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Yup, if we and our small survival group are on the verge of starving ourselves, adding new mouths to feed would be a no-no regardless of who or what they are, so there'd be tough decisions to make, like this one-

"Can I come with you please? I'm ever so hungry, mummy and daddy are asleep and won't wake up"
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Isn't ensuring that your group never gets to the point of starving, the reason you are prepping?

Cross every T and dot every i and that should never become an issue. Plan charity. It doesn't mean you take in every refugee that shows up but, turning them away with nothing may mean they are taken in by real organized raiders that will come against you and now they know where you are.

Lots to think about!
There was an episode of "The Walking Dead" where this group shows up at the main characters settlement. They are offering knowledge in exchange for food. They are well armed and well defended and could probably wipe out the settlement if they wanted to...instead, they help by offering them information of how to build a windmill, set up solar panels, herbal medicines etc. In turn, the settlement agrees to provide their group with a certain amount of food.

That episode stood out in my mind.
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Even the disciples carried swords, thereby sending the clear message that weapons are not "evil"..:)-
"..a crowd came up, and the man who was called Judas was leading them.
When Jesus’ followers saw what was going to happen, they said, “Lord, should we strike with our swords?” And one of them struck the servant of the high priest, cutting off his right ear" (Luke 22:47-50)

Peter whacks the high priest's lackey-

Isn't ensuring that your group never gets to the point of starving, the reason you are prepping?
Cross every T and dot every i and that should never become an issue. Plan charity. It doesn't mean you take in every refugee that shows up but, turning them away with nothing may mean they are taken in by real organized raiders that will come against you and now they know where you are.
Lots to think about!

Yay it all depends what kind of apocalypse hits us, such as a nuclear winter or new ice age or massive pandemic etc so we'll have to "adapt, improvise and overcome".
Only one thing is certain- preppers will be the last ones standing..:)
There was an episode of "The Walking Dead" where this group shows up at the main characters settlement. They are offering knowledge in exchange for food. They are well armed and well defended and could probably wipe out the settlement if they wanted to...instead, they help by giving them information of how to build a windmill, set up solar panels, herbal medicines etc. In turn, the settlement agrees to provide their group with a certain amount of food.

Yeah the "You need us, we need you" approach will be good in many situations, here's Charles in 'Survivors 1975' looking for new members-

Yup, if the bad guys are coming at us, a man's gotta do what he's gotta do to defend himself, his family and his group with a clear conscience..:)

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Defense is one thing. It might be worth the life of one or more of your loved ones to protect others when the threat is immediate. It is when you start seeking out to take what is not yours, to fight battles that are not needed, out of a false proclamation of "protection" because you have become paranoid (See Russia/Ukraine conflict), that the line has been crossed.
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Even the disciples carried swords, thereby sending the clear message that weapons are not "evil"..:)-
"..a crowd came up, and the man who was called Judas was leading them.
When Jesus’ followers saw what was going to happen, they said, “Lord, should we strike with our swords?” And one of them struck the servant of the high priest, cutting off his right ear" (Luke 22:47-50)

Peter whacks the high priest's lackey-

View attachment 18150

St. Thomas Aquinas wrote of the theories of what is called a "Just War". He studied all of the passages of the bible and came up with these principles in a nutshell they are:

  • There must be a just cause for the war.
    • War must be waged only in response to certain, grave and lasting damage inflicted by an aggressor.
    • The motive for war must be advancement of good or avoidance of evil.
    • The ultimate objective of war must be to bring peace.
    • Revenge, revolt, a desire to harm, dominate, or exploit and similar things are not justification for war.
  • Every possible means of peacefully settling the conflict must be exhausted first.
  • There must be serious prospects of success; bloodshed without hope of victory cannot be justified.
  • The war must be declared by a legitimate authority. Private individuals or groups should seek redress of their rights through their governments, not by acts of war.
  • The war must not cause greater evil than the evil to be eliminated.
  • Non-combatants (civilians) must not be intentionally harmed.
  • Prisoners and conquered peoples must be treated justly.
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Defense is one thing. It might be worth the life of one or more of your loved ones to protect others when the threat is immediate. It is when you start seeking out to take what is not yours, to fight battles that are not needed, out of a false proclamation of "protection" because you have become paranoid (See Russia/Ukraine conflict), that the line has been crossed.

How about it Norm?

On the other hand doing whatever it takes to stay alive can never be called 'evil'.
My Grandmother lived through the Holodomor in the Ukraine. People resorted to kidnapping other people's children and eating them to keep their own alive....that is the kind of thing that crosses the line into EVIL my friend.

Most of the people that did that survived but, lived out their days in depression and remorse or for many, mental illness. There is surviving and there is living. I want to be able to live.

We all need to determine where that line begins and ends for us when things are NOT desperate; when we are reasoned. There are things I will not do, even if it means death for those I love because they do not want it either. In some cases, taking a bullet is a kinder ending than selling one's soul and then having to survive years without one.
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To clarify, the US politicians lost the war, not the men in the field..:)

Da Nang 1965-

"The American military was not defeated in Vietnam. The American military did not lose a battle of any consequence. From a military standpoint, it was almost an unprecedented performance"- Prof. Douglas Pike, University of California, Berkeley
My Grandmother lived through the Holodomor in the Ukraine. People resorted to kidnapping other people's children and eating them to keep their own alive....that is the kind of thing that crosses the line into EVIL my friend.

Most of the people that did that survived but, lived out their days in depression and remorse or for many, mental illness. There is surviving and there is living. I want to be able to live.

We all need to determine where that line begins and ends for us when things are NOT desperate; when we are reasoned. There are things I will not do, even if it means death for those I love because they do not want it either.

