Paranormal activity

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shanrose, I know you saw it. I wonder if someone snuck over-the-line, your ESP kicked in or something else.
Saw what? You've piqued my interest! I have felt God close - I'm just dealing with evil people that I want out of my life. I've been praying and would appreciate your prayers. I can't understand why they're in my life when I want them gone.
There is a veil between the living and the dead. Sometimes it is very thin. Sometimes the more one focuses on spooky stuff that isn't righteous it draws the dark side closer. I do believe in heaven and hell. I know there is a dark and evil side. From such I stay away.

I lean towards the light, it is safe there.
No one makes excuses for God, they make excuses for weak people and blame God for their own choices. God set us free to control our own destiny. He wants us to love him because we choose to, not because we have to. In doing so everything that happens to someone is a result of every choice they ever made or the choice another human made for them.

If it's good, it's God. If it's not good, it's not God. Period.

Weather is a construct of Earth, i.e. the world. God does not control the world, Satan does. According to the Bible, Satan is referred to as the “prince of this world” (John 12:31), “ruler of this world” (John 14:30), and “god of this world” (2 Corinthians 4:4). Again, people blame God because they don't have faith and or they claim to but don't actually understand the word.
I'm dealing with a spiritual attack by several evil siblings and their corrupt lawyer. I BADLY want them out of my life but it's a probate that's dragging out. I'd appreciate everyone's prayers as I'm very weary. I'm no stranger to spiritual attacks but I need a break.
There is a veil between the living and the dead. Sometimes it is very thin. Sometimes the more one focuses on spooky stuff that isn't righteous it draws the dark side closer. I do believe in heaven and hell. I know there is a dark and evil side. From such I stay away.

I lean towards the light, it is safe there.
I too stay away from the dark side - until I'm under spiritual attack such as now and it's in my face. I'm dealing with two evil siblings and their corrupt lawyer. I am tired and have begged God to get them out of our lives but He's not answering. Thus, the questioning of my faith.
Saw what? You've piqued my interest! I have felt God close - I'm just dealing with evil people that I want out of my life. I've been praying and would appreciate your prayers. I can't understand why they're in my life when I want them gone.
Instead of a 'Like" response, you responded with a "SawIt". I thought you may have seen something. Sorry, I didn't understand what you were saying.
shanrose, I know you saw it. I wonder if someone snuck over-the-line, your ESP kicked in or something else.
If someone snuck over the barrier how do you get them out? I've been reading about 'Familiar Spirits" because there is something evil that came down through my ex-family.
I'm dealing with a spiritual attack by several evil siblings and their corrupt lawyer. I BADLY want them out of my life but it's a probate that's dragging out. I'd appreciate everyone's prayers as I'm very weary. I'm no stranger to spiritual attacks but I need a break.
I hope you have a decent lawyer. A lot of them are devil's disciples.
Instead of a 'Like" response, you responded with a "SawIt". I thought you may have seen something. Sorry, I didn't understand what you were saying.
The only thing I saw was that bush that felt so strongly like God was there. I'm not saying I'm on par with Moses, but that was the only thing that I could think of was God being in the bush.
Yes they are. My good sister & I don't have a lawyer. We had one early on and when the other two evil siblings were appointed their lawyer took over - and she is of her father the DEVIL. Liar, thief, false accuser.
The judge ruled in our favor and basically called the two evil siblings greedy and liars but they're still. PR and we asked for their removal.
I am so beyond weary.
The judge ruled in our favor and basically called the two evil siblings greedy and liars but they're still. PR and we asked for their removal.
I am so beyond weary.
I've begged God that he take them out - I can't understand why he leaves the old witch alive to lie, cheat, and be ugly. I don't understand God.
It always impresses me when someone believes in nothing and that everything that exists just happened by accident somehow. That takes a level of deep seeded faith and imagination I just don't possess.
I got put off by traditional religion when I was growing up, I have always preferred the big bang and evolution to some omnipotent invisible superbeing.
I got put off by traditional religion when I was growing up, I have always preferred the big bang and evolution to some omnipotent invisible superbeing.
I know that an intelligent creator had to have made all this - I just don't get the evil that we're subjected to.
I haven't experienced anything with the hereafter. Dealing with these two hateful siblings is dealing with their father, the devil. I begged God to remove them.
Another thing is near death experiences. A friend of mine tried to commit suicide decades ago by taking ALL of her husband's xanax pills. Fortunately he came home, saw her laying in the hallway, unconscious so he called 911 and she was saved. She very vividly remembered talking to her late family and friends. She talked about that a LOT.
Another thing is near death experiences. A friend of mine tried to commit suicide decades ago by taking ALL of her husband's xanax pills. Fortunately he came home, saw her laying in the hallway, unconscious so he called 911 and she was saved. She very vividly remembered talking to her late family and friends. She talked about that a LOT.
Wow. That's interesting. A member of our family is a medical professional who said that people do see something before death. She told me about one man who was screaming as he was dying but then called out to his mother.
Wow. That's interesting. A member of our family is a medical professional who said that people do see something before death. She told me about one man who was screaming as he was dying but then called out to his mother.
Adding to that, a friend of mine and her daughter are both registered nurses. Her daughter works in hospice. She was saying a lot of her patients, just before death, will reach up and look like they are grabbing something. Is it grabbing the Other Side? She said this while we were investigating a house at 541 6th Ave, Council Bluffs, IA, that was built in the 1860s, that is supposed to be haunted and I believe it is. It is an attorney's office. A friend of mine works there for an attorney. She gets weird feeling there.
I got put off by traditional religion when I was growing up, I have always preferred the big bang and evolution to some omnipotent invisible superbeing.

