Pain relief stronger than aspirin in preps

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another pain is constipation.... if you do have some heavy duty prescription pain meds they can also slow down your system and cause stoppages.

Aye, pretty much All the 'Opiates' are infamous for that.. Some worse than others.. o_O

[...The average price of an albuterol inhaler without insurance is around $98 for an 8.5 gram inhaler.]
So multiply that X15, and subtract $100.

Holy Smackerel! Cheapest I could find (online) was about $40. (plus shipping, etc) Which Still eclipses that One cruise ya listed, but.. $98. each, youch! o_O

US "healthcare" borders on a Criminal Enterprise, really.. (and I don't mean the Docs / Nurses / EMS, etc.. I mean the "Execs" / Industry, as a whole.. 'Big pHarma', etc, etc.. 🤬

Y'all remember that aspirin is an anti-coagulant. So not the best choice for pain relief if you have something that is bleeding internally. You can end up with hemotomas and bruises and swelling that are worse than they would be with Tylenol. Personally, I only use aspirin for headaches. I would not use it for trauma. But often times I use Tylenol for headaches instead.

I could get along without aspirin totally, except for one use. Should someone develop chest pains (possible heart attack) and you are stuck where you are without medical help, I'd pop an aspirin. The blood-thinning characteristic can help with coronary artery blockages.

But then, you would not want to take aspirin for a hemorrhagic stroke (although it would be OK for an occlusive stroke - but you couldn't tell the difference in the field). With a hemorrhagic stroke you're bleeding into your head - you don't want to bleed even more. So for a headache that you suspect might be a stroke, stay away from the aspirin.

I use Tylenol for traumatic injuries (twisted ankle, falling and getting banged up, etc.) Advil or Aleve is my choice for muscular problems (back pain and stuff like that). But everybody is different and different drugs work better or worse on each individual.
Holy Smackerel! Cheapest I could find (online) was about $40. (plus shipping, etc) Which Still eclipses that One cruise ya listed, but.. $98. each, youch! o_O

US "healthcare" borders on a Criminal Enterprise, really.. (and I don't mean the Docs / Nurses / EMS, etc.. I mean the "Execs" / Industry, as a whole.. 'Big pHarma', etc, etc.. 🤬
I was gonna do Jardiance® but you did a much better job.
One month of Jardiance out of pocket costs us American-sheeple $550-$650. In Mexico, $35.
Will one year's worth get 2 people a 'free cruise'? :dunno:
For the mathematically-impaired:
12 x $600=$7,200 - 12 x $35=$420 = $6,780 for a cruise.
How damfar were you gonna go?!!!
OTC medicines are easy enough but anything that needs a prescription isnt easy to get, over here we cant get get a prescription and store the stuff, unless we actually have something wrong with us and then we have to take the entire treatment. there are plenty of natural anti biotics.
As someone who takes an 81mg 'baby aspirin' daily, I can vouch for that as fact. :(
You wouldn't think that low of a dose would have much effect on bleeding... WRONG!!!:oops:
And the reason I switched from a blade razor to an 'electric shaver' 2 years ago.
Before, if I nicked myself, bleeding would stop in 15 seconds... today it is more like 15 minutes.
I hate to think what would happen if I was bleeding a lot.:oops: ...heaven forbid, if somebody gave me even more aspirin to help the pain.:(
They sell a powder that stops bleeding. I bought some for my emergency kit.
I can vouch for that! :thumbs:
When we got off the cruise ship at a port in Mexico, they had several 'pharmacies' at the mall.
If you could pronounce the name of a drug, they would sell you all you wanted, no prescription needed!
Even name-brand 'patent-medicines' for a tiny fraction of we Americans pay out the wazoo for. :oops:
Some fellow cruisers admitted that they saved more than enough money to pay for their cruise.
Book your 'free' cruise today!:D
My hub and I flew to CA a few years ago and were having lunch in an outdoor restaurant. We got to chatting with these nice Mexican guys at the table next to us and I mentioned that I wanted to go to Mexico. One guy's eyes grew as big as saucers and he said "Don't go there! They'll take you!" I said "What do you mean?" He repeated "They'll take you!" So we listened to their warning and didn't go into Mexico. However, the woman who owned the rental we stayed in said that her husband went to Mexico to get inexpensive dental work.
We as a society are wusses. I am no super human, but pain isn’t necessarily a bad thing. No it’s not fun, but it keeps you from doing things you shouldn’t be doing when your body is trying to repair itself. en
I have aspirin and ibuprofen (& tequila). Speaking for myself: I would rather concentrate on what is causing the pain than masking the result of the issue.
I live with daily pain and wouldn't necessarily call myself a 'wuss.' Well, maybe I can...but I'm talking about severe pain - pain so bad that you grit your teeth and they crack. That's what happened to me when I was cut open and left without pain relief. The pain was excruciating - so bad that I began thinking of ways to escape it. I don't think that I have to spell this out... but I came close to choosing that option. I endured a lot of pain over a 10+ year period. I didn't realize that I was gritting my teeth from it and I cracked a number of my teeth it was so bad. There was a woman in our pain group whose husband killed himself after the doctor stopped prescribing him pain relief. He went out into the woods and shot himself in the head. People don't realize how dangerous untreated pain is.