Yep every situation is different and the line between evil and not evil becomes blurred.
"The target marker flares looked quite pretty floating slowly down in the night sky" my mother told me about the time Hitler bombed her home city of Leicester (England) in 1940 when she was 18.
She and her family survived but others didn't.


Later we and the Americans did D-Day and bombed the hell out of German cities, so who's to say who was 'evil' or not?..:)
Adolf started it, so the Allied message to him was-

To clarify, the US politicians lost the war, not the men in the field..:)
Both of my uncles were there. One is still missing, the other was wounded and went back, got wounded and went back,,,,,four times. MACVSOG. Laos and Cambodia. He told us of how they "took" land and then retreated again and "gave" it back for free, only to "take" it again, over and over and over....because the POLITICIANS said so.
Shoot them into dead heaps, bulldoze them into mass graves, reload and do it again for months on end.
The soldiers did their crappy jobs, the CIA made money smuggeling and bombing Cambodia back into the stoneage and destroying an entire culture. Dead soldiers shipped home in sealed coffins filled with drugs only to be turned over to their families after the drugs were thru customs....follow the money.
Yep every situation is different and the line between evil and not evil becomes blurred.
"The target marker flares looked quite pretty floating slowly down in the night sky" my mother told me about the time Hitler bombed her home city of Leicester (England) in 1940 when she was 18.
She and her family survived but others didn't.

View attachment 18157

Later we and the Americans did D-Day and bombed the hell out of German cities, so who's to say who was 'evil' or not?..:)
Adolf started it, so the Allied message to him was-

My mother, grandmother and Aunts were in Dresden when the Allied bombed it. She said it was terrible, horrific and the sounds of it were something that she never forgot but, she said they were thankful because they knew, if they survived, that the war would end and life for them could begin again.

One uncle was on the beaches of Normandy and then later, freeing Auschwitz. My father never talked about his time as a Frogman in the Pacific arena. He said he did the things he did so we (his children, if he had them) would not have to.

War is never easy to live; whether that is now, Nam, WWII or the Crusades. It is how you conduct yourself (which is the only thing actually in your control, especially in chaos) that will determine whether you live beyond it or just survive. It is the difference between Honor or dishonor. Self-respect or degradation.

I do not wish for it. I do not welcome it. I do not embrace it. I prepare because I must as a wife, as a mother, sister, aunt, and grandmother. There are however, some things I will not do, like condemn myself or those I fight for, to evil.
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Isn't ensuring that your group never gets to the point of starving, the reason you are prepping?

Cross every T and dot every i and that should never become an issue. Plan charity. It doesn't mean you take in every refugee that shows up but, turning them away with nothing may mean they are taken in by real organized raiders that will come against you and now they know where you are.

Lots to think about!
Everyone well-fed will stick out like a sore thumb and become a worthwhile target. One of your primary aims will be to eat as little as possible, to become hungered-looking, a little wild-eyed, so you blend in.

Better work on yourself. How much self-control do you have? Are you an emotional comfort eater? Do you binge when stressed or lonely? Those problems need sorting out now. They will get you killed.
Yay it all depends what kind of apocalypse hits us, such as a nuclear winter or new ice age or massive pandemic etc so we'll have to "adapt, improvise and overcome".
Only one thing is certain- preppers will be the last ones standing..:)
never mind, Mick -Plymouth Barbican is an easy target for the masses.
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I thought I would remind our members , after Nuclear World War 3 , , there will be no hospitals , doctor offices or pharmacies so those that can . don't forget to stock up on antibiotics . I bought some yesterday at a livestock feed store , for $19.50 per bottle of 500 MG with 60 capsules per bottle , expiration date 02/2027 " Amoxicillin " , " fish antibiotics " .
Putin says one missile will trigger ‘hundreds’ of warheads in stark message on nuclear deterrence -- Here is a read on todays upcoming World War 3 predicament . Note the last sentence " both sides are betting the other side will blink first " . Folks neither side are going to blink . This is what serious preppers have been getting ready for . Those that just prepped for minor events , are just running out of survival potentials . What I find interesting is the mental stance many of the underprepared have taken , in their effort to convince themselves if they are going to die , so should everyone else . Well My tribe and I plan to disappoint the " everyone will die " crowd .
My bigger concern is not the Nuclear blasts , Poisdon created tsunami , food availability , water availability or shelter . All of that I have prepared for . What does concern me is " I suspect NATO will lose " and the results will be invading troops . The spoils of war may be divided between some horrible countries such as the raping Russians , Chinese , North Korea , and Muslim Nations . I don't know which would be worse . -- I have already bought an airplane for evacuation , but don't consider that plan to be infallible . Someone posted something about buying a commercial airplane ticket to the central or southern American Continent . Under such circumstances , I can't fantom commercial air flights being available .
never mind, Mick -Plymouth Barbican is an easy target for the masses.

That's debatable mate..:)
I mean, living in the middle of a big city like I do means there'll be so many targets for the bad guys to hit that the chances of them hitting mine are a thousand to one, think 'needle in haystack'.
But somebody living in the countryside will be the only place for miles around and a prime target for the starving mobs to pinch his crops and animals because they know the country is where the edible stuff is..:)-


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I thought I would remind our members , after Nuclear World War 3 , , there will be no hospitals , doctor offices or pharmacies so those that can . don't forget to stock up on antibiotics . I bought some yesterday at a livestock feed store , for $19.50 per bottle of 500 MG with 60 capsules per bottle , expiration date 02/2027 " Amoxicillin " , " fish antibiotics " .

I got that covered, I can make my own antibiotic, antiseptics and I'm stocked up on 7 years of probiotics.

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