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I would “guess” that those will the 4 strikes are newer clocks perhaps made in China by 8 year olds who don’t know any different. Historically the correct way is IV meaning 1 less than 5 just as IX is 1 less than 10. Look at the copyright dates in very old books- also Roman numerals 😊
Yes, IV makes sense.

My grandfather's Longines pocket watch has Roman numerals and represents four as IIII. It was made in the 1920's. I doubt we were exploiting Chinese child labor back then. :)

I think I found the answer to my question:,,their sundials and to signify the number 4.

While the correct notation for 4 is IV, Romans originally wrote their numbers based on the additive principle and signified 4 as IIII. The subtractive notation -IV- actually became the standard after the fall of the Roman Empire. Therefore, the Romans initially engraved IIII on many of their sundials and to signify the number 4.
Yes, IV makes sense.

My grandfather's Longines pocket watch has Roman numerals and represents four as IIII. It was made in the 1920's. I doubt we were exploiting Chinese child labor back then. :)

I think I found the answer to my question: the correct notation for 4 is IV,,their sundials and to signify the number 4.
I love that sort of stuff!
I was also thinking (not knowing the above) that it could be a hybrid of the tally marks IIII then a strike through to make five. Not correct by what you found but fun that it’s cause us to question it 😋

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