds have sprouted. Maybe I'll line that foil pan with plastic wrap too, just in case it has some funky coating, lol. I like my weed to be 100% organic, no added chemical cr@p, 10-4?

The "clamshells" come in two sizes, I used the smaller ones for the smaller groups of seeds. I seem to have miscounted too, I actually have more seeds than previously listed, lol. When I pulled these out to take the pics, I noticed the coated paper plates were already a bit soggy beneath the towels, and I don't want any of that dye or coating cr@p on my seeds, so I wiped the plates dry, added a layer of plastic wrap beneath the towels, and replaced everything into the dishwasher. That foil pan is the one I'll use when I transplant the sprouted seeds, it seems to be a convenient size and I should be able to put all the seedlings into it if I space 'em out correctly. Just trying to keep this simple, and I can toss the paper plates & towels once the seeds have sprouted. Maybe I'll line that foil pan with plastic wrap too, just in case it has some funky coating, lol. I like my weed to be 100% organic, no added chemical cr@p, 10-4?