the ones in the upper of that picture, those bales are round hence the joke of turning them 90 degrees so they can roll down the hill...!!! Taking a wagon on a hill can have a "Ooooops Moment" and can bee awkward...!!Or make them round & cover them with plastic & leave them where they lay until needed.
No plastic, they will rot.the ones in the upper of that picture, those bales are round hence the joke of turning them 90 degrees so they can roll down the hill...!!! Taking a wagon on a hill can have a "Ooooops Moment" and can bee awkward...!!
Does my Call of DOODY rank count
I do that to everyone's Alexa's!! One Democrat woman I clean for just loves when her Alexa reminds her to kiss Donald Trump!!
There are 2 kinds of people in this world, ones that talk about other people, and those of us that give them something to talk about.The Holiday Inn in Louisiana when the first floor flooded?