Preparations Update

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How's about I let you try out the new cultivator? Then we can go and shoot some pew pew pew's!🔫 Sorry about the imogi.....but it's the only one we've got now. Mine doesn't look like that!;)

We stumbled in to a new (to us) gun store......come with us next time! I'm sure we'll be back again. Most of the guns were used, but still nice and shiny AND the prices were awesome. I had absolutely NO intention of buying anything until eyes locked. Love at first sight!
Sounds like fun. Be right over 😂
We did a major cleanup of the barn this weekend which was long overdue.

Now, I feel a need to stock up more! Ack!
We're planning a trip within the next few days to our favorite meat market many miles away to stock up on pork products, namely sausage and bacon. I can always make a meal of those things! They have nice quality meat and I can get sausage and bacon for about $3/pound. The freezers are pretty full, but I'll find room for that. If we need to jetison some ice to make room, I'll do it. I just don't want to start up the spare freezer b/c we already have too many freezers as it is.

I'm buying up any deals that I find while I'm there.....and they always have some. I'm taking extra coolers just to make sure we can capitalize on deals along with a wallet full of cash.

I told hubby when we get back we need to take another inventory of any empty gas/diesel cans and get them filled. I think this autumn is going to be.....interesting. I always get the 'nesting' feeling in the fall, but this year it's even more intense for obvious reasons. I want to be fully, if not overly stocked this year! Unfortunately, the garden didn't produce like I hoped.:(

Now.....if I can only keep hubby away from a gun store that is right next door to the meat market. :rolleyes: I know he's gonna wander over there and they have nice and shiny Henry rifles. He has a hard time resisting those!🤔

ETA: I'd really like to go earlier but our schedule just won't allow it.
Picked up some new five gallon pastic gas cans.. I have a feeling we will be needing them this fall for the coming shortages. We have some larger storage containers but the five gallon ones don't cause the curiosity from others.
We are making a journey at the end of this week (if the world hasn't fallen apart) so I am taking a couple of brand new empty ones along just in case we run into shortages.
So here is my preparedness update:

I have moved some food supplies to the kitchen for immediate use and started to divide longer term and shorter term foods, like buckets of rice versus MRE's and ration bars. Trying to get an idea of what I will take versus try and liquidate if I end up moving, which seems likely. I don't have anything expiring in the next 2 years so it should still have value.

I have also acquired more ammo boxes, metal and plastic, to have a more uniform and easy to relocate ammo stockpile. Plus I am selling off a half dozen matched sets of rifles and handguns on consignment. I also keep looking through the racks and shelves for guns I don't really care for or have any attachment to that could also be sold. My top 20 favorite long guns and top 15 handguns are already in rugged heavy duty cases.

I am also actively sorting through tools, supplies, and a mass of other items I have held on to the decide what stays, what I will give away, what I will sell and what will end up at the dump. I am not a hoarder, but I will retain items I feel I will likely use in the future.
So here is my preparedness update:

I have moved some food supplies to the kitchen for immediate use and started to divide longer term and shorter term foods, like buckets of rice versus MRE's and ration bars. Trying to get an idea of what I will take versus try and liquidate if I end up moving, which seems likely. I don't have anything expiring in the next 2 years so it should still have value.

I have also acquired more ammo boxes, metal and plastic, to have a more uniform and easy to relocate ammo stockpile. Plus I am selling off a half dozen matched sets of rifles and handguns on consignment. I also keep looking through the racks and shelves for guns I don't really care for or have any attachment to that could also be sold. My top 20 favorite long guns and top 15 handguns are already in rugged heavy duty cases.

I am also actively sorting through tools, supplies, and a mass of other items I have held on to the decide what stays, what I will give away, what I will sell and what will end up at the dump. I am not a hoarder, but I will retain items I feel I will likely use in the future.
Over the years I have come to the conclusion that the difference between you being a hoarder and me being a hoarder boils down to this
You are in fact a hoarder IF you have more than me
I on the other hand am just a collector
When we went to the meat store, the prices had jumped from our previous trip. I know.....what a surprise! :rolleyes: The sausage is now $3.49 per pound (10# minimum purchase) and the bacon was $2.99 for a 12 oz pkg instead of 16 oz (10 package minimum). We bought them anyways b/c we know prices aren't going down. We also found some other gems that we were happy with. We got 2 huge bags (I'd guess 7# each) of fully cooked wing dings for $10. We put those in the air fryer when I don't want to cook and they are delicious! I wish we'd gotten more. We also found some smoked chops for $2.99 per pound that are also really good. After finding a few more gems, we spent $230. We had a cart full so I didn't feel bad about that. Hubby also didn't find a gun he couldn't live without, so that was good.

