When I posted here it was from my vision of what we are about to go through.
I do not see mad max event, only chaos for a few months.
After that, communities, which I will call counties, will try to recover and create some type of economy for businesses to resume as possible, for the good of the community (necessities).
As to why the need for formal business structures, in order to carry on business, we need rules to do so. We expect payment and that takes rules that are predictable.
If we contribute capital for the business to begin, we need a formal business definition so we know what happens if Joe leaves or dies.
If Joe dies, the investor loses his money. If a formal business is in place, the business survives and carries on. Without a written plan of business, both capital and the right people will not help that organization.
A great deal of the Rule of Law is for the purpose of commerce. It is so a person can predict the outcome of many business decisions before making them.
It has been said here that business got us here where we are today, a mess. The same can be said about underwear, cars, lipstick, hungry kids and a lot of greedy people.
But it makes no sense for us to all throw away our underwear and start all over.
Pol Pot, the dictator of Cambodia during the Vietnam war, did just that.
He remembered their history as agrarian that worked well, so he tried to go back there again. He genocided a third of their population in two years.
He executed all the leaders, educated, all that could read and all that wore glasses (as they could read). He set that country back at least a hundred years perhaps.