Shouldn't that sign read Goodwyn's Furniture Ltd?
I had too much time on my hands today. When I saw this meme, I couldn't tell if the sign they were making fun of was real of a PhotoShop edit. So ... due to the excessive amount of free time I had on hand today ... I googled that address and shop name (used Google Maps). Sure enough, it is real. In England somewhere. The place looks more rundown (or shut down) now than in the meme picture. I "drove" around the roads in the area using Google Maps street view. Kind of a drab part of England IMHO.Shouldn't that sign read Goodwyn's Furniture Ltd?
Taken from Pearl's book, "A million and one reasons why I don't have kids!"
Taken from Pearl's book, "A million and one reasons why I don't have kids!"
Spartan bedroom, check. Drinks for two, check.