Sorry, I just can't leave it alone. Bailing hay damaged me psychologically....
Mixed grass hay was 40-50 lbs, dried , cured good.
Myself and 2 other guys put up 10,000 square bales a year, plus 500 round bales.
For some reason this reminded me of when my brother was working at Walmart in the stockroom & they had a problem with one of the lifts in the cargo area. They'd been trying to get it fixed for months but management ignored it. The lift was supposed to latch down in place but the latch was broken so it would pop up unless held down with enough force/weight. It usually took two employees to hold it down. My brother was heavy enough to hold it down by himself. He was on his break one day when another employee tried to find a tactful way of asking him to come stand on the lift to hold it down. I think the guy used the term "large". My brother was messing with the guy "You mean because I'm FAT?" and the guy was worried he'd offend him. So my brother laughed and stood on it while eating his sandwich. But another time they had to have two employees standing on it-- a man and a woman. The man stepped off too soon, the lift popped up, and flung the woman about 6'. My friend was working asset protection at the time so he saw the video footage. He took it to the manager & said "We're going to have a lawsuit if this doesn't get fixed". Fortunately, the woman wasn't hurt badly.