Most valuable job post collapse?

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dont need fuel to grow food, if the people arent in the area where the food is grown post collapse then they wont be eating it.
Right your growing it for your on family. Valuable employment is only for your family but not to anyone else. Was reading the post as whats the best skill to get hired in a disaster
Amish Heart:
I personally see the economy totally collapse. It will have to be recreated.

All of the big box globalist's stores will be instantly bankrupt, such as Home Depot,
SAMS, etc.

Small local businesses will have to be brought up immediately to replace all of the above stores, as well as the biggest plumber, AC repair, Building Contractors, etc. in town.

Suddenly people will be needed to create new corporations, staff them, equip them, draw grants & financing , develop the business plans, and then run them. Hear this: this is not taught in detail in college, only high in theory (such as Create a corporation, but not how).
So what I am saying is the detail experience to do this will be needed a week after the collapse.

I do not see a world of Mad Max but rather a world of having to recreate your county by creating it's own economy.

A skilled plumber cannot do what will be expected in order to start his own business suddenly.
The skilled plumber will have to bring in a ringer to get it done, and those ringers do not exist.
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Ugh. Leadership Management, Jim? I think valuable jobs would be someone that actually does something, produces something. I'm sure our current politicians think that they're the bees knees in leadership management. I wouldn't expect them to be valuable at all, or community activists. Talking heads.

I don't disagree with you. IMHO 99% of the politicians are as worthless as a screen door on a submarine. That said SOMEBODY is going to step up and take a leadership role. You would hope that it would be somebody the community respects, and can lead by example. Not just some blowhard who thinks he is important, but somebody will step up, or try to.
the mountains of precious metals in their preps (if they didn't get seperated from them) Barter among vetted people will be a key to a functional society post the parasite cleanse
you cant eat precious metals and anyway barter wont be safe post collapse.
you can keep your society, functioning or not, it will be everyone for themselves.
To anyone who read my post above:
By Ringer, I am not referring to someone who is to be the king of the mountain for the next 40 years.

I am referring to someone who is skilled, confident and with the personality
to help make the 500 decisions needed in creating a new business or co-op,
and insure it is up and running according to the plan developed.

His job would then be to fire himself and go bring up another organization.
His success should be judged on how fast the goal can be achieved,
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A most interesting thread.
I do think community will be important. Everyone has different skillsets.

Doesn't matter how much you know, if you're hungry, or sick, or don't have the tools, or bla bla bla..
I think people will emerge as "leaders", if you will, in their particular skillset... to mentor others.

Why in the heck would be want to re-create corporations? imo.
"Corporate mindset" and government-type "leaders" are a large part of why we're in the mess we are now. Again, imo.
My apology for posting here.
You are just thinking in a different lane, Clem lives the lifestyle already, by choice and chooses a different lane.
If you already have a group thing going on which I think that I read, the outlook is different, and also depends on some kind of financial infrastructure post crash, both have merit , Although power tends to corrupt
Everything I see tells me we will not go Mad Max. So I am addressing that as the direction.
We will not go back to the stone age.

When I say a business this includes: Sole owner, Partnership, Non-Profit,
Cooperation, government sponsored something, clubs, or various corporation types.
Some of these forms will be needed to secure capital and keep things legal.

If we want a real and calm society, we must return to a system of laws.
Any economy requires these business entities to function long-term.

Humans are societal; they do better when they work as a group, be it large or small.

Corporations are not bad in themselves. It is when they are forced to run badly.
This can be by government or the greed of the owners. That is why there are other forms of business, such as cooperatives or true non-profits. Such an example might be a community water system.

I am probably the odd one here, but we are going to a whole new world after the financial collapse.
It is this that I am talking about. We will never return to where we were once at.
TiredIron: The word Power keeps coming up.
Growing a food farm with 7 persons is a business, not power.
Repairing a community water line is not power, it is a community effort.

For all people in the future to work alone would be a societal failure in my opinion, stunting your county.
That's what I'm talking about when I say people who can organize their community and arrange for food, meds, and such will be key.
I guess we will find out what happens, but it will be a steep learning curve, I don't see any kind of smooth transition, post collapse, be it financial, (already well under way) the magnetic pole shift, and the rotational axis shift, (the sun should be straight overhead at noon, not where it is. and it is seasonally way out of place north /south. The government teamed with NGOs actively trying to kill or harm people. what else do we need to list. I do see people trying to do more locally, because the cheap imports just aren't there or are jut too junky. Our county would need the bureaucrats cleaned out, and the stupid blind rule followers left to starve. Maybe some people have a set up in place, I sure don't see another financial system waiting in the wings.
You are just thinking in a different lane, Clem lives the lifestyle already, by choice and chooses a different lane.
If you already have a group thing going on which I think that I read, the outlook is different, and also depends on some kind of financial infrastructure post crash, both have merit , Although power tends to corrupt
Depends on Power to get Things Done...!!! No Electric, No Gas, No Fuel, No Transportation etc...!!!
What I mean is, there were people doing all sorts of directing, but none of these "leaders" led. They didn't do what they expected their minions to do, things that were necessary for the commune, and so failed.

