@Tank-Girl I had no idea you had been ill. Judging by how much you accomplish, I would have thought you were a healthy 30 year old! Whatever your case, I hope you are not in pain and that you are able to find suitable health care soon.
I have been referred to two different specialists in Brisbane which is over 9 hours drive away.
I keep getting passed on like a hot potato or a sweaty stick of tnt.
No one wants to admit they don't want to operate because they're frightened I'll die on the table.
I'm not frightened of dying on the table - I'm terrified of being turned into a vegetable.
I have worked in locked dementia and palliative care so I know what it looks like and I'm
having none of it.
Better a clean death than that or just not even bother going under a GA to start with.
@Tank-Girl I had no idea you had been ill. Judging by how much you accomplish, I would have thought you were a healthy 30 year old! Whatever your case, I hope you are not in pain and that you are able to find suitable health care soon.
Like the others I didn't realize you were still ill.Actually one of the specialists is a chronic pain specialist which just drives me nuts.
Driving to see my surgeon takes an hour and a half and I'm nauseous, pale and sweating once I get there because I drive unmedicated.
They want to subject me to a 9 hour + trip. If I could make it and still be in any way functional I don't need a pain specialist I need a paracetamol and a lay down.
I have a small amount of energy given to me everyday and I am best in the mornings.
I plan what I need to do and if I run out of puff I run out of puff and I carry on the next day.
My condition is genetic, degenerative and incurable.
I don’t let it stop me.
Getting back on topic.......
Day 14 of no spend.
Sometimes people just don't run the numbers....My wife did the math some years ago and we found that hiring a Nanny would save us quite a bit of money over using a multitude of services and running our house with one less adult. We have had a Nanny ever since.
Sometimes people just don't run the numbers.
Know what I did to save money Friday?
I got a pedicure.
Now, I know what you all are thinking, "that's about the laziest, spoiled, waste of money I've ever heard".
For someone who is prone to growing ingrown-toenails, I have found it is far better to have a professional tend to them, than me.
Once every 2 months $23 spares me worrying about the agony and expense of having a podiatrist cut out an ingrown that has grown 1/4" down into my toe.
While I have never paid a dime for 'comprehensive coverage' on any vehicle I have ever owned, I will gladly pay $23 every 2 months for ingrown-toenail 'insurance'.
It's actually far cheaper in the long run.
Maybe we can get a few more men to come out of the closet.Every 2 months for me too except the VA covers it if I go to the clinic.
It is difficult for me to bend over to clip my own toe nails. If I can get to my toes they wind up bloody as I can't feel my feet. The podiatrist has an assistant that schedules me in every two months and if she sees something the doctor needs to do she works me in on the doctors schedule. I'm diabetic and as such I need to take special care of my feet. When they start amputating toes it is the beginning of the end for a diabetic. Foot care is more than just luxury. If you don't go to a professional have someone check out your feet regularly, especially if you are diabetic.Maybe we can get a few more men to come out of the closet.
Peddies are not just for women any more.
I just chalk mine up to "Required Maintenance" on a high-mileage chassis.
Yep. Add to that the fact that we older people are all taking blood-thinners, everything changes.It is difficult for me to bend over to clip my own toe nails. If I can get to my toes they wind up bloody as I can't feel my feet. The podiatrist has an assistant that schedules me in every two months and if she sees something the doctor needs to do she works me in on the doctors schedule. I'm diabetic and as such I need to take special care of my feet. When they start amputating toes it is the beginning of the end for a diabetic. Foot care is more than just luxury. If you don't go to a professional have someone check out your feet regularly, especially if you are diabetic.
Tell him he still gets to keep his 'Man-card'Husband in the same boat. Diabetic, thick nails, on blood thinner. His podiatrist does his nails.