All the gas tanks and containers are topped off while we are seeing a lull in gas prices here. I know that won't hold up for long so we made the trip to fill everything.
I've just been replacing what we've been using.
We do have 3 freezers now full of meats and butter and some frozen juice concentrates (great for using in baking and marinades and dressings).
Been stocking up paper products, health and beauty aids, and our supplements we take.
(I firmly believe that me upping my vit D and zinc and eating more protein 3 weeks before and after surgery helped with the recovery.)

I'm keeping an eye out and watching to see if any soil amendments go on discount, so I can stock up

I really want some walking onions, so I plan to look for those this winter online and hopefully grab some before they're out of stock.

I have jars and jars of dried herbs now and they're still coming on so I'll keep drying them and vacuum sealing them in jars
Guess I'm partial. I like Azure Standard. I can add to it as I remember or the need arises and I pick it up a couple blocks away once per month. It's worked out really well for me. The other part is I'm not fond of cities so like to avoid going there. Like I said, I know folks who love it - I'm just not one of them. (I don't care to shop at all so there's that too 🤪 )

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Azure Standard is a family owned and independent company dedicated to providing carefully chosen, affordable organic, natural and non-GMO groceries, health, household and garden products. In fact, we have over 12,000 options to meet the needs of health-minded households.

Along with regular size orders, we also offer bulk orders, so that you can save even more on your monthly groceries.

Get your order delivered through the mail (UPS or USPS), or through our unique delivery system of Drop Points - these are places where you pick your order up (see map).

Welcome to Our Community!

Azure Standard is a family owned and independent company dedicated to providing carefully chosen, affordable organic, natural and non-GMO groceries, health, household and garden products. In fact, we have over 12,000 options to meet the needs of health-minded households.

Along with regular size orders, we also offer bulk orders, so that you can save even more on your monthly groceries.

Get your order delivered through the mail (UPS or USPS), or through our unique delivery system of Drop Points - these are places where you pick your order up (see map).
There is finally a drop by me!!!!

Although I feel that is an indication of something.
I needed to get a 'bi-annual' haircut, had some other errands to do, and had the day I stocked up as if it was my last normal day at the grocery store. I hope it's not, but who knows?

* I grabbed some more canned foods,,,,potatoes, chow mein, corned beef, etc.
......when checking out the lady asked if the chicken chow mein was as good as it was many years ago. I told her no, but it's still better than going out to eat if you don't have anything ready b/c it's quick and relatively cheap. We rarely eat it, but it's a canned meal so I picked up a couple of them with the canned noodles to go with it.
* I grabbed a few more boxes of ammo b/c it was on the shelf.
* picked up some fresh yeast
* picked up some fresh flour, sugar, and salt
* picked up 6 quarts worth of powdered milk
* got more sausage at Aldi (which is cheaper than our preferred) to blend with the venison hubby will get this fall. During deer season, Aldi is usually sold out of sausage, so since they had it, I bought 10 more packages.
* picked up some more paper products that I didn't really need such as plates, utinsils, and paper towels for storage.
* got a couple of gifts for friends
* got some seeds on clearance for .25 per packet
* stocked up on bottled water since we went thru a fair amount over the summer, but unless we're on the road or camping, we typically drink tap water filtered thru a Berkey.
* grabbed some goodies and adult beverages for the Labor Day weekend so I don't have to go to town again before the big BBQ.
* topped off the fuel tank on the way home.
I needed to get a 'bi-annual' haircut, had some other errands to do, and had the day I stocked up as if it was my last normal day at the grocery store. I hope it's not, but who knows?

* I grabbed some more canned foods,,,,potatoes, chow mein, corned beef, etc.
......when checking out the lady asked if the chicken chow mein was as good as it was many years ago. I told her no, but it's still better than going out to eat if you don't have anything ready b/c it's quick and relatively cheap. We rarely eat it, but it's a canned meal so I picked up a couple of them with the canned noodles to go with it.
* I grabbed a few more boxes of ammo b/c it was on the shelf.
* picked up some fresh yeast
* picked up some fresh flour, sugar, and salt
* picked up 6 quarts worth of powdered milk
* got more sausage at Aldi (which is cheaper than our preferred) to blend with the venison hubby will get this fall. During deer season, Aldi is usually sold out of sausage, so since they had it, I bought 10 more packages.
* picked up some more paper products that I didn't really need such as plates, utinsils, and paper towels for storage.
* got a couple of gifts for friends
* got some seeds on clearance for .25 per packet
* stocked up on bottled water since we went thru a fair amount over the summer, but unless we're on the road or camping, we typically drink tap water filtered thru a Berkey.
* grabbed some goodies and adult beverages for the Labor Day weekend so I don't have to go to town again before the big BBQ.
* topped off the fuel tank on the way home.
You mentioned your haircut. Hubby and I cut our own hair. My hair scissors are so old an nicked up, I bought a new pair. Couldn't believe I hadn't thought of having a second pair. (Not that I don't have other scissors, but. . . )
You mentioned your haircut. Hubby and I cut our own hair. My hair scissors are so old an nicked up, I bought a new pair. Couldn't believe I hadn't thought of having a second pair. (Not that I don't have other scissors, but. . . )
I've been cutting his hair since Covid. He always wears a hat so he doesn't care what it looks like. Alrighty then......I think I do a decent job of it now after watching several YT videos on how to do it. The cheap clippers I bought for less than $25 make pretty light work of it. He has received a couple of bad hair cuts by me though. Ah well, nobody seemed to notice.

