I have no idea who invented it but they were without a doubt Southern, hungry and didn't have anything to eat.
She was also a genius.
Like the lady that came up with Buffalo Wings. Buffalo wing - Wikipedia
Cows tip people too! In high school I worked at a cotton gin. Right behind the gin was a pasture. A big exhaust vent/pipe out of the gin blew bits of leaves/weeds and cotton lint into the pasture along with 1000’s of cubic ft of heated air.
One night I had to go to the only bathroom which was the woods in that pasture. In the darkness I stepped across what I thought was a big pile of cotton lint… It was a cow sleeping on the ground covered in lint. The cow got up and ran with me facing backwards… That was the longest 4 seconds of my life! At least I landed in cotton lint and missed all the cow pies…