I do recommend that we all try to get a hold of something stronger than ibuprofen. I'm having a difficult time as I don't know how to obtain it unless I try an online pharmacy. I did order an expensive medication one time from overseas and I got it. I took it and it worked so that one was okay. It was about 7 years ago so I don't even remember the name of the pharmacy. But people have bought from overseas pharmacies. I know that you're taking a risk though but the other risk of untreated pain is equally as dangerous. I just think that we need to have this conversation. If you've never had severe pain then you may not understand it. People in my pain group were angry that doctors that never experienced severe pain treated them as cowards and why didn't they just 'suck it up.' Unless you've endured very severe pain you may not understand. I am just looking at those poor folks in NC and I knew that some of them were the recipients of high levels of pain. When I saw how that water twisted metal beams I couldn't believe it. Now imagine having powerful water rushing at you in your house and items becoming dangerous projectiles. It all just made me think that our medical kits aren't complete without pain relief.
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some other things i like to keep on hand and use for physical aches and pains like muscle pain, arthritis, strains, swelling. i like having a variety of options. i aint getting any younger. i can run out of lotions, pills, etc, but the magnets will never run out.

absorbine jr - vet versiuon--same as human. i put in roll on applicator

DMSO - i put this in a roll on also

lidocane gel or roll on--these are also real good that can help alot

medical magnets--no joke- they work great, last forever
-these things are excellent. you can get pads you can put on back, neck, arm, cheat, alsp can get spot magnets to tape on somewhere. got some foot pain? tape a couple spot magnets on, works great.

i tripped and fell and messed my knee up. so i taped on a couple of the spot magnets, swelling is reduced and pain is reduced. ive used such things for many years and rely on them alot. the brand and gauss strength is the key as there is cheap crap out that that doesnt do much.
my favs proven over the years. you got foot pain? you can get foot pads that help me alot.

spot magnets -,aps,443&sr=8-1

magnet pad - worth every penny

small stick on magnets - these are small tape on magnets - i use for arthritis on hands, fingers, knuckles. once tape wears off i save them and just use a bandaid or similar to tape on and reuse.

one of my favorite brands i go to is
I just bought DMSO! Does it work? I haven't tried it yet. I haven't tried magnets either but heck I'll try them. I fell and messed my knee up too. I had an infection that lowered my BP and fell hard on my knee. Now I have bad arthritis in it. Very bad. Been taking boron a friend recommended but it hasn't worked yet. I have a bakers cyst now too.

Those Salonpas patches work good too for pain you can get to.
They can feel free to spank us for dragging the thread off topic, but us Americans are being beaten like a redheaded stepchild :mad:.
I'll add the missing facts for SoJer's post for people that can do math:

So multiply that X15, and subtract $100.
Then ask yourself: how much does a 3-day cruise to Cozumel for 2 people (with free food and entertainment:D) cost?
Is it 'free' with just that?
I think that we have to realize that we are under attack - in every way possible.
FYI, “hospital strength’ ibuprofen is 800 mg. As with anything don’t take it all the time.

I second the Excedrin type pills that mix Acetaminophen, aspirin and caffeine, if you can have those. I normally don’t take anything and just put up with the old age joint pain but if there is something else going on I have a supply of OTC’s to try and help.

Remember, when the pandemic started those were on the hard-to-find list.
We have OTC, ibuprofen from doctor, (they always give too much & I do not take more than I have to),
We have pain gel & a few contact creams & Arnica pills.

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