My hair is straight and I don't style it so it's easy to cut, but since I don't wear hats, I'm not letting him do it! I still end up clipping some of it when I get home b/c I got the same dude at the place I go to and he's just not very good. Now it's $20 plus tip for a cut.:mad: The good thing is that I didn't have to wait in line, but I'm not going there again. I shouldn't have to worry about it for a while now.
I have greatly reduced the amount of "stuff" that was in the garage and eliminated most trash/junk. I have also produced a pallet worth of stuff I am going to try and sell off. Even if I don't end up selling this place and moving I want to be leaner and cleaner. Less short term and perhaps more long term items. I also found a place that buys shipping containers that has the gear needed to load 'em and haul 'em. So that's good. Finally I have been putting boxed or loose ammo into ammo cans, metal and sturdy polymer, which makes it easier to load, haul and stack. Surprised me how much space I have saved.
Well, I bought something totally frivolous, mostly. Last week I ordered another $300 worth of medical preps. This finished the restocking and reorganization of all my medical gear, a project I started planning last winter. Needs change as we age and I was 10yrs behind but I’m done. Should be good for another 5yrs barring surprises. I stocked for those as best I could but they were educated guesses.

Some would say the cash I spent on music was frivolous but I’d argue they were for mental health. If the batteries die and the generator is out of fuel I can still play music, a comfort during stressful times.

Back to this frivolous purchase… brandy is an excellent vehicle for some medicinal tinctures. I have plenty on the shelves. I’ve had two small glasses of cognac this year, one of those was new years eve. I’m not a drinker anymore so did I needed crystal brandy snifters? Probably not but they might fall into the mental health category, maybe, 🤣. Besides I’m facing the big 65 in a few days, thinking I might have another glass of cognac. Now I can do it properly. 😁

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So? What did you do today to update your preps?

(PS - Heya Sent.. We miss ya.. :cool: Fwiw..) Anyhoo.. Welp... Got some 'Involuntary Adaptation-Chops' in on the Van this am, when - yesterday - the Driver's side Window (as I was raising it..) just 'guillotined' down into the Door, while I'm driving to Home Derpo... :eek:

Happily, it didn't shatter (it's custom-tinted also - which May have helped it Not shatter..) but.. Yah - Not a real good situ when - on a Sat - where 'replacement parts' ain't gonna come in on a Sunday, and no friggin chance of ya finding the correct ones 'in Town' (no 'Sprinter carcases' at any of the auto-junkyards here in town.. Back in Zommiefornia.. Tons, but.. Here, nada.. o_O ) Soooo... Time to 'Adapt or Die'.. :)

First, it was sussing out WTHHappened..

Grrr.. NOT how I wanted to spend my Sat am, but...

Turns out, it was a - IMO - Poorly designed (for longevity) 'sliding T-jig' that 'clam-shells' around a T-post, into the armature that raises / lowers the glass..


..I mean.. Not only is Plastic (ABS or otherwise..) a bad choice for a high-tension / friction component (once the Grease invariably wears out..) that is core-critical to the Window being able to Function.. But 'replacement' would be impossible, because the 'T-post' that goes thru it (from the back, out to the armature) is 'Press-fit' into that arm, and then 'stamped over' like a rivet - No way to 'replace this' without replacing That pin also - which you'd need Factory / OEM tools / parts to Do.

..And - 'repair'? Nope.. Even If I could glue this up adequately (And - cannot 'glue-up First', around the T-post, then 'insert into the slide-rail from the end' - because the Arm doesn't extend that far, so.. Can Only 'clam-shell it', in-place.. Which is Impossible to Reach, being both behind the armature / T-post, and Inside the slide-rail. So yah, a 'Glue-up' would have likely lasted Maybe 1-2 Up/Down cycles.. Maybe. So.. Starting at 7 am (with only about 3 hrs till it's a rather difficult to work in 105˚ plus.. o_O ) I had to 'punt'...

