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My grandmother lived through the depression. She did this.
My father in law never throwed anything away.
DW wife & I was at a sea food restaurant & they had empty 2 1/2 gallon oil jugs with top hand grips for sale for two dollars each.
I showed them to DW, she joked that her Father would love to have them.
.So I got 2 for him. The whole family got him paints & shirt for his birthday, including DW.
After he had opened all his gifts, I walk in the the Jugs, as a Gag Joke.
He made over them more than any other gift, two of his son got mad & later told DW she should not have LET ME GET them for him.
I laughed when she got home from the brothers little talk.
My grandmother lived through the depression. She did this.
People who had little or nothing had to use everything they could and make things go as far as possible. My grandmother had every letter that had ever been written to her, but some of them were not kind. She wanted them all destroyed after she died. I would have loved to have had them, but back then, letter writing was how people shared information and it wasn't always pretty.
People who had little or nothing had to use everything they could and make things go as far as possible. My grandmother had every letter that had ever been written to her, but some of them were not kind. She wanted them all destroyed after she died. I would have loved to have had them, but back then, letter writing was how people shared information and it wasn't always pretty.
I have some letters from/to my great great grandmother and her aunt who took care of her when she was little and her dad was in the Civil War. The letters are from closer to turn of the centry when she was an adult. I treasure them.

One year I drove to Phideux's annual shoot rather than flying. The place was nothing but white trucks. I don't think any other vehicle color/style was represented. Except for my red truck. :confused:

No black Suburbans luckily. I probably would have turned around and driven back home (a bit over 1000 miles!)
One year I drove to Phideux's annual shoot rather than flying. The place was nothing but white trucks. I don't think any other vehicle color/style was represented. Except for my red truck. :confused:

No black Suburbans luckily. I probably would have turned around and driven back home (a bit over 1000 miles!)
I commented about that thinking I was the only 'non-white' that was there, with my golden-brown truck:rolleyes:.
But you are right, we were the only ones there that didn't arrive in a white vehicle.