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Sorry you aren't happy @Snowman anything you can do to make it better?

In early enough to catch the discounts. Two huge pieces of roast beef half price at the supermarket, and probably more if I was to buy similar in my butchers.
I cooked a small one last Sunday I bought a while ago and it was lovely. Also a few bits like meatballs and 'posh' pizza for a quid each.
Sorry you aren't happy @Snowman anything you can do to make it better?

In early enough to catch the discounts. Two huge pieces of roast beef half price at the supermarket, and probably more if I was to buy similar in my butchers.
I cooked a small one last Sunday I bought a while ago and it was lovely. Also a few bits like meatballs and 'posh' pizza for a quid each.
Only Time will Make it Better, but I even Doubt that... I bought this house with a big yard and fencing for Me and BushieBooBoo... Now Bushie is Resting in Peace back here :
June102024 017.jpg while I am in the House...!!!
I saved $901 today, does that count? :D
Finally got a replacement refrigerator on the way to replace that POS I have kept limping along for years.
Regular price: $2,499 , paid $1,598.
It was out of stock so delivery is set for July 12th.
We'll be ok because the old one still works*, (if you consider 52° 'refrigerated':mad:).
DW deserves all the credit. She spent 2 days shopping every place for one that meets our specs.
I looked at the display model today and was impressed at the wide-open spaces in it. :)
Oh, and I was amazed how many people besides us hate the useless ice & water dispenser on the outside of the door.
Most models don't have one.
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I saved a little money today.

I needed two shorter garden hoses to connect sprinklers together in a chain. Our underground system has experienced some disaster (so what's new?!) and I needed to come up with a temporary watering solution for the DOA zone. I tried dragging one of our longer hoses over there to do the connection, but when I turned it on there was a big hole in the middle where some bastard squirrel chewed into it. So instead of buying a repair coupling for the chewed hose, and also the two shorter hoses that I needed, I just bought one male and one female repair coupling, cut my chewed hose in half at the chew, and turned it into two shorter hoses. Problem solved. I didn't really need the longer hose anyway. We have a bunch of those laying around (I gotta check 'em for chews though!) And when I'm done with my temporary need for the shorter hoses I just built, I can just screw them together to turn them back into a longer hose. Win-win!

It looks like it's actually cheaper - if you have need for shorter hoses - to just buy a longer one, chop it up into shorter lengths, and then buy repair couplings to turn the pieces into functional hoses again. If you need longer hoses, just buy them at Costco. They have pretty decent quality ones for relatively cheap. I got a good one there recently and I was surprised at the price (maybe it was on sale at the time, I don't remember, but it was a lot less than I was expecting to pay).
I needed two shorter garden hoses to connect sprinklers together in a chain...
I also found a neat trick to hook up the chained sprinklers. I have two of them in a chain and I found that I needed to be able to separately adjust the water flow to each sprinkler. Just using the built-in flow through of the sprinklers (one input connection and one output connection) didn't work because then each sprinkler took whatever water it could, resulting in one of them spraying too far and the other not spraying far enough.

So I took one of those Y connectors with shutoffs and connected the main feed hose (the darker hose in the picture) to the input of the first sprinkler in the chain, and then connected a hose to that Y going to the second sprinkler (the lighter green hose). Now I can use the two shutoff valves in partially open positions to set the flow I need to each of the two sprinkler heads in the chain, so they are balanced to my needs. Also, since I now have control of the water flow out at the sprinkler heads themselves, I can just turn on the water at the house spigot to full volume. No more needing a second person to help me set the level - one at the main valve and one out in view of the sprinkler heads yelling "Turn it down a little, no, too much, turn it back up". You can do all that with one person now since the control is right out there where the one person can view the sprinkler heads themselves.

High end sprinkler heads may have built-in adjustments for the flow they receive, but the ones I have a cheap ones and don't have this fine tuning control.

I saved a little money today.

I needed two shorter garden hoses to connect sprinklers together in a chain. Our underground system has experienced some disaster (so what's new?!) and I needed to come up with a temporary watering solution for the DOA zone. I tried dragging one of our longer hoses over there to do the connection, but when I turned it on there was a big hole in the middle where some bastard squirrel chewed into it. So instead of buying a repair coupling for the chewed hose, and also the two shorter hoses that I needed, I just bought one male and one female repair coupling, cut my chewed hose in half at the chew, and turned it into two shorter hoses. Problem solved. I didn't really need the longer hose anyway. We have a bunch of those laying around (I gotta check 'em for chews though!) And when I'm done with my temporary need for the shorter hoses I just built, I can just screw them together to turn them back into a longer hose. Win-win!

It looks like it's actually cheaper - if you have need for shorter hoses - to just buy a longer one, chop it up into shorter lengths, and then buy repair couplings to turn the pieces into functional hoses again. If you need longer hoses, just buy them at Costco. They have pretty decent quality ones for relatively cheap. I got a good one there recently and I was surprised at the price (maybe it was on sale at the time, I don't remember, but it was a lot less than I was expecting to pay).
We have squirrels.
They don't touch our hoses today.
I don't do the 'garden-hose' dance nomore. :(
Sometimes cheaper is not just as good in the long run.
Say hello to THE FOREVER HOSE. :D
Bought those 5 years ago, still perfect today.
I was given about 20 storage containers with lids! Various styles but all good sized 20- 30 litres, a few with wheels for under beds. The people had been going to use them for growing, but didn't put any holes in and the novelty wore off. Also these hard plastic 'mats' for tomato bags I think? I don't know really. But with my husbands metal scaffolding they make fantastic shelves in my poly tunnel. About 4 foot long. I'm very grateful, it would be about €200 worth, and they wouldn't take any money for them - they are neat freaks with cash to spare, and wont store them 'in case'.

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