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Things in Montana that are different than the TV show Yellowstone.
1. Most cowboys here don't look like Rip or Kevin Costner. They look more like Larry the Cable Guy. And they chew Copenhagen.
2. Most women here don't look like Beth Dutton. They look more like that crazy cowgirl chick on the show. Coincidentally some of them also chew Copenhagen. This isn't an attempt at humor. They really do. It's a thing here.
3. Bozeman is pretty much like they make it out to be in the show. It's full of hippies and people who use pronouns and stuff.That may be the only accurate thing about the show.
4. Nobody in Montana washes their vehicles as much as people on that show do. Most of us wash our trucks when it rains.
5. Indians here are a lot different than the ones on the TV show. I have yet to see one with braids. They're twentieth century Indians I guess. Some of them even live in Bozeman now.
6. We do have casinos. Just not big Indian ones so much. Poker and Keno machines is all you can play in them and they are damn near everywhere.
7. It snows here. Not like the dusting you see on the show at times. The you won't get plowed out for 2 days kind. The summers on that show are longer than anyplace in Montana I know of.
8. People here wear guns in public more than you may be used to. It's because we can I suppose. If someone sees you without a gun they may offer you one of theirs. This is a sign you have been accepted by the locals. Don't ever refuse to take a gun if one is offered as this is considered rude.
You have a "hillbilly nose" Mine is so sensitive I can tell a person's mood before I even speak to them if I know them. Fortunately dirty isn't so bad,
its the chemical crap that makes my eyes water!
You have a "hillbilly nose" Mine is so sensitive I can tell a person's mood before I even speak to them if I know them. Fortunately dirty isn't so bad,
its the chemical crap that makes my eyes water!
I will walk into the shop and either ask "Who was here?" or say, "SoNSo must have been here." I get strange looks like I have esp, but I can still smell them after they've left - men or women, equally bad.
You saying us East Tennessee boys stank??

You’re probably not wrong some days. It helps keep other people away. 😉
Nope. I'm from Onieida. Wait, that place DOES stink! Nope, just remarking on how some of us mountain people have sniffers on par with our coon dogs.