First thought was 'skateboard wheel bearing' / stainless bolt / crown-nut, and a Frik-ton of Lithium grease - that'd Work.. :cool: BUT.. Alas, skate-wheel bearings are Too Large of a Dia. (won't Fit in the slide-rail) and while I Do have an assortment of bearings.. Either too small, or too Large / thick.. So.. What about a 'bearing-cored AL-jig', ie:

🤔 Cut it down to just around the bearing / round the hard-edges top/bottom.. and Grease the heck outta it? Well.. Started to think: 'Ehh.. eventually the Grease will dry up (especially in this Heat out here.. o_O ) and then we've got Metal on Metal.. That's - sooner or later - a recipe for friction issues / eventual seizing, etc..

..So I turned to the plethora of 'Why the Hell are you saving THAT??' parts that I 'Rebelliously' keep ;) in various boxen, and came up with a 'Threaded T-Nut / Dual Hard-Plastic Washer (from the plumbing-world) / Fender-washer Jig', that was Just the perfect size for the slide-rail raceway, And 'deep enough' to reach the armature, ie:


The original T-nut had a 'soft rubber roller' on it (I think it was like a drawer-roller perhaps..) but I didn't figure that to Last long, so.. The Hard-Plastic plumbing-washer was Just the right size to Fit / be the 'Roller' in the slide-rail raceway - and - the Core was a Perfect-fit on this T-nut.. Thus.. a 'Solution was Born'.. 👍

..BUT - this meant Dremeling-off / extricating the OEM T-post, so.. Was sort of a 'leap of faith', as Once that was Cut / Removed.. If this didn't work.. I'd have a Much bigger project on my hands to figure something Else out (which would Likely not have been accomplishable in under 3 hrs till the Thermonuclear Furnace rose up to roast me Out.. o_O Nonetheless, I Dremeled-forward, and It worked the Charm..


..Once all tightened up / Red Thread-lockered / Lithium-Greased up to the Max.. It Now works Better / smoother than the OEM chotchkie.. 👍 and IF it ever wears out - I can just heat it up / remove / replace the 'washer-roller' and Bada-bing - The Power of Adaptation. :cool:

I only 'documented this' / posted up as, a) reminder for Myself 'what I did' (for the Invariable Day the Passenger Side one gives up the ghost :rolleyes:) and I've already pre-prepped another 2x of these (and Yes, they're In the Van, now, so.. IF this happens again 'on the Road', somewhere.. I Can deal with it..)

..but also, b) to - Once again - Champion the Value of Adaptation. PRACTICE WHEN / WHERE YA CAN, Ya'll, because - At Some Point in the not-too-distant, we Will Not be ABLE to just 'go Buy stuff / Order Online', as easily (if At All..) as we've been So 'spoiled by', for so many decades, but.. To be Sure.. CHANGE IS COMING to this Country, and, well.. 'Adapt or Die'. :cool:

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So as part of my preparations routine I generally keep an eye on the world crop reports and things don't look too bad, beginning stocks of livestock are a little down, but overall not bad. Then I read about the potential dock workers strike on the East Coast, this is bad if you consider that much of the fresh food is now shipped in... So I did a quick inventory of my paper goods, cleaning supplies, staple food storage shelves and the freezers. We are okay, but I did place a rather large order with Costco just to top off the tank so to speak... :)
I also topped off the vehicles fuel tanks and filled my gerry cans in case I need the generator...
We have been increasing our long term food stock. My wife, who has lived her life in paranoia, thinks that if the hyena is elected it will be TEOTWAKI. I'm glad she is concerned and I am O .K. with everything she bought. It won't go bad. Given the shelf life it should outlast us, and if nothing happens we will eat it in our old age.
I've spent much of the summer using up some of my stock, as I wanted to make room for some precooked dinners in the freezer, and some of my cupboard sauces etc are out of date.
Yesterday, while looking for papers, I found some money I hid (or put aside for something specific and cant remember what). I took 20 and today bought 4 extra large chickens that are on special.
My question to you is- if you had an extra 100, and imagining you are pretty well stocked, what would you spend it on? You folk might some up with something I have forgotten.
Because my grains and canned goods are in good shape, I think I would buy more protein... If I were not stocked up and looking at things, I think I would buy rice, noodles, and canned meat (tuna?). $100 wouldn't get much but it could make things go a week or so longer.
Has anyone here tried the canned bacon? I'd like to have a case or two on hand if its any good. I learned my lesson on canned Mac and cheese. The chickens like it though.
You can, can your own bacon. Lay your bacon out on brown paper, fold and roll up, without any bacon directly touching other bacon. stuff into a widemouth pint jar. Pressure can.
An extra $100...... At this moment I would get some extra batteries for my Coleman camp lanterns.. And canned meats.. Like chicken, and beef.. These may be a bit more expensive than other options priced by the ounce, but the protein is the reason for this choice..

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