We have yet to see the worst of it, even in NY. I hope it peaks Sunday like they are predicting but from what I am seeing I don't think it will.
We may be able to keep people from dying if they start them on hydroxychloroquine and Z-Pak before they get critical. A lot of patients have been dying here because they weren't treated with hydroxychloroquine until they already had significant organ damage. In Europe they have started giving it to them earlier than we are here and seeing great results. Of course in the UK, doctors have been ordered by their boss not to use hydroxychoroquine, so their mortality rate will just keep going up and up. It may soon surpass Italy's mortality rate.
If we get to the point where we can effectively treat it, and people recover quickly and don't die, then we can afford to relax a little and let more people catch it. Then it really will become just another flu.
This is so contagious that it's not going to stop spreading until the majority of people in the world have had it. NOBODY in the world has any natural immunity to it. If you are exposed, you will get infected. But it may only be asymptomatic or mild depending on how robust your immune system is.