It's easier to believe the earth and its inhabitants are part of trillion year long alien science experiment or that woodland nymphs created us through selective breeding than nothing somehow randomly exploded into nothing from nothing in an empty void of nothing and accidentally created everything that exists in the universe. That's goes way beyond any kind of logical comprehension or belief in a super deity. I think I would select scientology before I went with the big bang theory, at least scientology has some semblance of possibility to it.
I think it was the Catholic faith the founding fathers did not want in the new republic as they saw it as a problematic faith. As our nation grew so did the calls for more leniency to other faiths. This led to the eventual thumbs up to Catholic, Muslim, Islamic, and other faiths as well as Voodoo, Santa Marta, and of course Satanic.
Adding to that, a friend of mine and her daughter are both registered nurses. Her daughter works in hospice. She was saying a lot of her patients, just before death, will reach up and look like they are grabbing something. Is it grabbing the Other Side? She said this while we were investigating a house at 541 6th Ave, Council Bluffs, IA, that was built in the 1860s, that is supposed to be haunted and I believe it is. It is an attorney's office. A friend of mine works there for an attorney. She gets weird feeling there.
People with NDE's (Near Death Experiences) have reported they've had a past loved one, spouse or family member maybe life long best friend, waiting for them to help them along with crossing over. They also claimed, not all, that the person was stretching out their hand to hold. Perhaps this is what they are reaching for. Lenny do a full research on the house through county/city records to see who all owned lived there and any deaths at that address. Go back with voice recorders asking who is here and why are you staying. Talk to your friend about what kind of feelings she gets. Is it a feeling of foreboding? Being watched?
It's easier to believe the earth and its inhabitants are part of trillion year long alien science experiment or that woodland nymphs created us through selective breeding than nothing somehow randomly exploded into nothing from nothing in an empty void of nothing and accidentally created everything that exists in the universe. That's goes way beyond any kind of logical comprehension or belief in a super deity. I think I would select scientology before I went with the big bang theory, at least scientology has some semblance of possibility to it.
I have my own beliefs I feel would be better off kept to myself. Although I do believe in God I think differently than others. When you start viewing your thoughts to others, without even down playing or ridiculing their beliefs, they turn hostile as your not following their concepts. I would love to share my thoughts and feelings but those to share with are very few and far between.
I think so - but I'm unsure what he wants. I think I'm dull of hearing.
Just have faith in God to do the right thing for you. Pray to God telling him the others are doing evil deeds and to protect you from their deeds. Have faith and trust God. I had an experience where some people I knew were spreading lies about me. I told God that the people are bearing false witness against me and I turn it over to you. Your power and wisdom is so much greater than mine. Please take care of this. Less than 24 hours and the ones responsible where dealt with! Other people knew they were lying and made them tell the truth!
Adding to that, a friend of mine and her daughter are both registered nurses. Her daughter works in hospice. She was saying a lot of her patients, just before death, will reach up and look like they are grabbing something. Is it grabbing the Other Side? She said this while we were investigating a house at 541 6th Ave, Council Bluffs, IA, that was built in the 1860s, that is supposed to be haunted and I believe it is. It is an attorney's office. A friend of mine works there for an attorney. She gets weird feeling there.
Maybe the veil is lifted before death and they can see their loved ones - that's what it seems like.
It's easier to believe the earth and its inhabitants are part of trillion year long alien science experiment or that woodland nymphs created us through selective breeding than nothing somehow randomly exploded into nothing from nothing in an empty void of nothing and accidentally created everything that exists in the universe. That's goes way beyond any kind of logical comprehension or belief in a super deity. I think I would select scientology before I went with the big bang theory, at least scientology has some semblance of possibility to it.
We need to ask God to remove the veil from him that Satan places there. When someone cannot "see" yet then it's Satan's doing.