A man who says "dig the ground for potatoes." but doesn't know about growing potatoes, is a prick. A leader says "Hey, we're going to need some potatoes, maybe even extra for trade," and then goes and digs or helps dig the ground for it is a better leader.

A person who takes each problem and looks at it like "Yeah, this is happening to me now, let me stop and drop everything and give the people relying on me the finger as I come up with a solution that I should have done earlier." Is a leader, but they're not nearly as much of a leader as someone who instead says "Let me deal with this now, in the here and now, then set things up so problems don't repeat." Is more of a leader, and someone who pre-sees a need and fills it before it's a problem, now THERE is a leader.
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What I mean is, there were people doing all sorts of directing, but none of these "leaders" led. They didn't do what they expected their minions to do, things that were necessary for the commune, and so failed.

A man who says "dig the ground for potatoes." but doesn't know about growing potatoes, is a prick. A leader says "Hey, we're going to need some potatoes, maybe even extra for trade," and then goes and digs or helps dig the ground for it is a better leader.

A person who takes each problem and looks at it like "Yeah, this is happening to me now, let me stop and drop everything and give the people relying on me the finger as I come up with a solution that I should have done earlier." Is a leader, but they're not nearly as much of a leader as someone who instead says "Let me deal with this now, in the here and now, then set things up so problems don't repeat." Is more of a leader, and someone who pre-sees a need and fills it before it's a problem, now THERE is a leader.
you are correct about actual leaders, they need to do what they want others to do and keep doing it when his help shows up. the looking ahead counts huge too.
The end of all government payouts will leave a lot of people with absolutely no means of support.
The "leaders" we have in place now are spending the citizens money that our next 4 generations will have to give to them to support criminal enterprises, foreign nationals, and a treasonous group of political miscreants instead of increasing the well being, safety and the financial position of the citizens of this country.

I don't need any leader, I need friends who are willing to work side by side with me starting at gathering food and getting shelter getting the most needy up first and working toward the least needy family till everyone has all their needs fulfilled.

Then if you want a person to plan,, choose a person that makes the plan for his work and includes those needed for each task.
I dont know about in the USA but people over here have no skills apart from the one that pays their wages and that wont be any good post collapse.
people over here are dependent on the system, a man made system that wont exist post collapse.
unless people can grow it, breed it, make it or repair it, they wont have it, and they will suffer because of that.
it will be everyone for themselves and dont expect the govt to save you because they'll be too busy saving themselves.
it may not be "Mad Max" and we wont go back to the stone age but for some it will be just as bad.
I believe growing/raising your own food will be most important, followed closely by hunting a fishing if your environment is capable of sustaining that food supply. Here in the high desert I would suspect most game would be gone in a year or two, and most rivers and reservoirs that have fish will be empty in a few months after the government stops stocking them with fish. Being able to make repairs or fabricate tools or equipment will be equally as important.

Has anyone thought about the possibility of someone being a hitman? We all know that there are many very bad people who will take advantage of the chaos and do bad things. They will have to be dealt with, and at times that will need to happen discretely. But, I would hope that person would use good judgement and verify facts before solving the problem. Just whacking a neighbor because one of the potatoes received in a trade was too small or a bit mushy is not a just reason. However a known deviant who attacks the weak, young, or old has no place in a struggling community.

Community organizer or boss of a neighborhood would probably turn into a bad thing over time. Odds are that person will push the issue and demand free stuff in exchange for their "work". However, if a big farmer or rancher steps up to educate others on how to fend for themselves that could be acceptable. Guidance instead of governance is key.
I think the Monarchy will take over the UK immediately after the collapse. That is the goal in every country in the world.

As schwab said "You will own nothing and you will be happy" That describes a master/slave relationship.

You do not think he was speaking about himself or those who are members of the current ruling class do you?
Better get the Pony Express going again and the Telegraph...!!!

A Good Read :

B4 Electricity Stops Flowing...!! :lightbulb:
Hey, I own stock in Western Union, does that count? :ghostly:
Wiki: [Western Union] was founded in 1851 as the New York and Mississippi Valley Printing Telegraph Company in Rochester, New York, the company changed its name to the Western Union Telegraph Company in 1856 after merging with several other telegraph companies.

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