Jokes and Humor

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Played a joke on a friend once. He was a notorious practical joker… I couldn’t pass up getting one on him just once. One night he came over and asked me about a heart scan his cardiologist scheduled. He was being scanned on my system in a nearby city the following week. Of course I answered every question he had, quick, non-invasive, no worries. Told him I’d be at the clinic too which made him feel better.

CT’s capture more information than folks think. I called the techs and asked “the next female patient you scan who has breast implants” “please leave a copy of the study on the hard drive for me”. They had such a patient and left a copy on the drive. I’d have seen the study anyway as a part of system analysis. They just made it easier for me to pull off my joke!

As an engineer I could manipulate patient scans in many ways. What I did…

That morning while my friend was being scanned... I changed the patient information on the study with breast implants. I entered my friends information instead.

After my friends scan was over I brought him into the reading room and showed him his heart scan study. He looked at several images before he realized he had breast implants!!!!!

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The look on his face was priceless… He was a great sport about it. In fact he told every one we knew!!! 🤣

Edit... I saw his real images were clear as he was being scanned. If he'd had an issue I wouldn't have gone through with it... he was a good friend.
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My nephew met a guy that had a picture of a big moose he took in Alaska,
He asked the guy is he could change the date and time on the picture to reflect that day in Idaho.
The guy did and sent him the picture. That night in camp he showed his hunting buddies the picture and told them he took it that morning.
They all got very excited and the next day one guy ran unto a game warden and told him about the picture.
Needless to say he got excited and called his boss and everyone else in the department.
My nephew had to fess up and they guy had to go to the warden and tell him it was a hoax.
So there I was, snooping on that "other forum" watching it slowly die of boredom, when I see I have a reply to a comment I made ages ago. some little prick was threatening to come kill me! I invited Naked to have a look and left a message of love and peace to the nitwit.

Lil' b1tch don't know me do he? I was tempted to leave the dummy a map.
A senior moment many of us can relate to:

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I must have been seven or eight. Dad was picking me up from school. When I got to the car there was a cop talking to Dad. I really wanted to go up to Dad and say, "Hi mister, did you bring the candy bar?" I somehow knew that my life depended on my saying, "Hi Dad."

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