Hardtack. Drywall.
Can someone Please explain the Difference? 
So, awhile back, whilst perusing Online for the 'Ultimate Hardtack Recipe' (
) I found someone's suggestion to add-in Quinoa and Amaranth as a high-protein 'variant'* to the 'classic' recipe.. Which is, indeed, excellent.. My 'twist' was to start with Corn Flour 'masa', ie:
(..Great Brand, btw..
...Which gives it both more Flavor and 'character'.. and - in the End / Beginning.. It turned out to become My Favorite Drywall Compound..
Prep goes something like this:
- 3c 'Maseca'
- 1/2c Quinoa (I really like 'Bob's Red Mill' brand..)
- 1/4c Amaranth ( same " )
- 1 tsp Salt
- 2-3c water..
Pre-heat oven to 350˚; Blend all flour / grains / salt; Mix in water till you have a 'damp play-dough' consistency; Flour-dust your cutting-board, etc; Roll out to ~ 1/4 - 3/8" thick (..sure, you could go for the more 'sea biscuit' style, and roll to 1/2" th. but.. I kinda like my Teeth, so..
Cut into ~ 2" squares;
Flour-dust your cookie sheet / baking pans (NO OIL or 'grease' of ANY kind, Very important!) Then, with a fork / skewer, poke alternating-pattern 'vent holes' on both sides, to prevent 'puffing' / aid in interior-cooking, etc, and Bake at 350˚ for 45 mins; Flip all HT 'cookies', Bake for another 45 mins; Cool and Enjoy.
In addition to the 'High-Protein Boost' (vs 'traditional' HT) this 'variant'* delivers a really great 'nutty' / corn flavor, and is Excellent with even just dipping / softening it in some bone / chicken broth after a chilly day chopping wood, etc.. Haven't tried it yet, but can just imagine breaking it into some Rabbit Stew with Potate's, Carrots and Green Onion, yum..
...Also, try breaking it up like 'granola' / pouring on some Almond Milk w/ a dash of sugar (if you like) as a 'breakfast cereal'.. Tastes almost just like 'Corn Pops'..
Really good..
* Important to Emphasize that this 'variant' should be considered more 'perishable' (..Then-again, that's Kind of the idea, here..
than 'true' Hardtack, since Corn Masa has more 'Oils-content' (via the corn / grains..) than just plain Wheat Flour, So.. Take that into consideration for your storage / consumption plans (Ergo: Be wary-er of the potential for 'Rancidity' vs Wheat-Flour Hardtack. 
..but, Honestly - I find this stuff So yummy (vs 'plain' Hardtack) that, well.. It Often never Makes it to "LTS"...

So, awhile back, whilst perusing Online for the 'Ultimate Hardtack Recipe' (

...Which gives it both more Flavor and 'character'.. and - in the End / Beginning.. It turned out to become My Favorite Drywall Compound..
Prep goes something like this:
- 3c 'Maseca'
- 1/2c Quinoa (I really like 'Bob's Red Mill' brand..)
- 1/4c Amaranth ( same " )
- 1 tsp Salt
- 2-3c water..
Pre-heat oven to 350˚; Blend all flour / grains / salt; Mix in water till you have a 'damp play-dough' consistency; Flour-dust your cutting-board, etc; Roll out to ~ 1/4 - 3/8" thick (..sure, you could go for the more 'sea biscuit' style, and roll to 1/2" th. but.. I kinda like my Teeth, so..
Flour-dust your cookie sheet / baking pans (NO OIL or 'grease' of ANY kind, Very important!) Then, with a fork / skewer, poke alternating-pattern 'vent holes' on both sides, to prevent 'puffing' / aid in interior-cooking, etc, and Bake at 350˚ for 45 mins; Flip all HT 'cookies', Bake for another 45 mins; Cool and Enjoy.
In addition to the 'High-Protein Boost' (vs 'traditional' HT) this 'variant'* delivers a really great 'nutty' / corn flavor, and is Excellent with even just dipping / softening it in some bone / chicken broth after a chilly day chopping wood, etc.. Haven't tried it yet, but can just imagine breaking it into some Rabbit Stew with Potate's, Carrots and Green Onion, yum..
...Also, try breaking it up like 'granola' / pouring on some Almond Milk w/ a dash of sugar (if you like) as a 'breakfast cereal'.. Tastes almost just like 'Corn Pops'..
* Important to Emphasize that this 'variant' should be considered more 'perishable' (..Then-again, that's Kind of the idea, here..

..but, Honestly - I find this stuff So yummy (vs 'plain' Hardtack) that, well.. It Often never Makes it to "LTS"...
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