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Been picking seed pods off the radishes, little ones, love them in salads better than sliced radishes ~
Had a good BF called me...she cannot use her grill outside...seems a mother squirrel went down the stove pipe part and had her babies in the grill...she asked me if I had ever been stared down by a momma squirrel and her babies on the grill...LOL...she will wait they move out...and for me to remind her to cover the stove pipe part this fall
Down below the country of Ukraine is the peninsula country of Crimea.
The country only has small canals and no large waterways.
It's a good thing too...

It would be called the 'Crimea-River':D.
Yes, it has taken me over 30 years to learn how to read that alphabet...... maybe now that they are not teaching cursive anymore, new doctors will print? Nope, they have a class in medical school on how to write illegibly, and we have courses in nursing school on how to interpret chicken scratch!

My Father was a doctor, surgeon. He would hand write 3 or more page letters to his children when we were away, summer camp or college. For my group of friends, it was always an exciting moment when I got a letter from him. We would gather around and I would read what I could out loud. Then, I would put the letter down on a table where we could all see and we would have to fill in the missing parts.

Since you couldn’t actually ‘read’ many words you had to go by context and approximate word length to guess them. “That is a ‘T’, next looks like an ‘R’, or an ‘N’…” Or, “Small word, Looks like “AND”, It joins ‘lawn’ to the next word.. a longer one…” For the longer words you had to try and guess a context based on the rest of the sentence.

I remember them being worth a few hours of fun. I only relayed it to my father later in life and he got a good laugh out of it. He said no one at the hospital could read his writing and they always gave him flak about it.
This is in the 1960's and 70's when we were still taught to read/write in cursive. All school papers were hand written in it. You are correct in that now, even with beautiful script, the younger generation would not have a clue. Sad.

13 years ago when 7 of my grandkids were here aged 10 to 14 for the summer not a one could fill out an envelope. It was Fathers Day so I told them to send their fathers a card.
We learned how to fill out envelopes in 2nd or 3nd grade when I was in school. Calling was long distance and so I took them to buy cards.

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