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Magpie that pic looks like the palace. The Rathaus pic didn't show for me.
Here you go :thumbs:.
I'm curious about the 2-level merry-go-round:dunno::
I'm not eating these boys...they will be breeders. Whoever I dont sell, I want babies from them to see if they will pass on those feathers.
Barred and metallic feathers are good money makers for crafters, costume makers n bow n arrow folks, fly fishing folks n what not.
I only have one male I'd put in the freezer at this time but I have a neighbor who has interest in him. He is my other purebred and is fairly gentle n easy going since I raised him.
I'm not eating these boys...they will be breeders. Whoever I dont sell, I want babies from them to see if they will pass on those feathers.
Barred and metallic feathers are good money makers for crafters, costume makers n bow n arrow folks, fly fishing folks n what not.
I only have one male I'd put in the freezer at this time but I have a neighbor who has interest in him. He is my other purebred and is fairly gentle n easy going since I raised him.
So, back the names: Snuggles, Fluffy, Cuddles ...
So far my two breeder Tom's are Snorkel and Uncle Chester.
Uncle Chester tried to breed a juvenile hen one day..So it was Uncle Touchy or Uncle Chester ..Chester stuck since his chest kept smacking her head in his
He has since figured out the adult ladies are a better score..
I had turkeys as a kid, started with 2 hens and a gobbler. They were part of FFA projects. Lost all my birds in the tornado that took the house, geese too.

Don't remember much about raising them. Pretty much like a chicken but it's much harder to find a nest. The hens get super sneaky, they are smart and very good at hiding. (We free ranged w/chickens during the day in spring)
I've had hens successfully incubate nests and show up at the coop with chicks in tow..I had no idea they were sitting.
Last year I had a wild hen live near my garden with her chicks ..she was going to the coop with a few other wild ones but was the only one who stuck around to nest. I kept her n her chicks in water and food under the apple tree to make it eaiser on her.
Some of my flock I'm not entirely sure they are U. Chester's . They might be hybreeds..
We used to have Turkey Tom and Garage Turkey. Turkey Tom knew he was a Turkey and stayed with the girls at the barn.

Garage Turkey hung out in the garage and held conversations with hubby when he was wood working. You could say what was on your mind and when you were done, he would talk back. He would follow hubby like a dog and keep up with his end of the conversation. It kept him from becoming dinner. He died of old age.
Might be hard to see, but there are two swans flying in the picture, and below, some gorse, which has yellow flowers...
View attachment 121858
I looked up gorse, hadn't heard that name. It doesn't grow here, nothing with that appearance. Strange plant, an evergreen in the pea family. There are several wild pea family plants here, vines mostly. All are toxic to some degree. None are evergreen.
Six barn cats on the front porch in the sunshine. Four dogpiled on one rocking chair, the other two on a wheelchair seat. Old dog "chookie" doesn't care, he's napping on the door mat. I can see them out the window. Lunch must of made them sleepy.
Six barn cats on the front porch in the sunshine. Four dogpiled on one rocking chair, the other two on a wheelchair seat. Old dog "chookie" doesn't care, he's napping on the door mat. I can see them out the window. Lunch must of made them sleepy.

Screenshot 2023-12-28 at 1.31.14 PM.png

Meowski, Clawsen and Purrtle would like to discuss your discriminatory use of "Dogpiled". Mis-specieing (SP?) is a terrible issue among some communitys :p
Meowski Clawen and Purrtle.jpeg
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@Flight Love the trusses. I'm fascinated by the style and construction. Looks similar to gable style but with a flat top. I hope you post more pics of how it looks when the roof goes on. Would love more angles of the trusses too.

Mom has been bruising up from the IVs and having blood drawn. One IV blew out and it took them 5 tries to get the next one in. Putting it under spoiler tags for people who get squicked out by stuff like this.
They moved the O2 monitor to Mom's earlobe because it was hurting her finger and getting in the way.
View attachment 120809
I have garage envy of this place I keep passing on the way to Eunice. It's in Mamou.
View attachment 120812View attachment 120813
How did you do that “Spoiler” thing? That house? Waaaaay too big for my preference.
I had to drink a bunch of beer to make room in the beer fridge after the kitchen fridge died! Sometimes it's all about what's best for everyone else!😉🍺
Thanks for such an unselfish sacrifice, Pearl. 🤣
The horse is in the barn looking for his dinner.
View attachment 121239
That horse sees his dinner, he just can’t reach it.
How did you do that “Spoiler” thing? That house? Waaaaay too big for my preference.

Thanks for such an unselfish sacrifice, Pearl. 🤣

That horse sees his dinner, he just can’t reach it.
I manually typed in spoiler tags. It's [ spoiler ] (without spaces) and [ /spoiler ] (again, without spacers. The /spoiler goes at the very end of what you want behind the spoiler tag. I believe its bbcode. In HTML it would be <> and </>.

I said the word "walkies" and the dogs just about lost their minds so I went out with them for a few minutes and got some photos.
Moon was still up over the trees.

The moon was a tiny spec above the tree in this picture but in person it looked larger

It was foggy off to the south and frost was still on the ground

In the shade to the northwest the dogs were exploring the trees that reach out into the yard for sunlight.

If I clean up the weeds and cow crap, this is a spot where I want to photograph some friends sitting near the lower branch that is running sort of horizontal.

This old shed was here when we first moved in- flanked by two trees. A tree fell behind it and dinged the roof a bit.

Tree to the left of the shed (as I'm facing it)

Facing east, this is a branch from the tree to the right of the shed

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