Paranormal activity

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I think it was the Catholic faith the founding fathers did not want in the new republic as they saw it as a problematic faith. As our nation grew so did the calls for more leniency to other faiths. This led to the eventual thumbs up to Catholic, Muslim, Islamic, and other faiths as well as Voodoo, Santa Marta, and of course Satanic.
This used to be mostly a Christian nation. I don't know what happened, and why many left the faith. Plus, they imported many people who hold those different beliefs.
Just have faith in God to do the right thing for you. Pray to God telling him the others are doing evil deeds and to protect you from their deeds. Have faith and trust God. I had an experience where some people I knew were spreading lies about me. I told God that the people are bearing false witness against me and I turn it over to you. Your power and wisdom is so much greater than mine. Please take care of this. Less than 24 hours and the ones responsible where dealt with! Other people knew they were lying and made them tell the truth!
The judge basically called them liars and greedy - but I want them out of my life.
Go back with voice recorders asking who is here and why are you staying. Talk to your friend about what kind of feelings she gets. Is it a feeling of foreboding? Being watched?
I talked to it on a voice box:
Me: Hi
It: Hi
Me: How do you feel?
It: Sad
Me: Are you in prison?
It: Yes
Me: Prison in Council Bluffs?
It: No
Me: Prison in Clarinda?
It: Yes
That was it.

I knew beforehand that the house was for teenage girls to go to get religion. There was a janitor who worked there that was not mentally right and he would molest the girls, so he was tossed into an insane asylum in Clarinda, Iowa.
God always listens, we just don't always watch and listen for his answer.

The biggest obstacle between God and our receiving his blessings, is us. Humans have a very hard time getting out of our own way and receiving the gifts he has to offer.

I think it was Jazzy who posted this first, but it affected me deeply. I will never forget it, and it bears repeating.

How long could you survive if all you had was what you thanked God for yesterday?

We are quick to ask God for help or assistance, but slow to thank Him for what he has provided.

Lenny, your friend, Gene, is earning his place in Heaven doing that kind of work. God bless him. He will be rewarded.
There are people who believe without question and people who deny without evidence. Both are closed minded people. A true believer, and investigator, should be a skeptical person gathering all the evidence as possible and trying to debunk or disprove any event. Being able to "recreate" an event is not always disproving. Therefore trying to prove an event is not turning evidence into proof. The evidence will prove it's self one way or the other. True deniers will disbelieve until they have their own jaw dropping pants filling encounter(s). Non skeptical believers think every sound in the middle of the night is paranormal. This can led to paranoia and totally unwarranted actions. Keep an open mind and look, think for yourself.
I believe in God, I just have a hard time with evil happening. I always ask God and I always pray. I have seen some indisputable answers. I love the beauty of God and of Holiness. My answers will come.
Please keep this thread on the topic of
paranormal activity.
How do you keep politics and especially religion out of a topic like this? I have avoided a couple of posts to avoid anything that could possibly be construed as political. Some people seem to be over sensitive in their definitions.
In my opinion, discussing relationships in a family, lawyers, etc. might be better suited for this thread topic if there was actual proof of actions that indicated that weird things were occurring to the person posting or things she/he had seen or experienced. I am not going to give examples of what that could be, use your imagination.
That is what this moderator is referring to. This person has spoken about the bad relationship and bad juju between him/herself and the evil sisters multiple times in other threads. It doesn't bear repeating in a paranormal thread.
In my opinion, discussing relationships in a family, lawyers, etc. might be better suited for this thread topic if there was actual proof of actions that indicated that weird things were occurring to the person posting or things she/he had seen or experienced. I am not going to give examples of what that could be, use your imagination.
That is what this moderator is referring to. This person has spoken about the bad relationship and bad juju between him/herself and the evil sisters multiple times in other threads. It doesn't bear repeating in a paranormal thread.
Yes I veered off topic. Excuse me.
How do you keep politics and especially religion out of a topic like this? I have avoided a couple of posts to avoid anything that could possibly be construed as political. Some people seem to be over sensitive in their definitions.
Yes I think that religion is entangled with the "Paranormal" as it's all to do with the spiritual.
Is Paranormal activity limited to evil? Can't acts of God, or what we believe to be acts of God, be considered Paramormal activity?

IMHO our perception of paranormal activity is ghosts, and evil spirits, conjuring up demons from the past. Couldn't it just as well be the power of good?

By definition:
Paranormal activity refers to events or experiences that seem unusual or unnatural, often attributed to magical, supernatural, or folkloric origins. These events fall outside the scope of normal scientific understanding and include phenomena related to extrasensory perception, spiritualism, ghost hunting, cryptozoology, and ufology.!&&p=a77b...pdGFubmljYS5jb20vdG9waWMvcGFyYW5vcm1hbA&ntb=1
It's easier to believe the earth and its inhabitants are part of trillion year long alien science experiment or that woodland nymphs created us through selective breeding than nothing somehow randomly exploded into nothing from nothing in an empty void of nothing and accidentally created everything that exists in the universe. That's goes way beyond any kind of logical comprehension or belief in a super deity. I think I would select scientology before I went with the big bang theory, at least scientology has some semblance of possibility to it.
I have lived a long life and in all that time I have seen no evidence of any kind of invisible omnipotent superbeing, religion was invented by human beings to keep the peasants under control, as for the big bang it has been proved by science- not scientology which I have no truck with either. I am a pagan because of religious indoctrination growing up and adhere to no religion because of that indoctrination.
I have started my own forum and politics and religion are banned .