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That's debatable mate..:)
I mean, living in the middle of a big city like I do means there'll be so many targets for the bad guys to hit that the chances of them hitting mine are a thousand to one, think 'needle in haystack'.
But somebody living in the countryside will be the only place for miles around and a prime target for the starving mobs to pinch his food because they know the country is where the edible stuff is..:)-

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you reckon? most people these days live on ready meals and dont even know how to cook, cant cook wont cook.
as for the country most are afraid of it, all that animal muck-we might catch a disease!
petrol stations will be empty within 24 hours and we know most people in Britain drive on empty.
there is more food along the coastline than there is in the countryside, if people just knew what to look for.
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..most people these days live on ready meals and dont even know how to cook, cant cook wont cook.
as for the country most are afraid of it, all that animal muck-we might catch a disease!
petrol stations will be empty within 24 hours and we know most people in Britain drive on empty.
there is more food along the coastline than there is in the countryside, if people just knew what to look for.

When the starving mobs have cleaned out the food stores-

And the cities are cold dark and derelict-

The mobs will turn their attention to the countryside..:)-
they'll be lucky if they get out of the cities alive and if they do they wont live for long.
most will have the wrong clothing, the wrong footwear, I've seen it all before and there wont be an air ambulance to save them this time.
they will have no skills, they wont even know they have to boil water and will have nothing to start a fire anyway.
their easily stopped, one stick through the front wheels and they'll go ### over tit, break an arm, a leg or their neck.
or a wire strung across 2 trees neck height like they did in WW2.

Ah, but the trick is to go offroad to avoid the roadblocks and ambushes on the main roads..;)

oh well, I wondered when you'd go into your fantasy land.
ambushes wont only be on main roads. any access will be prepared, especially when WROL.

When Rule of Law flies out the window, WE SURVIVALISTS will become the Lawmen and Lawmakers, nobody better mess with us..:)
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they'll be lucky if they get out of the cities alive and if they do they wont live for long.
most will have the wrong clothing, the wrong footwear, I've seen it all before and there wont be an air ambulance to save them this time.
they will have no skills, they wont even know they have to boil water and will have nothing to start a fire anyway.
No wise survivalist would turn down food,.
When Rule of Law flies out the window, WE SURVIVALISTS will become the Lawmen and Lawmakers, nobody better mess with us..:)
You'll be amongst the first to perish. Your ego is way bigger than your self.

Ego wins wars..:)
Patton, Monty and MacArthur had it in spades..:)
My post-apoc survival group will get a reputation for being dangerous and not to be messed with..:)

I am sure most of us are seeing some of the survival plans other members have and recognize the impracticality . Some don't even have enough gumption to even " try " to put in place a response plan . If the Nuking starts no one really knows as to what degree the planet will be destroyed . To not prepare is totally opposite of preparing . The unprepared will soon be the enemy of the truly prepared . With this in mind can at least partially agree with the fatalist thinking " just give up crowd " .They very likely indeed will not survive . -- My tribe " may " not survive , but if we don't , it certainly will not be from not trying and prepping for that increase in survivable probability.
Mindset will be everything in a post-apoc world, here are some "winning mindset" quotes..:)

Montgomery - "When I assumed command of 8th Army I said the mandate was to destroy Rommel and his army as soon as we were ready. We are ready now"

Gen Norman Schwarzkopf- "We need to DESTROY, not attack, not damage, not surround. I want to DESTROY the Republican Guard"

Lt.. William Calley to chopper pilot- "Down here I run the show"

Gen Thomas 'Stonewall' Jackson - "My religious belief teaches me to feel as safe in battle as in bed. God has fixed the time for my death. I do not concern myself about that, but to be always ready, no matter when it may overtake me. That is the way all men should live, and then all would be equally brave"

Pres Harry S. Truman-"Carry the battle to them. Don't let them bring it to you. Put them on the defensive. And don't ever apologize for anything"

whats with all the military quotes?
post collapse will be more about the more mundane things than fighting off intruders and most of that will be confined to the cities in the early days of the collapse.
anyone who thinks its more about Rambo is in for one big upset.
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This site has become more entertainment than information.

Good, we'll need entertainers and jokers to keep morale up after the apocalypse..:)
Below:- In the 'Survivors' 1975' episode entitled 'New Arrivals', young agricultural college graduate Mark joins a group and they're glad to have him, but then his rude offensive manner begins to drop their morale so they suggest he moves on, and when he's gone morale improves again..:)

Here Greg sets him straight-
DON- "So you're Kim, I've heard about you"
KIM- "What have you heard Don?"
DON- "I've heard that you're an overgrown mammy's boy who likes to play with rockets"

KIM- "Prove it"

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more childish posts, you really do live in fantasy land, no hope for you in post collapse reality.
more childish posts, you really do live in fantasy land, no hope for you in post collapse reality.

"O God please make me funny" (sniffle)

Because the first people to crack up when it hits the fan will be the ones who can't laugh at themselves...:)

"A person without a sense of humour is like a ricketty wagon without springs, jolted by every pebble on the road"- Anon
post collapse will be more about the more mundane things than fighting off intruders and most of that will be confined to the cities in the early days of the collapse.

Right, best to get outta town while we still can..:)-

your not funny your pathetic.

My dad used to tell me that..:)
As a kid I overheard him saying to my mam about me - "He's nutty! No don't laugh, I really do mean it, he wastes all his pocket money on silly plastic model aeroplanes then hangs 'em on string from his bedroom ceiling in full view of the street, I dread to think what the neighbours are saying about him.
He's up there now building a bleddy great Superfortress, God only knows how much that cost him, when's he going to start saving his money instead?"

I got my own back though, I filled his radio with sand from a builders yard down the road and enjoyed his bewildered expression when he tried to tune in the Clay-Liston fight but all he got were electrical crackles and splutters, and sand began pouring out of it he he he :)
Anyway he was far nuttier than me, everybody knew he was round the bend,
He's been dead now 40 years but I wonder what he'd say if he knew I still buy models, i've got my eye on a kool Dauntless dive-bomber down the model shop..:)
As regards a "losing" mindset, here's an absolute classic that must have sent US troop morale plummeting, and sent Tali morale soaring-


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